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Enterprise-wide optimization of integrated planning and scheduling for refinery-petrochemical complex

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第10期   页码 1516-1532 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2283-7

摘要: This paper focuses on the integrated problem of long-term planning and short-term scheduling in a large-scale refinery-petrochemical complex, and considers the overall manufacturing process from the upstream refinery to the downstream petrochemical site. Different time scales are incorporated from the planning and scheduling subproblems. At the end of each discrete time period, additional constraints are imposed to ensure material balance between different time scales. Discrete time representation is applied to the planning subproblem, while continuous time is applied to the scheduling of ethylene cracking and polymerization processes in the petrochemical site. An enterprise-wide mathematical model is formulated through mixed integer nonlinear programming. To solve the problem efficiently, a heuristic algorithm combined with a convolutional neural network (CNN), is proposed. Binary variables are used as the CNN input, leading to the integration of a data-driven approach and classical optimization by which a heuristic algorithm is established. The results do not only illustrate the detailed operations in a refinery and petrochemical complex under planning and scheduling, but also confirm the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm for solving large-scale problems.

关键词: planning     scheduling     refinery-petrochemical     convolutional neural network     heuristic algorithm    

Integrated transmission and generation planning model in a deregulated environment

Enrique B. CEDE?O, Sant ARORA

《能源前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第2期   页码 182-190 doi: 10.1007/s11708-013-0256-8

摘要: After the deregulation of the Power Sector in the U.S., planning for generation and transmission capacities is decentralized. There is, however, still need for the long term integrated planning of generation and transmission capacities at the macro level, since these two sectors must operate in a coordinated manner. This paper presents a model for integrating generation and transmission expansion planning to identify an indicative expansion plan for the total sector at the macro level. The argument for an integrated model is supported using evidence from integrated planning efforts in real life systems. The application of the proposed model is illustrated using an example that requires expansion of generation and transmission capacities over three regions in a deregulated power system. The example considers that addition of generating capacity should come from renewable sources. The test results show the potential cost saving from integrated planning.

关键词: integrated planning     indicative plans     power generation     transmission     deregulation    

Optimization of multi-objective integrated process planning and scheduling problem using a priority based

Muhammad Farhan AUSAF,Liang GAO,Xinyu LI

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第10卷 第4期   页码 392-404 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0353-y


For increasing the overall performance of modern manufacturing systems, effective integration of process planning and scheduling functions has been an important area of consideration among researchers. Owing to the complexity of handling process planning and scheduling simultaneously, most of the research work has been limited to solving the integrated process planning and scheduling (IPPS) problem for a single objective function. As there are many conflicting objectives when dealing with process planning and scheduling, real world problems cannot be fully captured considering only a single objective for optimization. Therefore considering multi-objective IPPS (MOIPPS) problem is inevitable. Unfortunately, only a handful of research papers are available on solving MOIPPS problem. In this paper, an optimization algorithm for solving MOIPPS problem is presented. The proposed algorithm uses a set of dispatching rules coupled with priority assignment to optimize the IPPS problem for various objectives like makespan, total machine load, total tardiness, etc. A fixed sized external archive coupled with a crowding distance mechanism is used to store and maintain the non-dominated solutions. To compare the results with other algorithms, a C-matric based method has been used. Instances from four recent papers have been solved to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed method is an efficient approach for solving the MOIPPS problem.

关键词: integrated process planning and scheduling (IPPS)     dispatching rules     priority based optimization algorithm     multi-objective optimization    

Computer aided process planning system based on workflow technology and integrated bill of material tree

LU Chun-guang, MENG Li-li

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第3期   页码 305-312 doi: 10.1007/s11465-006-0039-6

摘要: It is extremely important for procedure of process design and management of process data for product life cycle in Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) system, but there are many shortcomings with traditional CAPP system in these respects. To solve these questions, application of workflow technology in CAPP system based on web-integrated Bill of Material (BOM) tree is discussed, and a concept of integrated BOM tree was brought forward. Taking integrated BOM as the thread, CAPP systematic technological process is analyzed. The function, system architecture, and implementation mechanism of CAPP system based on Browser/Server and Customer/Server model are expatiated. Based on it, the key technologies of workflow management device were analyzed. Eventually, the implementation mechanism of integrated BOM tree was analyzed from viewpoints of material information encoding, organization node design of integrated BOM tree, transformation from Engineering BOM (EBOM) to Process BOM(PBOM), and the programming implementation technology.

关键词: PBOM     systematic technological     implementation technology     management     workflow technology    

An integrated assessment method of urban drainage system: A case study in Shenzhen City, China

DONG Xin, ZENG Siyu, CHEN Jining, ZHAO Dongquan

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第2期   页码 150-156 doi: 10.1007/s11783-008-0014-z

摘要: In recent years, the urban drainage system in China is facing the dual pressure of renovation and construction. This requires that the integrated assessment for the planning and operation of the urban drainage system is obligatory. To evaluate the urban drainage system, an integrated assessment methodology based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), integrated simulation, and fuzzy assessment is established. This method is a multi-criteria decision adding app roach to the assessment of the urban drainage system comprehensively. Through the integration of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), a simple wastewater treatment plant model, and a surface water quality model, an integrated modelling system for the urban drainage system is developed and applied as a key tool for assessment. Using the established method, a case study in Shenzhen City has been implemented to evaluate and compare two urban drainage system reno vation plans, the distributed plan and the centralized plan. Because of the particularity of this case study, the established method is not applied entirely. Considering the water environ mental impact, ecological impact, technological feasibility, and economic cost, the integrated performance of the distri buted plan is better. As shown in this case study, the proposed method is found to be both effective and practical.

关键词: integrated assessment     hierarchy process     centralized     technological feasibility     planning    

Airline planning and scheduling: Models and solution methodologies


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 1-26 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0093-5

摘要: The airline industry is a representative industry with high cost and low profitability. Therefore, airlines should carefully plan their schedules to ensure that overall profit is maximized. We review the literature on airline planning and scheduling and focus on mathematical formulations and solution methodologies. Our research framework is anchored on three major problems in the airline scheduling, namely, fleet assignment, aircraft routing, and crew scheduling. General formulation, widely used solution approaches, and important extensions are presented for each problem and integrated problems. We conclude the review by identifying promising areas for further research.

关键词: airline planning     fleet assignment problem     aircraft routing problem     crew pairing problem     crew rostering problem     crew scheduling problem     integrated planning    

Analysis of Sydney’s recycled water schemes

Zhuo CHEN, Huu Hao NGO, Wenshan GUO, Xiaochang WANG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第4期   页码 608-615 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0468-x

摘要: Recycled water provides a viable opportunity to partially supplement fresh water supplies as well as substantially alleviate environmental loads. Currently, thousands of recycled water schemes have been successfully conducted in a number of countries and Sydney is one of the leading cities, which has made massive effort to apply water reclamation, recycling and reuse. This study aims to make a comprehensive analysis of recycled water schemes in Sydney for a wide range of end uses such as landscape irrigation, industrial process uses and residential uses (e.g., golf course irrigation, industrial cooling water reuse, toilet flushing and clothes washing etc.). For each representative recycled water scheme, this study investigates the involved wastewater treatment technologies, the effluent quality compared with specified guideline values and public attitudes toward different end uses. Based on these obtained data, multi criteria analysis (MCA) in terms of risk, cost-benefit, environmental and social aspects can be performed. Consequently, from the analytical results, the good prospects of further expansion and exploration of current and new end uses were identified toward the integrated water planning and management. The analyses could also help decision makers in making a sound judgment for future recycled water projects.

关键词: recycled water schemes     end use     water quality     public attitudes     integrated water planning and management    

Contextualizing urban road network hierarchy and its role for sustainable transport futures: A systematic literature review using bibliometric analysis and content analysis tools

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.1007/s42524-024-0300-x

摘要: Urban road networks play a crucial role in transport and urban planning and have the potential to contribute to more sustainable futures if their hierarchy is properly understood. However, the concept of the urban road network hierarchy, which refers to street classification and prioritization, is not well defined within the domain of transport engineering management, leaving many questions unanswered. Is it simply a planning tool, or does it extend to defining the essence of cities? Is it a qualitative or quantitative concept? Does it emerge organically or require proactive planning? Given the lack of comprehensive answers to these questions, this research aims to provide a contextual understanding of the urban road network hierarchy through the lens of sustainable transport futures. To this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature review, which is an effective method for consolidating knowledge on a specific topic. A total of 42 articles were analyzed using both quantitative bibliometric analysis and qualitative content analysis. Our work demonstrates that the road network hierarchy consists of 16 sub-concepts. Four main research trends were identified and discussed: a) road morphology and structure, b) advanced algorithms for street classification, c) integrated street classification planning, and d) the social dimension of street classification. Recent literature indicates a shift toward alternative road network hierarchy approaches that prioritize sustainable mobility over car-centric models. In conclusion, our analysis reveals that the urban road network hierarchy is a multifaceted yet under researched “vehicle for change,” which, if utilized effectively, offers opportunities to reimagine urban road environments.

关键词: road network hierarchy     street classification     sustainable mobility     systematic literature review     integrated planning    



《中国工程科学》 2018年 第20卷 第4期   页码 118-121 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.04.019



关键词: 人工智能     发展规划     规模定制生产     服务模式    

Family planning technical services in China

Shang-Chun WU

《医学前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第3期   页码 285-289 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0097-3

摘要: Family planning is a basic state policy in China. Its aim is to control population growth and to enhance population quality. Technical services are the key measures for implementing the family planning policy. In order to ensure that people use safe, effective, and appropriate contraceptive methods based on the government’s commitment, China has established countrywide family planning service networks down to the township level. The people can access various and convenient contraceptive services. In urban areas, all contraceptive services are free. The contraceptive prevalence rate in 2007 was 84.6%, the percentage of intrauterine device (IUD) was 52.3%, that of female sterilization was 32.3%, and that of vasectomy was 6.1%. This means that more than 90% of married childbearing couples were using long-term contraceptives. At the same time, the government gives priority to supporting research on contraceptive technology. Studies’ results have provided scientific evidence for development, introduction, and expansion of contraceptive methods, and also for establishment and revision of the technical guidelines. Great efforts have been made in promoting “human-oriented and client-centered” services during the recent ten years. Remarkable success has been achieved in improving the quality of technical services.

关键词: family planning     contraceptive method     service delivery    

A collaborative approach for urban underground space development toward sustainable development goals: Critical dimensions and future directions

Fang-Le PENG, Yong-Kang QIAO, Soheil SABRI, Behnam ATAZADEH, Abbas RAJABIFARD

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第1期   页码 20-45 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0716-x

摘要: The utilization of urban underground space (UUS) offers an effective solution to urban problems but may also negatively affect urban development. Therefore, UUS development needs better concerted guidelines to coordinate various urban systems and the multiple components of the underground world. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which should be viewed as important yardsticks for UUS development, do not explicitly mention urban underground space, although many of them are affected by both the positive and negative consequences of its development. To fill this gap, this review lays the foundations of relevant UUS concepts and uses exemplary cases to reveal that 11 out of 17 SDGs can be linked with UUS uses. These linkages also manifest that land administration, integrated planning, architectural design, and construction technology are critical dimensions for increasing the contributions of UUS to the realization of SDGs. To achieve multi-disciplinary synergies among these four critical dimensions, a collaborative approach framework based on spatial data infrastructure is required. Thus, this work provides academics and practitioners with a holistic view of sustainable UUS development.

关键词: urban underground space     Sustainable Development Goals     spatial data infrastructure     underground land administration     integrated planning    

Ant colony optimization for assembly sequence planning based on parameters optimization

Zunpu HAN, Yong WANG, De TIAN

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第2期   页码 393-409 doi: 10.1007/s11465-020-0613-3

摘要: As an important part of product design and manufacturing, assembly sequence planning (ASP) has a considerable impact on product quality and manufacturing costs. ASP is a typical NP-complete problem that requires effective methods to find the optimal or near-optimal assembly sequence. First, multiple assembly constraints and rules are incorporated into an assembly model. The assembly constraints and rules guarantee to obtain a reasonable assembly sequence. Second, an algorithm called SOS-ACO that combines symbiotic organisms search (SOS) and ant colony optimization (ACO) is proposed to calculate the optimal or near-optimal assembly sequence. Several of the ACO parameter values are given, and the remaining ones are adaptively optimized by SOS. Thus, the complexity of ACO parameter assignment is greatly reduced. Compared with the ACO algorithm, the hybrid SOS-ACO algorithm finds optimal or near-optimal assembly sequences in fewer iterations. SOS-ACO is also robust in identifying the best assembly sequence in nearly every experiment. Lastly, the performance of SOS-ACO when the given ACO parameters are changed is analyzed through experiments. Experimental results reveal that SOS-ACO has good adaptive capability to various values of given parameters and can achieve competitive solutions.

关键词: assembly sequence planning     ant colony optimization     symbiotic organisms search     parameter optimization    

Development and challenges of planning and scheduling for petroleum and petrochemical production

Fupei LI, Minglei YANG, Wenli DU, Xin DAI

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第3期   页码 373-383 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0123-3

摘要: Production planning and scheduling are becoming the core of production management, which support the decision of a petrochemical company. The optimization of production planning and scheduling is attempted by every refinery because it gains additional profit and stabilizes the daily production. The optimization problem considered in industry and academic research is of different levels of realism and complexity, thus increasing the gap. Operation research with mathematical programming is a conventional approach used to address the planning and scheduling problem. Additionally, modeling the processes, objectives, and constraints and developing the optimization algorithms are significant for industry and research. This paper introduces the perspective of production planning and scheduling from the development viewpoint.

关键词: planning and scheduling     optimization     modeling    

Offline motion planning and simulation of two-robot welding coordination


《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第7卷 第1期   页码 81-92 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0309-4


This paper focuses on the two-robot welding coordination of complex curve seam which means one robot grasp the workpiece, the other hold the torch, the two robots work on the same workpiece simultaneously. This paper builds the dual-robot coordinate system at the beginning, and three point calibration method of two robots’ relative base coordinate system is presented. After that, the non master/slave scheme is chosen for the motion planning, the non master/slave scheme sets the poses versus time function of the point u on the workpiece, and calculates the two robot end effecter trajectories through the constrained relationship matrix automatically. Moreover, downhand welding is employed which can guarantee the torch and the seam keep in good contact condition all the time during the welding. Finally, a Solidworks-SimMechanics simulation platform is established, and a simulation of curved steel pipe welding is conducted. The results of the simulation illustrate the welding process can meet the requirements of downhand welding, the joint displacement curves are smooth and continuous and no joint velocities are out of working scope.

关键词: complex curve seam     two robots     coordinated welding     motion planning    

An uncertain energy planning model under carbon taxes

Hongkuan ZANG, Yi XU, Wei LI, Guohe HUANG, Dan LIU

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第4期   页码 549-558 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0414-y

摘要: In this study, an interval fuzzy mixed-integer energy planning model (IFMI-EPM) is developed under considering the carbon tax policy. The developed IFMI-EPM incorporates techniques of interval-parameter programming, fuzzy planning and mixed-integer programming within a general energy planning model. The IFMI-EPM can not only be used for quantitatively analyzing a variety of policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of carbon tax policy, but also tackle uncertainties expressed as discrete intervals and fuzzy sets in energy and environment systems. Considering low, medium and high carbon tax rates, the model is applied to an ideal energy and environment system. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated. They can be used for generating decision alternatives and thus help decision makers identify desired carbon tax policy.

关键词: energy     carbon tax     planning     uncertainty     fuzzy    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Enterprise-wide optimization of integrated planning and scheduling for refinery-petrochemical complex


Integrated transmission and generation planning model in a deregulated environment

Enrique B. CEDE?O, Sant ARORA


Optimization of multi-objective integrated process planning and scheduling problem using a priority based

Muhammad Farhan AUSAF,Liang GAO,Xinyu LI


Computer aided process planning system based on workflow technology and integrated bill of material tree

LU Chun-guang, MENG Li-li


An integrated assessment method of urban drainage system: A case study in Shenzhen City, China

DONG Xin, ZENG Siyu, CHEN Jining, ZHAO Dongquan


Airline planning and scheduling: Models and solution methodologies



Analysis of Sydney’s recycled water schemes

Zhuo CHEN, Huu Hao NGO, Wenshan GUO, Xiaochang WANG


Contextualizing urban road network hierarchy and its role for sustainable transport futures: A systematic literature review using bibliometric analysis and content analysis tools





Family planning technical services in China

Shang-Chun WU


A collaborative approach for urban underground space development toward sustainable development goals: Critical dimensions and future directions

Fang-Le PENG, Yong-Kang QIAO, Soheil SABRI, Behnam ATAZADEH, Abbas RAJABIFARD


Ant colony optimization for assembly sequence planning based on parameters optimization

Zunpu HAN, Yong WANG, De TIAN


Development and challenges of planning and scheduling for petroleum and petrochemical production

Fupei LI, Minglei YANG, Wenli DU, Xin DAI


Offline motion planning and simulation of two-robot welding coordination



An uncertain energy planning model under carbon taxes

Hongkuan ZANG, Yi XU, Wei LI, Guohe HUANG, Dan LIU
