
期刊论文 7


2023 1

2021 2

2020 1

2019 1

2015 1

2006 1


企业网防御;软件定义网络;多维跳变 1

多机动目标跟踪;多模型;广义标签多伯努利滤波器;多目标混合系统 1

目标跟踪;高斯过程;数据驱动;在线学习;模型驱动;概率数据关联 1

相参积累;机动目标;参数估计;位置旋转变换;非均匀快速傅立叶变换 1


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Virtual reality system of manned maneuvering unit taking into consideration the disturbance from an astronaut

CHENG Jian, FAN Xiu-min, XU An, HONG Xin, HUANG Wei-dong

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第3期   页码 282-287 doi: 10.1007/s11465-006-0042-y

摘要: This paper describes a manned maneuvering unit (MMU) virtual reality system. Based on the dynamics/kinematics model of an astronaut equipped with an MMU, a disturbance model of the astronaut s arms under zero gravity conditions is developed. After measuring three initial-position information, the astronaut s arms tracking information is inputted by some tracker setting on an operator using real-time emendation and correction. Finally, the paper presents two different results between loading and unloading the disturbance model within the progress of simulation. From the different results, we find that the motion of an astronaut s arms has greater influence over space walking with the same control mode. The MMU virtual reality provides a new method for the simulation of real space walking, and also a perfect method for developing prototype MMU.

关键词: real-time emendation     disturbance     maneuvering     MMU     correction    

Amodified variable rate particle filter for maneuvering target tracking

Yun-fei GUO,Kong-shuai FAN,Dong-liang PENG,Ji-an LUO,Han SHENTU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第11期   页码 985-994 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500149

摘要: To address the problem of maneuvering target tracking, where the target trajectory has prolonged smooth regions and abrupt maneuvering regions, a modified variable rate particle filter (MVRPF) is proposed. First, a Cartesian-coordinate based variable rate model is presented. Compared with conventional variable rate models, the proposed model does not need any prior knowledge of target mass or external forces. Consequently, it is more convenient in practical tracking applications. Second, a maneuvering detection strategy is adopted to adaptively adjust the parameters in MVRPF, which helps allocate more state points at high maneuver regions and fewer at smooth regions. Third, in the presence of small measurement errors, the unscented particle filter, which is embedded in MVRPF, can move more particles into regions of high likelihood and hence can improve the tracking performance. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

关键词: Maneuvering target tracking     Prolonged smooth regions     Variable rate model     Maneuver detection    

planning and tracking control of a four-wheel independently driven steered mobile robot with multiple maneuvering

Xiaolong ZHANG, Yu HUANG, Shuting WANG, Gen LI, Yuanlong XIE, Wei MENG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第3期   页码 504-527 doi: 10.1007/s11465-020-0626-y

摘要: Safe and effective autonomous navigation in dynamic environments is challenging for four-wheel independently driven steered mobile robots (FWIDSMRs) due to the flexible allocation of multiple maneuver modes. To address this problem, this study proposes a novel multiple mode-based navigation system, which can achieve efficient motion planning and accurate tracking control. To reduce the calculation burden and obtain a comprehensive optimized global path, a kinodynamic interior–exterior cell exploration planning method, which leverages the hybrid space of available modes with an incorporated exploration guiding algorithm, is designed. By utilizing the sampled subgoals and the constructed global path, local planning is then performed to avoid unexpected obstacles and potential collisions. With the desired profile curvature and preselected mode, a fuzzy adaptive receding horizon control is proposed such that the online updating of the predictive horizon is realized to enhance the trajectory-following precision. The tracking controller design is achieved using the quadratic programming (QP) technique, and the primal–dual neural network optimization technique is used to solve the QP problem. Experimental results on a real-time FWIDSMR validate that the proposed method shows superior features over some existing methods in terms of efficiency and accuracy.

关键词: mobile robot     multiple maneuvering mode     motion planning     tracking control     receding horizon control    

基于位置旋转变换和非均匀快速傅立叶变换的机动目标高效相参检测 Research Articles


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第21卷 第8期   页码 1251-1266 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1900272

摘要: 长时间相参积累能够显著提升雷达对机动目标的检测和运动参数估计性能。然而,相参积累期间目标的线性距离徙动、二次距离徙动和多普勒频率徙动将导致检测性能急剧下降。提出基于位置旋转变换和非均匀快速傅里叶变换的高效稳健相参积累方法。首先,利用二阶Keystone变换消除二次距离徙动。然后,利用旋转角度和多普勒频率之间的对应关系,构建相位补偿函数,从而利用位置旋转和非均匀快速傅里叶变换实现高效的参数估计。与现有代表性算法相比,所提算法能以较低运算复杂度实现近乎理想的检测性能。最后,基于雷达实测数据的实验证明所提算法有效。

关键词: 相参积累;机动目标;参数估计;位置旋转变换;非均匀快速傅立叶变换    

基于多维动态网络属性的新型企业网防御系统的设计与实现 None

Yang CHEN, Hong-chao HU, Guo-zhen CHENG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第2期   页码 238-252 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800516

摘要: 虽然周界安全模型在内部主机可靠时足够有效,但是随着企业采用移动和云技术,如自带设备(BYOD),该模型难以为继。有针对性的高级网络攻击通常采用网络杀伤链,例如,基于网络扫描技术收集潜在目标信息。本文提出一种“隔离和动态”网络防御方法,切断潜在杀伤链,降低攻击者收集信息的可用性。首先,通过网络隔离构建一个零信任网络环境,操纵多维网络属性跳变,使攻击者无法获得目标主机的特征和位置;其次,为企业网络提出一种基于软件定义的主动网络防御解决方案(SPD),并设计了一个通用框架,在不显著影响网络性能条件下,策略性地操纵IP地址、网络端口、域名和路径的协同跳变;然后,通过软件定义网络控制器(OpenDaylight)实现SPD概念验证系统;最后,搭建实验平台验证系统防扫描、防窃听和防拒绝服务(DoS)攻击的能力。结果表明,该系统可以显著降低网络侦察扫描信息的可用性,阻止网络窃听,并大幅增加攻击者的网络攻击成本。

关键词: 企业网防御;软件定义网络;多维跳变    

基于混合驱动高斯过程学习的强机动多目标跟踪方法 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第24卷 第11期   页码 1647-1656 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2300348

摘要: 现有机动目标跟踪方法在杂波环境中强机动目标的跟踪性能并不令人满意。本文提出一种混合驱动方法,利用数据驱动和基于模型算法的优点跟踪多个高机动目标。将时变恒速(CV)模型集成到在线学习的高斯过程(GP)中,提高高斯过程的预测性能。进一步与广义概率数据关联(GPDA)算法相结合,实现多目标跟踪。通过仿真实验可知,与广泛使用的机动目标跟踪算法如交互式多模型(IMM)和数据驱动的高斯过程运动跟踪器(GPMT)相比,提出的混合驱动方法具有显著的性能优势。

关键词: 目标跟踪;高斯过程;数据驱动;在线学习;模型驱动;概率数据关联    

多模型广义标签多伯努利滤波器的推导:多目标混合系统解决方案 Research Articles


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第22卷 第1期   页码 1-140 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000105

摘要: 本文将传统(单目标)混合系统扩展到多目标混合系统,重点研究多机动目标跟踪系统。该系统由连续状态,离散可切换状态以及离散、时不变且唯一性状态组成。通过定义一个新的广义标签多伯努利密度,我们证明对于多目标混合系统,它在查普曼-柯尔莫哥洛夫(Chapman-Kolmogorov)预测和贝叶斯更新下是闭合的。换言之,我们严格推导了多目标混合系统的解决方案,即多模型广义标签多伯努利滤波器——该滤波器虽已被开发,但此前并未得到严格证明。

关键词: 多机动目标跟踪;多模型;广义标签多伯努利滤波器;多目标混合系统    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Virtual reality system of manned maneuvering unit taking into consideration the disturbance from an astronaut

CHENG Jian, FAN Xiu-min, XU An, HONG Xin, HUANG Wei-dong


Amodified variable rate particle filter for maneuvering target tracking

Yun-fei GUO,Kong-shuai FAN,Dong-liang PENG,Ji-an LUO,Han SHENTU


planning and tracking control of a four-wheel independently driven steered mobile robot with multiple maneuvering

Xiaolong ZHANG, Yu HUANG, Shuting WANG, Gen LI, Yuanlong XIE, Wei MENG






Yang CHEN, Hong-chao HU, Guo-zhen CHENG






