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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2013, Volume 15, Issue 5

Summarization of prevention and removing technology against terrorist attacks explosion

School of Battlefield Engineering, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210007, China

Funding project:国家反恐怖科技专项(“709”计划)(2005FK130002) Received: 2013-03-19 Available online: 2013-05-13 13:05:34.000

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Bomb attack is the cruelest and the most sanguinary terrorist activity, and it is hard to keep away. Prevention and removing technology is the most direct means against terrorist attack explosion. It contains the equipment and means of explosive search, removing and prevention. Nowadays, there has been great progress in prevention and removing technology against terrorist attack explosion. However, there are still several technical problems. This paper analyzes the pattern of terrorist attack activity, the equipment and shielding technology of explosive search and removing. It studies the technical means of explosive detection, prevention and removing, and puts forward research idea directly to the limitation of current existing equipment and technology.


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