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spp., foodborne pathogens threatening neonates and infants
Qiming CHEN, Yang ZHU, Zhen QIN, Yongjun QIU, Liming ZHAO
《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第3期 页码 330-339 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2018208
Cronobacter spp. (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) are special foodborne pathogens. Cronobacter infection can cause necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis and meningitis in all age groups, especially neonates and infants, with a high fatality of up to 80%, although the infection is rare. Outbreaks of Cronobacter infection are epidemiologically proven to be associated with contaminated powdered infant formula (PIF). Cronobacter spp. can resist dry environments and survive for a long period in food with low water activity. Therefore, Cronobacter spp. have become serious pathogens of neonates and infants, as well as in the dairy industry. In this review, we present the taxonomy, pathogenesis, resistance, detection and control of Cronobacter spp.
关键词: Cronobacter spp. desiccation resistance pathogen control pathogen detection powdered infant formula
Systems understanding of plant–pathogen interactions through genome-wide protein–protein interaction
Hong LI,Ziding ZHANG
《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第2期 页码 102-112 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2016100
关键词: plant–pathogen interactions systems biology omics plant immunity protein–protein interaction network
Extracellular Vesicles in Pathogenic Infection, Transmission, and Immunity
Junyao Xiong,Usama Ashraf,Jing Ye,Shengbo Cao,
《工程(英文)》 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.06.011
关键词: Extracellular vesicles Pathogen Infection Transmission Immunity
Locally enhanced electric field treatment (LEEFT) for water disinfection
Jianfeng Zhou, Ting Wang, Cecilia Yu, Xing Xie
《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1253-x
关键词: Water treatment Nanotechnology Pathogen inactivation Electroporation Nanowire Chemical-free
《医学前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第2期 页码 251-262 doi: 10.1007/s11684-021-0915-9
关键词: scRNA-seq intracellular pathogen microbe COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2
Clinical manifestations and pathogen characteristics in children admitted for suspected COVID-19
Xiaofang Cai, Hanlan Jiang, Simin Zhang, Shengying Xia, Wenhui Du, Yaoling Ma, Tao Yu, Wenbin Li
《医学前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第6期 页码 776-785 doi: 10.1007/s11684-020-0820-7
关键词: coronavirus disease 2019 pediatrics emergency retrospective investigation severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Composition, dispersion, and health risks of bioaerosols in wastewater treatment plants: A review
Yunping Han, Lin Li, Ying Wang, Jiawei Ma, Pengyu Li, Chao Han, Junxin Liu
《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1330-1
关键词: Wastewater treatment plant Bioaerosols Pathogen Dispersion Risk assessment
《医学前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第6期 页码 1030-1046 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-1043-5
关键词: coronavirus disease 2019 SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology clinical features
《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第8期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1521-z
• UV/chlorine can effectively remove VBNC pathogens, ARGs and MGEs in reclaimed water.
关键词: UV/chlorine process Pathogen Antibiotic resistance genes High-throughput qPCR Reclaimed water
《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第9期 页码 10-15
《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第9期 页码 21-25
用甲醛灭活8 种鲆鲽类主要病原菌,鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)、创伤弧菌(Vibrio vulnificus)、哈维弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)、溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)、嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)、豚鼠气单胞菌(Aeromonas caviae)、迟缓爱德华菌(Edwardsiella tarda)、鮰爱德华菌(Edwardsiella ictaluri),制备成灭活疫苗后肌肉注射大菱鲆获得各病原菌抗血清。结果显示,抗鳗弧菌血清、抗哈维弧菌血清、抗豚鼠气单胞菌血清、抗鮰爱德华菌效价为1:6 400,抗创伤弧菌血清、抗溶藻弧菌血清、抗嗜水气单胞菌血清效价为1:12 800,抗迟缓爱德华菌血清效价为1:102 400。应用ELISA分析各抗血清与8 种病原菌及迟缓爱德华菌蛋白的免疫交叉反应,结果显示,各病原菌与其本身的抗血清反应最为强烈,而与其他抗血清间有程度不等的交叉反应;菌蛋白与其相应的菌抗血清反应最为强烈,与其他病原菌抗血清反应较弱。本研究所制备的病原菌抗血清效价较高,且具有特异性,可应用于鲆鲽类病原菌的检测。
New insights in the battle between wheat and
Chunlei TANG,Xiaojie WANG,Yulin CHENG,Minjie LIU,Mengxin ZHAO,Jinping WEI,Zhensheng KANG
《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第2期 页码 101-114 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015068
关键词: wheat strip rust Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici host defense pathogen virulence biotrophic fungus
Aijie Wang,Fang Huang,Wenxiu Wang,Yanmei Zhao,Yiyi Su,Zelin Lei,Rui Gao,Yu Tao,Jun Wei,Haoyi Cheng,Jinsong Liang,Bin Liang,Jianhua Guo,Jiping Jiang,Lu Fan,Shu-Hong Gao,
《工程(英文)》 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.04.022
关键词: Pathogen Antibiotic resistance genes Biological risk factors Metagenome Engineered water system Wastewater treatment
利用基因组特异性引物和Cas12a介导技术快速检测稻瘟菌小麦致病型 Article
康厚祥, 彭烨, Kangyu Hua, 邓雨飞, Maria Bellizzi, Dipali Rani Gupta, Nur Uddin Mahmud, Alfredo S. Urashima, Sanjoy Kumar Paul, Gary Peterson, 周益林, 周雪平, Md Tofazzal Islam, 王国梁
《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第9期 页码 1326-1335 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.07.016
麦瘟病由稻瘟菌小麦致病型(MoT)引起,是一种存在于南美洲和孟加拉国的毁灭性病害。由于MoT通常不会在抽穗期之前使小麦显现染病症状,但在抽穗期其侵染会一直加剧,因此仅根据肉眼观察来使用杀菌剂是无效的。为了开发一种在苗期和营养期准确、灵敏检测MoT以控制病害蔓延的方法,我们对来自巴西的两个MoT分离株的基因组进行了测序,并确定了两个DNA片段:MoT-6098 和MoT-6099,它们存在于麦瘟病菌(MoT)基因组中,但不存在于感染稻瘟病菌(MoO)的水稻基因组中。利用聚合酶链反应(PCR),我们在来自南美洲和孟加拉国的53 株MoT和MoO分离株中证实了这两对标记引物的特异性。为了测试这两对标记引物的有效性,我们首先建立了一种环介导等温扩增(LAMP)方法。在等温条件下,这种方法在不使用常规PCR仪器的情况下也能检测MoT。随后,我们使用Cas12a 蛋白及导向RNA(gRNA)靶向MoT-6098 和MoT-6099 序列,两个靶标被识别后,均能激活Cas12a 非特异切割单链脱氧核糖核酸酶(ssDNAase)的活性,我们将依赖靶向Cas12a 激活ssDNase 活性,同时将重组酶聚合酶扩增(RPA)和核酸侧流免疫分析法(NALFIA)相结合,开发出一种准确、灵敏且经济高效地检测受感染小麦植株中MoT特异性DNA序列的方法。这种新技术可应用于田间麦瘟病和其他重要植物病害的快速检测。
标题 作者 时间 类型 操作
spp., foodborne pathogens threatening neonates and infants
Qiming CHEN, Yang ZHU, Zhen QIN, Yongjun QIU, Liming ZHAO
Systems understanding of plant–pathogen interactions through genome-wide protein–protein interaction
Hong LI,Ziding ZHANG
Extracellular Vesicles in Pathogenic Infection, Transmission, and Immunity
Junyao Xiong,Usama Ashraf,Jing Ye,Shengbo Cao,
Locally enhanced electric field treatment (LEEFT) for water disinfection
Jianfeng Zhou, Ting Wang, Cecilia Yu, Xing Xie
PathogenTrack and Yeskit: tools for identifying intracellular pathogens from single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets as illustrated by application to COVID-19
Clinical manifestations and pathogen characteristics in children admitted for suspected COVID-19
Xiaofang Cai, Hanlan Jiang, Simin Zhang, Shengying Xia, Wenhui Du, Yaoling Ma, Tao Yu, Wenbin Li
Composition, dispersion, and health risks of bioaerosols in wastewater treatment plants: A review
Yunping Han, Lin Li, Ying Wang, Jiawei Ma, Pengyu Li, Chao Han, Junxin Liu
Pathogen evolution, prevention/control strategy and clinical features of COVID-19: experiences from China
Effect of the ultraviolet/chlorine process on microbial community structure, typical pathogens, and antibiotic resistance genes in reclaimed water
New insights in the battle between wheat and
Chunlei TANG,Xiaojie WANG,Yulin CHENG,Minjie LIU,Mengxin ZHAO,Jinping WEI,Zhensheng KANG
GWPD: a multifunctional platform to unravel biological risk factors in global engineered water systems
Aijie Wang,Fang Huang,Wenxiu Wang,Yanmei Zhao,Yiyi Su,Zelin Lei,Rui Gao,Yu Tao,Jun Wei,Haoyi Cheng,Jinsong Liang,Bin Liang,Jianhua Guo,Jiping Jiang,Lu Fan,Shu-Hong Gao,