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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2014, Volume 16, Issue 10

Internationalization of Chinese nonferrous metals enterprises: Development status and key issues

Business School of Central South University,Changsha 410083,China

Funding project:中国工程院院士科技咨询课题(2013-XY-9)“矿产资源型企业国际化发展战略关键问题研究”;教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(11YJA790158)“不同治理模式的产业集群在全球价值链治理结构演变中的角色研究”;国家自然科学基金青年项目(71302066)“领先企业外向型直接投资的集群反哺效应研究” Received: 2014-07-20 Available online: 2014-10-30 09:05:03.000

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Internationalization of nonferrous metals enterprises is an important way to optimize resources allocation in a world scale, as well as a strategic decision to realize their own sustainable development. This paper has analyzed the development status of internationalization of Chinese nonferrous metals enterprises from four following perspectives: types of international resources acquisition, evolution of international investment location, innovation of international operation and degree of internationalization. In doing so, it aims to identify development gap between Chinese nonferrous metals enterprises and large foreign ones. The paper has therefore raised four key issues for attention: 1) a single motive of internationalization has caused disintegration of national resource security and enterprises growth; 2) weak risk management capacity calls for improvement in decision-making and implementation capability for overseas mining projects; 3) lacking of strategic coordination among enterprises leads to difficulties in gaining from collaboration.4) due to imbalance in dual obligations’ constrain and motivation, it is desirable to tolerate failures of overseas mining projects at a certain level for the governance of national assets.





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