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Determination of 27 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water: The benefit of isotope

Xueqi Fan, Jie Gao, Wenchao Li, Jun Huang, Gang Yu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1187-3

Abstract: • Isotope dilution method was developed for the determination of 27 PPCPs in water. • The establishedPharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are a unique group of emerging and non-persistentIn this study, 27 PPCPs in various water samples were extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE), andA total of 27 isotopically labeled standards (ILSs) were applied to correct the concentration of PPCPsThe recoveries of 27 PPCPs over 70 days were within the scope of 72%–140% with the recovery variation

Keywords: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs)     Isotopically labeled standard (ILSs)     Water     Solid-phase    

PPCPs in a drinking water treatment plant in the Yangtze River Delta of China: Occurrence, removal and

Xinshu Jiang, Yingxi Qu, Liquan Liu, Yuan He, Wenchao Li, Jun Huang, Hongwei Yang, Gang Yu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1109-4


• 39 PPCPs were investigated at a DWTP using the Yangtze River as

Keywords: PPCPs     DWTP     Human health risk assessment    

Emerging contaminant control: From science to action

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 6, doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1559-y

Abstract: Since the concept of emerging contaminants (ECs) was first proposed in 2001, the global scientific research of ECs has developed rapidly. In the past decades, great progress has been achieved in the scientific research of ECs in China, including the establishment of EC analysis method system, the evaluation of the pollution status, pollution characteristics and environmental risk of ECs in typical regions of China, and establishment of EC control technology system. Continuous progress in scientific research of ECs promoted China’s action on EC control. It is planned that the environmental risk of ECs will be generally controlled by 2035 in China. Priority ECs should be screened for environmental management. Although great efforts have been made, the EC control in China still faces tremendous challenges. It is necessary to bridge the gap between scientific research and decision-making management. Based on the science and technology study, various measures such as engineering, policy management and public participation should be combinedly adopted for EC control.

Keywords: Emerging contaminants     Priority pollutants     PPCPs     POPs     Control policy    

Screening of indicator pharmaceuticals and personal care products in landfill leachates: a case study in Shanghai, China

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 9, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1716-y


● A systematic framework was developed to identify i-PPCPs for landfill

Keywords: Landfill leachates     PPCPs     Indicator     Screening criteria     Source-specificity    

Determination and occurrence of endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in fish (

Yong YU,Laosheng WU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 475-481 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0640-6

Abstract: Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have attractedIn this study, we determined 13 EDCs and PPCPs in fish blood, bile and muscle by using gas chromatography-mass

Keywords: endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs)     pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs)     fish     bisphenol    

Fate and removal of typical pharmaceutical and personal care products in a wastewater treatment plant from Beijing: a mass balance study

Jie GAO,Jun HUANG,Weiwei CHEN,Bin WANG,Yujue WANG,Shubo DENG,Gang YU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2016, Volume 10, Issue 3,   Pages 491-501 doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0837-y

Abstract: The fate and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewater treatment plantsIn the present study, the adsorbed and dissolved concentrations of 9 PPCPs were investigated in eachThe amount of PPCPs entering into the WWTP ranged from 12 g·d to 3848 g·d .PPCPs mainly existed in dissolved form (≥92%) in both the raw influent and the final effluent.the amount of adsorbed PPCPs was increased.

Keywords: PPCPs     A2/O     mass balance     removal efficiency     sludge    

Removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products by sequential ultraviolet and ozonation process in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant

Qian SUI, Jun HUANG, Shuguang LU, Shubo DENG, Bin WANG, Wentao ZHAO, Zhaofu QIU, Gang YU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 1,   Pages 62-68 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0518-z

Abstract: considering the elimination of emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPsIn the present study, the removal of 13 PPCPs belonging to different therapeutic classes by the sequentialMost of the target PPCPs were effectively removed, and the median removal efficiencies of individualPPCPs, ranging from -13% to 89%, were dependent on their reaction rate constants with molecular ozoneNoticeable fluctuation in the removal efficiencies of the same PPCPs was observed in different sampling

Keywords: PPCPs     advanced treatment     ozone     fluctuation     removal contribution    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Determination of 27 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water: The benefit of isotope

Xueqi Fan, Jie Gao, Wenchao Li, Jun Huang, Gang Yu

Journal Article

PPCPs in a drinking water treatment plant in the Yangtze River Delta of China: Occurrence, removal and

Xinshu Jiang, Yingxi Qu, Liquan Liu, Yuan He, Wenchao Li, Jun Huang, Hongwei Yang, Gang Yu

Journal Article

Emerging contaminant control: From science to action

Journal Article

Screening of indicator pharmaceuticals and personal care products in landfill leachates: a case study in Shanghai, China

Journal Article

Determination and occurrence of endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in fish (

Yong YU,Laosheng WU

Journal Article

Fate and removal of typical pharmaceutical and personal care products in a wastewater treatment plant from Beijing: a mass balance study

Jie GAO,Jun HUANG,Weiwei CHEN,Bin WANG,Yujue WANG,Shubo DENG,Gang YU

Journal Article

Removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products by sequential ultraviolet and ozonation process in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant

Qian SUI, Jun HUANG, Shuguang LU, Shubo DENG, Bin WANG, Wentao ZHAO, Zhaofu QIU, Gang YU

Journal Article