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Design and preliminary evaluation of an exoskeleton for upper limb resistance training

Tzong-Ming WU, Dar-Zen CHEN

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2012, Volume 7, Issue 2,   Pages 188-198 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0327-2

Abstract: A compact design of upper limb exoskeleton mechanism for home-based resistance training using a spring-loadedupper limb exoskeleton with a three degree-of-freedom shoulder joint and a one degree-of-freedom elbowadopting an appropriate motion analysis system and experimental design to verify our prototype of the exoskeletonand determine the optimal configuration of the spring-loaded upper limb exoskeleton.

Keywords: exoskeleton     free-weight exercise     upper limb     motion analysis    

Design and experiment of a novel pneumatic soft arm based on a deployable origami exoskeleton

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11465-023-0770-2

Abstract: In this research, a novel soft arm was developed by coupling a rigid origami exoskeleton with soft airbagsThe joint module of the soft arm was composed of a deployable origami exoskeleton and three soft airbags

Keywords: pneumatic soft arm     soft airbag     deployable origami exoskeleton     bistable characteristics     cargo-loading    

Sensor-guided gait-synchronization lower-extremity-exoskeleton for potential application on unilateral Research Articles

Donghai WANG

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2022, Volume 23, Issue 6,   Pages 920-936 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000465

Abstract: joint-angle trajectories between the healthy and knee-injured legs, the simulated knee forces, and the human-exoskeleton

Keywords: Sensor-guided     Lower-extremity-exoskeleton     Body sensor network     Gait synchronization     Weight-support    

Unpowered Knee Exoskeleton Reduces Quadriceps Activity during Cycling Article

Ronnapee Chaichaowarat,Jun Kinugawa,Kazuhiro Kosuge

Engineering 2018, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 471-478 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.07.011

Abstract: We developed an exoskeleton prototype using a crossing four-bar mechanism as a knee joint with an embeddedThis study evaluates the passive knee exoskeleton using constant-power cycling tests performed by eightAt the same cycling load, the median power spectral frequency decreases when cycling with the exoskeletonQuadriceps activity can be relieved despite the exoskeleton consuming no electrical energy and not delivering

Keywords: Augmentation     Cycling     Energy cost     Electromyography     Exoskeleton     Knee     Orthosis     Muscle activity    

Review of human–robot coordination control for rehabilitation based on motor function evaluation

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0684-4

Abstract: As a wearable and intelligent system, a lower limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot can provide auxiliary

Keywords: human–robot coupling     lower limb rehabilitation     exoskeleton robot     motor assessment     dynamical model    

Development of a novel autonomous lower extremity exoskeleton robot forwalking assistance Special Feature on Intelligent Robats

Yong HE, Nan LI, Chao WANG, Lin-qing XIA, Xu YONG, Xin-yu WU

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2019, Volume 20, Issue 3,   Pages 318-329 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800561

Abstract: In this study, we propose a novel intelligent autonomous lower extremity exoskeleton (Auto-LEE), aimingThe new exoskeleton is designed and developed with a modular structure concept and multi-modal human-robot

Keywords: Lower-limb     Exoskeleton     Self-balancing     Bipedal walking     Modular design    

State of the art in movement around a remote point: a review of remote center of motion in robotics

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2024, Volume 19, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11465-024-0785-3

Abstract: The concept of remote center of motion (RCM) is pivotal in a myriad of robotic applications, encompassing areas such as medical robotics, orientation devices, and exoskeletal systems. The efficacy of RCM technology is a determining factor in the success of these robotic domains. This paper offers an exhaustive review of RCM technologies, elaborating on their various methodologies and practical implementations. It delves into the unique characteristics of RCM across different degrees of freedom (DOFs), aiming to distill their fundamental principles. In addition, this paper categorizes RCM approaches into two primary classifications: design based and control based. These are further organized according to their respective DOFs, providing a concise summary of their core methodologies. Building upon the understanding of RCM’s versatile capabilities, this paper then transitions to an in-depth exploration of its applications across diverse robotic fields. Concluding this review, we critically analyze the existing research challenges and issues that are inherently present in both RCM methodologies and their applications. This discussion is intended to serve as a guiding framework for future research endeavors and practical deployments in related areas.

Keywords: remote center of motion     mechanism     robotics     medical robot     orientation device     exoskeleton    

Physical human-robot interaction estimation based control scheme for a hydraulically actuated exoskeleton None

Yi LONG, Zhi-jiang DU, Wei-dong WANG, Long HE, Xi-wang MAO, Wei DONG

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2018, Volume 19, Issue 9,   Pages 1076-1085 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601667


We proposed a lower extremity exoskeleton for power amplification that perceives intended human motionIn this study, torque sensors mounted on the exoskeleton links are proposed for obtaining physical human-robotThe mapping is derived from the real-time state of the robotic exoskeleton during movement.A proportional-integral-derivative control strategy is constructed to drive the robotic exoskeleton toExperiments were performed on a human subject who walked on the floor at a natural speed wearing the robotic exoskeleton

Keywords: Exoskeleton     Physical human-robot interaction     Torque sensor     Human gait     Kalman smoother    

Probabilistic movement primitive based motion learning for a lower limb exoskeleton with black-box optimization Research Article

Jiaqi WANG, Yongzhuo GAO, Dongmei WU, Wei DONG,,,,

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2023, Volume 24, Issue 1,   Pages 104-116 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2200065

Abstract: As a wearable robot, an exoskeleton provides a direct transfer of mechanical power to assist or augmentWhen an exoskeleton is used to facilitate the wearer’s movement, a motion generation process often playsTo adapt the trajectory to different situations when the exoskeleton is used by different wearers, wemotion model is first learned by ProMP offline, which can generate reference trajectories for use by exoskeleton

Keywords: Lower limb exoskeleton     Human-robot interaction     Motion learning     Trajectory generation     Movement primitive    

An untethered cable-driven ankle exoskeleton with plantarflexion-dorsiflexion bidirectional movement Research

Tian-miao Wang, Xuan Pei, Tao-gang Hou, Yu-bo Fan, Xuan Yang, Hugh M. Herr, Xing-bang Yang,,

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2020, Volume 21, Issue 5,   Pages 723-739 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1900455

Abstract: The main weights of the exoskeleton, i.e., the motors, power supplement units, and control units, wereTo validate the power output performance of the exoskeleton, a torque tracking experiment was conductedby 5.2% compared to the state without wearing the exoskeleton.This preliminarily verifies the positive assistance effect of our exoskeleton.The study in this paper demonstrates the promising application of a lightweight exoskeleton on human

Keywords: Ankle exoskeleton     Plantarflexion-dorsiflexion bidirectional assistance     Biological gait torque     Cable-driven    

Human hip joint center analysis for biomechanical design of a hip joint exoskeleton Article

Wei YANG,Can-jun YANG,Ting XU

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2016, Volume 17, Issue 8,   Pages 792-802 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500286

Abstract: An exoskeleton mechanism capable to follow the hip center’s movement was designed to cover the full motionranges of flexion and abduction angles, and was adopted in a lower extremity assistive exoskeleton.during hip flexion and abduction, respectively, leading to a more ergonomic and comfortable-to-wear exoskeleton

Keywords: Hip joint exoskeleton     Hip joint center     Compatible joint     Human-machine interaction force    

Cross-industry standard test method developments: from manufacturing to wearable robots Review


Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2017, Volume 18, Issue 10,   Pages 1447-1457 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601316

Abstract: Manufacturing robotics is moving towards human-robot collaboration with light duty robots being used side by side with workers. Similarly, exoskeletons that are both passive (spring and counterbalance forces) and active (motor forces) are worn by humans and used to move body parts. Exoskeletons are also called ‘wearable robots’ when they are actively controlled using a computer and integrated sensing. Safety standards now allow, through risk assessment, both manufacturing and wearable robots to be used. However, performance standards for both systems are still lacking. Ongoing research to develop standard test methods to assess the performance of manufacturing robots and emergency response robots can inspire similar test methods for exoskeletons. This paper describes recent research on performance standards for manufacturing robots as well as search and rescue robots. It also discusses how the performance of wearable robots could benefit from using the same test methods.

Keywords: Wearable robot     Exoskeleton     Cross-industry     Artifact     Standards     Grasping    

Recognition of walking environments and gait period by surface electromyography Special Feature on Intelligent Robats

Seulki KYEONG, Wonseok SHIN, Minjin YANG, Ung HEO, Ji-rou FENG, Jung KIM

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2019, Volume 20, Issue 3,   Pages 342-352 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800601


Recognizing and predicting the movement and intention of the wearer in control of an exoskeleton robotIt is difficult for exoskeleton robots, which measure and drive human movements, to interact with humansintended motion before the actual movement, and the delay time can be shortened via control of the exoskeletonBefore using a lower limb exoskeleton to help in walking, the aim of this work is to distinguish theThese results suggest that the sEMG signal can be effectively used to control an exoskeleton robot.

Keywords: Walking environment     Gait Period     Surface electromyography (sEMG)     Exoskeleton    

Fixed-time constrained acceleration reconstruction scheme for robotic exoskeleton via neural networks Research

Tao Xue, Zi-wei Wang, Tao Zhang, Ou Bai, Meng Zhang, Bin Han,

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2020, Volume 21, Issue 5,   Pages 649-808 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1900418

Abstract: Accurate acceleration acquisition is a critical issue in the system, but it is difficult to directly obtain the acceleration via the existing sensing systems. The existing algorithm-based acceleration acquisition methods put more attention on finite-time convergence and disturbance suppression but ignore the error constraint and s. To this end, a novel radical bias function neural network (RBFNN) based fixed-time reconstruction scheme with error constraints is designed to realize high-performance acceleration estimation. In this scheme, a novel exponential-type is proposed to handle the error constraints. It also provides a unified and concise Lyapunov stability-proof template for constrained and non-constrained systems. Moreover, a fractional power sliding mode control law is designed to realize , where the convergence time is irrelevant to initial states or external disturbance, and depends only on the chosen parameters. To further enhance observer robustness, an RBFNN with the adaptive weight matrix is proposed to approximate and attenuate the completely unknown disturbances. Numerical simulation and human subject experimental results validate the unique properties and practical robustness.

Keywords: 加速度重构;固定时间收敛;约束控制;障碍李雅普诺夫函数;初始状态无关方法;外骨骼机器人    

Fall preventive gait trajectory planning of a lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton based on capture Research Article

Mei-ying Deng, Zhang-yi Ma, Ying-nan Wang, Han-song Wang, Yi-bing Zhao, Qian-xiao Wei, Wei Yang, Can-jun Yang,

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2019, Volume 20, Issue 10,   Pages 1322-1330 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800777

Abstract: leaning of the wearer’s upper body during rehabilitation training with a lower limb rehabilitation exoskeletonThe instantaneous is obtained by modeling the human-exoskeleton system and using the theory.Based on a model of the human-exoskeleton system and the condition of balance of different phases, atrajectory correction strategy is proposed for the instability of the human-exoskeleton system caused

Keywords: 下肢机器人;捕获点;步态相位;人机系统平衡    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Design and preliminary evaluation of an exoskeleton for upper limb resistance training

Tzong-Ming WU, Dar-Zen CHEN

Journal Article

Design and experiment of a novel pneumatic soft arm based on a deployable origami exoskeleton

Journal Article

Sensor-guided gait-synchronization lower-extremity-exoskeleton for potential application on unilateral

Donghai WANG

Journal Article

Unpowered Knee Exoskeleton Reduces Quadriceps Activity during Cycling

Ronnapee Chaichaowarat,Jun Kinugawa,Kazuhiro Kosuge

Journal Article

Review of human–robot coordination control for rehabilitation based on motor function evaluation

Journal Article

Development of a novel autonomous lower extremity exoskeleton robot forwalking assistance

Yong HE, Nan LI, Chao WANG, Lin-qing XIA, Xu YONG, Xin-yu WU

Journal Article

State of the art in movement around a remote point: a review of remote center of motion in robotics

Journal Article

Physical human-robot interaction estimation based control scheme for a hydraulically actuated exoskeleton

Yi LONG, Zhi-jiang DU, Wei-dong WANG, Long HE, Xi-wang MAO, Wei DONG

Journal Article

Probabilistic movement primitive based motion learning for a lower limb exoskeleton with black-box optimization

Jiaqi WANG, Yongzhuo GAO, Dongmei WU, Wei DONG,,,,

Journal Article

An untethered cable-driven ankle exoskeleton with plantarflexion-dorsiflexion bidirectional movement

Tian-miao Wang, Xuan Pei, Tao-gang Hou, Yu-bo Fan, Xuan Yang, Hugh M. Herr, Xing-bang Yang,,

Journal Article

Human hip joint center analysis for biomechanical design of a hip joint exoskeleton

Wei YANG,Can-jun YANG,Ting XU

Journal Article

Cross-industry standard test method developments: from manufacturing to wearable robots


Journal Article

Recognition of walking environments and gait period by surface electromyography

Seulki KYEONG, Wonseok SHIN, Minjin YANG, Ung HEO, Ji-rou FENG, Jung KIM

Journal Article

Fixed-time constrained acceleration reconstruction scheme for robotic exoskeleton via neural networks

Tao Xue, Zi-wei Wang, Tao Zhang, Ou Bai, Meng Zhang, Bin Han,

Journal Article

Fall preventive gait trajectory planning of a lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton based on capture

Mei-ying Deng, Zhang-yi Ma, Ying-nan Wang, Han-song Wang, Yi-bing Zhao, Qian-xiao Wei, Wei Yang, Can-jun Yang,

Journal Article