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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2012, Volume 14, Issue 11

A review of the multiobjective tradeoff research of construction projects based on intelligent optimization algorithm

College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

Funding project:国家自然科学基金资助项目(70871088,71272146) Received: 2012-07-21 Available online: 2012-11-05 11:17:01.000

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The optimal equilibrium between the multiple objectives of construction projects is a significant aspect of project management research, which has seen rapid development in recent years, gaining a bunch of fruitful achievements. In this paper, a review is provided for the multiobjective tradeoff research of construction projects based on literature review. Models under deterministic conditions and nondeterministic conditions are investigated and summarized. Some suggestions on the possible direction for future research are included considering the algorithms adopted in the problem solution. This paper aims at providing a review of the achievements in this area so far and keeping track of the ongoing research topics so as to give certain indications for research that follows.


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