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China’s Agriculture Green Development: from Concept to Actions RESEARCH ARTICLE

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 20-34 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023512


China has initiated a green transformation plan in 2015, which was soon applied to agriculture, known as the Agriculture Green Development (AGD) initiative, with the goals of achieving food security, high resource use efficiency, and an ecofriendly environment. To assess the agricultural transformation from 1997 to 2020, this paper proposes a national-scale indicator system consisting three dimensions (socioeconomic, food production and eco-environmental) and ten sub-dimensions to quantify the AGD score. This study showed that AGD score in China was at a moderate level during 1997–2010, scoring 40 out of 100. During this stage, decreased scores in the sub-dimensions of resource consumption, environmental quality, and environmental cost have offset the improvement in the socioeconomic dimension, resulting in fluctuated scores around 40. In the second stage (2011–2020), China’s AGD score improved but still at moderate level, scoring an average of 46.3, with each dimension increasing by 5.3%–25.0%. These results indicate that China has made progress in the agricultural transformation, transitioning from conceptualization to actions through the implementation of various policies and projects. However, the study emphasizes the need for more effort to address the insufficient and unbalanced development, along with the growing eco-environmental challenges, especially the trade-offs among dimensions.

关键词: agricultural transformation     Agriculture Green Development     historical trend     indicator system     theoretical conception    

Policy options for Agriculture Green Development by farmers in China

Laurence E. D. SMITH

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 90-97 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019290


Farmers are the key agents who manage land and water. Agriculture Green Development (AGD) requires a transformation in farming from high resource consumption and environmental cost to sustainable intensification with high productivity, high resource use efficiency and low environmental risk. This paper analyzes the public policy challenge of AGD and makes the case for a location-sensitive policy mix made up of regulation, advice provision, voluntarism and targeted incentives. The public agricultural extension service in China is a key resource, but one that requires reorientation and reform with the aim of better balancing high farm productivity with environmental protection.

关键词: agriculture     environment     development     incentives     policy     regulation    

Agriculture green development in China: insights and advances REVIEW

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 5-19 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024535


Reconciling the tasks of producing adequate amounts of nutritious food for the increasing global population while preserving the environment and natural ecosystems simultaneously is an enormous challenge. The concept of agriculture green development (AGD) and the necessary governmental policies were developed to address the aforementioned challenge in China and to help achieve the related global sustainable development goals. Agriculture green development emphasizes the synergy between green and development; current agriculture has to transform from the intensive farming with high inputs, high environmental impacts and low resource-use efficiency to a more sustainable agriculture, in order to ensure an adequate supply of nutritious food while delivering environmental integrity, improved economic profitability, and social equity. A research program on AGD was established by China Agricultural University with four research themes, namely: green crop production, green integrated crop-animal production, green food and industry, and green ecological environment and ecosystem services, to provide a scientific basis for future developments and to facilitate the implementation of AGD in practice. AGD requires a multistakeholder approach, fueled by innovative and interdisciplinary research. Joint actions have to be taken by governments, farmers, supply industries, consumers, educators, extension services and researchers to support AGD. This requires strong coordination and public awareness campaigns. This review presents the progress that has been made over the past 5 years and makes recommendations for more research and development, in order to better deliver agricultural green and sustainable development on national and international scales.

关键词: Agriculture     ecosystem services     environmental protection     food security     green development     multi-sectoral cooperation     sustainable development    

Green intelligent fertilizers—A novel approach for aligning sustainable agriculture with green development REVIEW

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 186-196 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024547


This review addresses the growing disparity between the current state of fertilizer production in China and the evolving demands of green agriculture in the 21st century. It explores major advances in fertilizers, proposes the concept of green intelligent fertilizers and develops new strategies aligned with the principles of green development in fertilizer industry and agriculture. Green intelligent fertilizers may be designed to maximize the synergistic effects among plants, soils, microorganisms, nutrient sources and the environment. This concept emphasizes the integration of industry and agriculture toward green development for entire industry chain, using an interdisciplinary approach to drive the green transformation of fertilizer industry, and promote green and sustainable development of agriculture. By bridging the gap between the current state of fertilizer industry and a growing need for environmentally responsible agricultural practices, this review highlights a path toward harmonizing fertilizer production with the imperatives of green agriculture.

关键词: Root-nutrient feedback     green development     intelligent fertilizers     new fertilizer     plant−soil−fertilizer interaction     rhizosphere engineering    

An index system for evaluation of agriculture green development at county level in China RESEARCH ARTICLE

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 55-68 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024536


Agriculture green development (AGD) has become an unavoidable choice to address the unique national circumstances of China. This study established a county-level AGD evaluation index system, comprised three dimensions, food production, ecological environment and socioeconomic development, using 20 indicators. The assessment delved into historical trend and current situation, utilizing Spearman rank correlation analysis to analyze trade-off and synergy relationships, using Quzhou County, Hebei Province as a case study. The main findings were in four areas. Firstly, the index for AGD in Quzhou County increased by 58.9% from 1978 to 2019. The major contribution were the social economy (65.8%) and food production (53.5%), whereas the ecological environment was found to have had a negative impact. Secondly, in 2019, the AGD index was only 56.4, indicating substantial potential for improvement relative to the target value. A notable difference in scores existed between the three dimensions, with the order being ecological environment (66.3) > food production (61.7) > socioeconomic (41.3). Also, 90% of the indicators did not reach the target value. Thirdly, relationship analysis of the indicators revealed that the synergistic effect exceeded the trade-off effect. Specifically, 46.3% of the indicators had no significant relationship, 35.3% had a synergistic relationship, and 18.4% had a trade-off relationship. Finally, interdimensional indicator relationships exhibited a trade-off effect between the ecological environment and both food production and socioeconomic dimensions. However, a positive trend of synergy between production and ecology has emerged since 2015. In conclusion, the quantitative evaluation index system exposed the unbalanced development and significant potential relative to the target value of AGD in Quzhou County, despite notable progress.

关键词: Agriculture green development     index system     quantitative evaluation     Spearman correlation analysis    

Promoting Agriculture Green Development to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

YU Xinrong

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 112-113 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019318

Comments on the article of “Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world”

Carolien KROEZE

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 106-107 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019312

Spatiotemporal variation and evaluation of agriculture green development: a case study of Hainan Province RESEARCH ARTICLE

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 83-99 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024538


The realization of green and sustainable development of agriculture is the common pursuit all over the world. Agriculture green development (AGD) program has been proposed as a sustainable development strategy in China, but insufficient is known about the quantitative evaluation of spatiotemporal variation in AGD at the regional scale. This study aimed to assess spatiotemporal patterns in AGD at the county/city-based regional level. For this purpose, a systematic index evaluation system was developed to assess the performance of socioeconomic, food production and environmental components in a key economic region (Hainan Province) of China. Hainan improved its AGD index (representing the overall performance toward achieving AGD) from 38.8 in 1988 to 40.9 in 2019. The socioeconomic development and agricultural productivity have improved with time; environmental quality declined due to overuse of chemicals from 1988 to 2013, but steadily improved after 2013, indicating positive effects of reducing chemical input. There was a higher AGD index in the coastal vs. central regions and the southern vs. northern regions. Scenarios featuring improved nutrient management or optimized diet structure and reduced waste improved economic benefits and social productivity while concurrently reducing environmental degradation. These results provide new insights for the future development of green and sustainable agriculture and formulation of agricultural policies in Hainan Province of China and even other developing countries that are facing or will soon face similar challenges.

关键词: Agriculture     environmental impact     green and sustainable development     Hainan Province     index evaluation system    

Promoting green transformation by ensuring food security while reducing the environmental footprint offood and farming with agriculture green development EDITORIAL

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 1-4 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024549


Reconciling the challenges of producing adequate amounts of nutritious food for the increasing global population while limiting environmental damage that can result from operations of our food systems is an enormous challenge. In many parts of the world, agriculture is undergoing major transformations and this has been and still is particularly the case in China. In many countries, historical increases in food production have largely been achieved by increasing inputs of a range of resources, resulting in increased environmental footprints of the food produced. Agricultural development in China has resulted in unprecedented environmental degradation. Demand for food in China remains high and with an emphasis on national self-sufficiency in production of many food crops. There is an urgent need for the development of productive and more environmentally-friendly agricultural systems and improved environmental-economic-social resilience.

关键词: development     transformation food security    

Agriculture Green Development in China and the UK: common objectives and converging policy pathways

Yuelai LU, David NORSE, David POWLSON

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 98-105 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019298


This paper has three aims. First, to examine how the negative environmental consequences of intensive agriculture have driven China and the UK to shift away from narrowly focused farm output policies and adopt more holistic green development pathways. Second, to explore the policy objectives they have in common. Third, to assess the numerous opportunities for joint research and knowledge sharing through the Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network and other existing institutional mechanisms. The intensification of agricultural production in the UK started several decades earlier than in China as did the negative environmental consequences of the farm practices. However, their strategies and policies for sustainable intensification and green development have much in common. These are set out in two main documents: the Chinese State Council guidelines for green agriculture and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 25 Year Environment Plan. There are substantial mutual advantages from greater collaboration on problem identification and monitoring; the development of appropriate technological and management responses and the formulation of sound policies. To achieve this potential, it is recommended that further thought be given to how best to bring together all of the key stakeholders along the whole food chain.

关键词: Agriculture Green Development     China     policy     UK    

Implications of agricultural success in the Yellow River Basin and its strategy for green development REVIEW

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 122-133 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024539


The Yellow River Basin is an important food production area and an ecological challenge for China, where environmental protection and water scarcity are the major constraints. For the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin, optimizing the adoption of chemicals in agricultural production and integrating crops with livestock are the key strategies for protecting the eco-environment. For dryland agriculture in the middle and upper reaches, this study summarizes four aspects of efficient precipitation techniques in terms of collection, storage, conservation, and use, which have greatly improved crop yields and supported dryland crop production. Irrigated agriculture in the middle and lower reaches is the core area of China’s grain production, where the area under water-saving irrigation reached 13.0 Mha in 2018, greatly improving water use. Compared with 1998, cereal production in 2018 increased by 62.2 Mt under similar total water withdrawals (49.7 billion to 51.6 billion m3), and the annual soil erosion at the Tongguan Hydrological Observatory reduced by 584 million m3 in 2018, achieving great success in environmental protection and efficient water use. The Chinese government has set a goal for the Yellow River Basin to become the national leader in environmental protection and efficient water use by 2035. Such a high demand requires the combined efforts of the whole community, as well as the adoption of new technologies, coordinated basin-wide development, and adequate policy support.

关键词: Ecological agriculture     drylands agriculture     irrigation     water-saving technology     policy support    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第4期   页码 491-500 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021428


Loess Plateau of China is a typical dryland agricultural area. Agriculture there has transformed from food shortage toward green development over the past seven decades, and has achieved world-renowned achievements. During 1950–1980, the population increased from 42 to 77 million, increasing grain production to meet food demand of rapid population growth was the greatest challenge. Engineering measures such as terracing and check-dam were the crucial strategies to increase crop production. From 1981 to 2000, most of agronomic measures played a key role in increasing crops yield, and a series of policy support has benefited millions of smallholders. As expected, these measures and policies greatly increased crop production and basically achieved food security; but, low per capita GDP (only about 620 USD in 2000) was still a big challenge. During 2001–2015, the increase in agricultural and non-agricultural income together supported the increase in farmer income to 5781 USD·yr–1. Intensive agriculture that relies heavily on chemicals increased crop productivity by 56%. Steadfast policy support such as “Grain for Green Program” had an overwhelming advantage in protecting the natural ecological environment. In the new era, the integration of science and technology innovations, policy support and positive societal factors will be the golden key to further improve food production, protect environment, and increase smallholder income. 


关键词: agronomic technologies     economic returns     education     environmental cost     food production     government policy    

Exploring solutions for sustainable agriculture with “green” and “development” tags in Africa

Felix D. DAKORA, Jianbo SHEN, Fusuo ZHANG, Xiaoqiang JIAO

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 363-365 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020356


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第4期   页码 510-517 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023524


Pollution of high-altitude lake basins by agriculture and rural activities, and the control of this pollution, have received increasing attention from academic research and government policy in China. Series of restrictions and regulations have been implemented to protect the surface water quality. These restrictions and regulations have greatly impacted and transformed the agricultural systems and rural livelihoods surrounding these lake basins. Using Erhai Lake basin in Yunnan Province as a case study, three main challenges were identified for concurrently decreasing pollution in the lake and increasing farmer income. It is contended that scientifically-sound environmental protection policies and agricultural green development practices are key to reversing the current situation. This will help to protect the lake from pollution while smallholder farmers will be able to produce healthy food in an environmentally sustainable manner, and with a fair remuneration for all the services farmers provide to the society.

关键词: agriculture     farmer income     nitrogen     phosphorus     water pollution    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第3期   页码 362-372 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE -2021392


Intensive agriculture in China over recent decades has successfully realized food security but at the expense of negative environmental impacts. Achieving green transformation of agriculture in China requires fundamental restructuring of cropping systems. This paper presents a theoretical framework of theory, approaches and implementation of crop diversification schemes in China. Initially, crop diversification schemes require identifying multiple objectives by simultaneously considering natural resources, limiting factors/constraints, and social and economic demands of different stakeholders. Then, it is necessary to optimize existing and/or design novel cropping systems based upon farming practices and ecological principles, and to strengthen targeted ecosystem services to achieve the identified objectives. Next, the resulting diversified cropping systems need to be evaluated and examined by employing experimental and modeling approaches. Finally, a strategic plan, as presented in this paper, is needed for implementing an optimized crop diversification in China based upon regional characteristics with the concurrent objectives of safe, nutritious food production and environmental protection. The North China Plain is used as an example to illustrate the strategic plan to optimize and design diversified cropping systems. The implementation of crop diversification in China will set an example for other countries undergoing agricultural transition, and contribute to global sustainable development.


关键词: Agriculture Green Development , crop diversification , cropping system modeling , ecosystem services , sustainable agriculture    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

China’s Agriculture Green Development: from Concept to Actions


Policy options for Agriculture Green Development by farmers in China

Laurence E. D. SMITH


Agriculture green development in China: insights and advances


Green intelligent fertilizers—A novel approach for aligning sustainable agriculture with green development


An index system for evaluation of agriculture green development at county level in China


Promoting Agriculture Green Development to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

YU Xinrong


Comments on the article of “Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world”

Carolien KROEZE


Spatiotemporal variation and evaluation of agriculture green development: a case study of Hainan Province


Promoting green transformation by ensuring food security while reducing the environmental footprint offood and farming with agriculture green development


Agriculture Green Development in China and the UK: common objectives and converging policy pathways

Yuelai LU, David NORSE, David POWLSON


Implications of agricultural success in the Yellow River Basin and its strategy for green development




Exploring solutions for sustainable agriculture with “green” and “development” tags in Africa

Felix D. DAKORA, Jianbo SHEN, Fusuo ZHANG, Xiaoqiang JIAO




