
期刊论文 41

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2015 3

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2013 1

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2009 1

2003 1

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Pm21 1

Pm40 1

Halbach阵列 1

PM2.5 1

PM2.5脱除 1

PM2.5 1

PM2.52.5浓度聚类 1

PM2.52.5浓度预测 1

低碳发展 1

内源抗性 1

区域传输 1

外源基因 1

多步预测 1

多轴差分吸收光谱仪 1

大气年龄 1

大气污染治理 1

大气污染;PM2.5;臭氧;气候变化;空气质量改善 1

小麦 1

悬浮颗粒 1

展开 ︾


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《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第10期   页码 47-51


近年来雾霾天气的频繁出现使得细颗粒物(PM2.5)成为了公众关注的热点,PM2.5的控制也已增加到2012 年发布的《环境空气质量标准》中,而目前我国现有的烟气污染物控制技术难以脱除PM2.5,因此,为深度脱除PM2.5、SO2、SO3PM2.5脱除技术、全负荷下超超临界锅炉的低NOx排放以及SCR工作温度的适应性

关键词: 燃煤机组     烟气污染物     深度脱除     PM2.5脱除    

PM2.5 over North China based on MODIS AOD and effect of meteorological elements during 2003‒2015

Youfang Chen, Yimin Zhou, Xinyi Zhao

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1202-8

摘要: The Taihang Mountains was the boundary between high and low pollution areas. There were one high value center for PM2.5 pollution and two low value centers. In 2004, 2009 and after 2013, PM2.5 concentration was relatively low. Over the past 40 years, PM2.5 pollution in North China has become increasingly serious and progressively exposes the densely populated areas to pollutants. However, due to limited ground data, it is challenging to estimate accurate PM2.5 exposure levels, further making it unfavorable for the prediction and prevention of PM2.5 pollutions. This paper therefore uses the mixed effect model to estimate daily PM2.5 concentrations of North China between 2003 and 2015 with ground observation data and MODIS AOD satellite data. The tempo-spatial characteristics of PM2.5 and the influence of meteorological elements on PM2.5 is discussed with EOF and canonical correlation analysis respectively. Results show that overall R2 is 0.36 and the root mean squared predicted error was 30.1 μg/m3 for the model prediction. Our time series analysis showed that, the Taihang Mountains acted as a boundary between the high and low pollution areas in North China; while the northern part of Henan Province, the southern part of Hebei Province and the western part of Shandong Province were the most polluted areas. Although, in 2004, 2009 and dates after 2013, PM2.5 concentrations were relatively low. Meteorological/topography conditions, that include high surface humidity of area in the range of 34°‒40°N and 119°‒124°E, relatively low boundary layer heights, and southerly and easterly winds from the east and north area were common factors attributed to haze in the most polluted area. Overall, the spatial distribution of increasingly concentrated PM2.5 pollution in North China are consistent with the local emission level, unfavorable meteorological conditions and topographic changes.

关键词: Aerosol optical depth     PM2.5     MODIS     Mixed effect model     Canonical correlation analysis    



《中国工程科学》 2017年 第19卷 第4期   页码 13-19 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2017.04.003

摘要: 利用GEOS-Chem全球大气化学传输模式模拟计算大气污染源排放所带来的环境空气中污染物的浓度,以京津冀和西北五省(自治区)的网格平均地面PM2.5年均浓度达到环境空气质量标准(GB3095—2012)为约束条件,确定出京津冀和西北五省(自治区)SO2、NOx、一次PM2.5、VOCs和NH3五种大气污染物环境容量。结果表明,2013年京津冀和西北五省(自治区)SO2、NOx、一次PM2.5、VOCs和NH3五种大气污染物的排放量均超出大气环境容量。

关键词: PM2.5     空气质量     环境容量    

一种融合多特征聚类与神经网络的PM2.5小时浓度预测新模型及其在中国城市的应用 Article

刘辉, 龙治豪, 段铸, 施惠鹏

《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第8期   页码 944-956 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.05.009



关键词: PM2.52.5浓度预测     PM2.52.5浓度聚类     经验小波分解     多步预测    

Ambient air pollution and lung disease in China: health effects, study design approaches and future research


《医学前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第3期   页码 392-400 doi: 10.1007/s11684-015-0397-8


Ambient air pollution in China has worsened following dramatic increases in industrialization, automobile use and energy consumption. Particularly bothersome is the increase in the PM2.5 fraction of pollutants. This fraction has been associated with increasing rates of cardio-respiratory disease in China and elsewhere. Ambient pollutant levels have been described in many of China’s cities and are comparable to previous levels in southern California. Lung cancer mortality in China has increased since the 1970s and has been higher in men and in urban areas, the exact explanation for which has not been determined. The estimation of individual risk for Chinese citizens living in areas of air pollution will require further research. Occupational cohort and case-control designs each have unique attributes that could make them helpful to use in this setting. Other important future research considerations include detailed exposure assessment and the possible use of biomarkers as a means to better understand and manage the threat posed by air pollution in China.

关键词: air pollution     PM2.5     lung disease     study design     epidemiology    

Temporal variation of PM-associated health effects in Shijiazhuang, Hebei

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1376-0


•Annual mean PM2.5 in Shijiazhuang were 87, 95, and 82 µg/m3 in 2015–2017.

关键词: PM2.5     Health effects     Integrated exposure-response model     Shijiazhuang    

Diverse bacterial populations of PM in urban and suburb Shanghai, China

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1329-7


• Urban aerosols harbour diverse bacterial communities in Shanghai.

关键词: PM2.5     Bacteria     16S rRNA     SEM analysis     Shanghai City    

Local and regional contributions to PM in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics infrastructure areas during

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1434-2


• Regional transportation contributed more than local emissions during haze episodes.

关键词: 2022 Winter Olympics     PM2.5     Source apportionment    

PM concentration declining saves health expenditure in China

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第7期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1690-4


● Monthly hospitalization expenses are sensitive to increases in PM2.5 exposure.

关键词: Air pollution     Health expenditure     PM2.5 concentration     Economic impact     Heterogeneous effect    

Particle size distributions, PM

Can DONG, Lingxiao YANG, Chao YAN, Qi YUAN, Yangchun YU, Wenxing WANG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第1期   页码 55-65 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0411-1

摘要: In this study, we collected particles with aerodynamic diameter≤2.5 μm (PM ) from three different public indoor places (a supermarket, a commercial office, and a university dining hall) in Jinan, a medium-sized city located in northern China. Water-soluble inorganic ions of PM and particle size distributions were also measured. Both indoor and outdoor PM levels (102.3–143.8 μg·m and 160.2–301.3 μg·m , respectively) were substantially higher than the value recommended by the World Health Organization (25 μg·m ), and outdoor sources were found to be the major contributors to indoor pollutants. Diurnal particle number size distributions were different, while the maximum volume concentrations all appeared to be approximately 300 nm in the three indoor locations. Concentrations of indoor and outdoor PM were shown to exhibit the same variation trends for the supermarket and dining hall. For the office, PM concentrations during nighttime were observed to decrease sharply. Among others, , and were found to be the dominant water-soluble ions of both indoor and outdoor particles. Concentrations of in the supermarket and office during the daytime were observed to decrease sharply, which might be attributed to the fact that the indoor temperature was much higher than the outdoor temperature. In addition, domestic activities such as cleaning, water usage, cooking, and smoking also played roles in degraded indoor air quality. However, the results obtained here might be negatively impacted by the small number of samples and short sampling durations.

关键词: indoor air quality     indoor/outdoor ratios     size distributions     particles with aerodynamic diameter≤2.5 μm (PM2.5)     water-soluble ions    

我国一次气溶胶和二次无机气溶胶大气年龄的时空分布特征 Article

谢晓栋, 应琦, 张宏亮, 胡建林

《工程(英文)》 2023年 第28卷 第9期   页码 117-129 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.03.013

摘要: 本研究使用年龄可 分辨的社区多尺度空气质量(CMAQ)模式对我国一次和二次无机细颗粒物(PM2.5 )的年龄分布进行了为 期一年的模拟。结果表明,一次PM2.5(PPM)和铵盐主要来源于本地的新鲜排放,我国大部分地区60%~ 80%的PPM和铵盐集中在0~24 h年龄档。本研究中基于年龄可分辨的CMAQ模式得到的 PM2.5年龄信息可以帮助政府制定部分有效的应急排放控制措施,有助于消除重污染天气。

关键词: 大气年龄     PM2.5     社区多尺度空气质量模型     控制措施    

Source apportionment of PM

Wei WEN,Shuiyuan CHENG,Lei LIU,Gang WANG,Xiaoqi WANG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0839-9

摘要: The new hybrid approaches for the source apportionment of PM were proposed. The hybrid approach can be used for source apportionment of secondary species. The metallurgy industry was the biggest contribution source to PM of Tangshan. In winter, the contribution from the coal-fired boilers was the largest one. The objective of this paper is to propose a hybrid approach for the source apportionment of primary and secondary species of PM in the city of Tangshan. The receptor-based PMF (Positive Matrix Factorization) is integrated with the emission inventory (EI) to form the first hybrid method for the source apportionment of the primary species. The hybrid CAMx-PSAT-CP (Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions – Particulate Source Apportionment Technology – Chemical Profile) approach is then proposed and used for the source apportionment of the secondary species. The PM sources identified for Tangshan included the soil dust, the metallurgical industry, power plants, coal-fired boilers, vehicles, cement production, and other sources. It is indicated that the PM pollution is a regional issue. Among all the identified sources, the metallurgy industry was the biggest contribution source to PM , followed by coal-fired boilers, vehicles and soil dust. The other-source category plays a crucial role for PM , particularly for the formation of secondary species and aerosols, and these other sources include non-specified sources such as agricultural activities, biomass combustion, residential emissions, etc. The source apportionment results could help the local authorities make sound policies and regulations to better protect the citizens from the local and regional PM pollution. The study also highlights the strength of utilizing the proposed hybrid approaches in the identification of PM sources. The techniques used in this study show considerable promise for further application to other regions as well as to identify other source categories of PM .

关键词: Secondary species     Emission inventory     PM2.5     Source apportionment    

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM

Xiao-hong Chen,Xiang-bo Tang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第2期   页码 171-181 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016017

摘要: Utilizing the initial hourly monitoring data of PM concentrations at 23 monitoring sites across the Chang-Zhu-Tan city cluster between January 2013 and February 2014 that released in Real-time Air Quality Reporting System in Hunan Province, this paper draws diagrams and analyzes the change rule of the pollutants concentration over time. In addition, this paper studies the regional distribution of PM seasonal pollution in the vicinity of the monitoring sites using ArcGIS geographic information system with the Kriging interpolation method. On this basis, this paper puts forward some effective control strategies to cope with regional PM pollution combined with the information of industry distribution and development status in the Chang-Zhu-Tan city cluster.

关键词: PM2.5     spatial and temporal distribution     ArcGIS     the chang-Zhu-Tan city cluster    

Understand the local and regional contributions on air pollution from the view of human health impacts

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1382-2


• PM2.5-related deaths were estimated to be 227 thousand in BTH & surrounding regions.

关键词: PM2.5     Regional transport     Local emissions     Health impact     Environmental inequality    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作




PM2.5 over North China based on MODIS AOD and effect of meteorological elements during 2003‒2015

Youfang Chen, Yimin Zhou, Xinyi Zhao






刘辉, 龙治豪, 段铸, 施惠鹏


Ambient air pollution and lung disease in China: health effects, study design approaches and future research



Temporal variation of PM-associated health effects in Shijiazhuang, Hebei


Diverse bacterial populations of PM in urban and suburb Shanghai, China





Local and regional contributions to PM in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics infrastructure areas during


PM concentration declining saves health expenditure in China


Particle size distributions, PM

Can DONG, Lingxiao YANG, Chao YAN, Qi YUAN, Yangchun YU, Wenxing WANG



谢晓栋, 应琦, 张宏亮, 胡建林


Source apportionment of PM

Wei WEN,Shuiyuan CHENG,Lei LIU,Gang WANG,Xiaoqi WANG


Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM

Xiao-hong Chen,Xiang-bo Tang


Understand the local and regional contributions on air pollution from the view of human health impacts
