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Game theoretic analysis of environmental impact assessment system in China

CHENG Hongguang, PU Xiao, GONG Li, QI Ye

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4,   Pages 448-453 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0071-8

Abstract: Environmental impact assessment (EIA) system has been established in China since 1973.

Keywords: public     impact assessment     Environmental impact     general    

Environmental and human health impact assessment of major interior wall decorative materials

Bingqing ZHANG, Ruochen ZENG, Xiaodong LI

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3,   Pages 406-415 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0025-4

Abstract: The environmental impact assessment follows life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and applies BuildingThe human health impact is based on impact-pathway chain and is performed using Building Health ImpactThe assessment scope, associated emissions, and territorial scope of various emissions are defined toAssessment results reveal that the integrated impact of interior latex is lower than that of non-wovenwallpaper, and the interior latex of low quality causes low life cycle integrated impact.

Keywords: life cycle assessment     human health impact     integrated assessment     interior wall decorative material     green    

Integration of climate change considerations into environmental impact assessment — implementation, problems

I-Shin CHANG, Jing WU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 4,   Pages 598-607 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0496-1

Abstract: Since the 1990s, climate change considerations have been required to be included in environmental impactduring the implementation of the process of integrating climate change considerations into environmental impactassessment in China through a case study.Currently in China, the practice of integrating climate change considerations into environmental impactassessment is mainly concentrated on the strategic environmental assessment level.

Keywords: climate change considerations     environmental impact assessment     energy consumption     greenhouse gases     low    

Life cycle assessment of low impact development technologies combined with conventional centralized water

Hyunju Jeong, Osvaldo A. Broesicke, Bob Drew, Duo Li, John C. Crittenden

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2016, Volume 10, Issue 6, doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0851-0

Abstract: Low-impact development (LID) technologies, such as bioretention areas, rooftop rainwater harvesting,We performed a life cycle assessment (LCA) comparison of CS and HS using TRACI 2.1 to simulate impactsWe quantified the impact of freshwater consumption using the freshwater ecosystem impact (FEI) indicatorreduce outdoor water demand and therefore would be a good choice to decrease the water consumption impact

Keywords: Life cycle assessment (LCA)     Low impact development (LID)     Bioretention area     Rainwater harvesting     Xeriscaping    

Synthesis, characterization and life cycle assessment of electrochemically exfoliated KOH-activated holey

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 12, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1755-4


● Electrochemically exfoliated graphene (EEG) was prepared from pencil graphite rods.

Keywords: Holey graphene     Electrochemical exfoliation     Life cycle assessment (LCA)     Environmental impact     KOH activation    

Assessing the impact on groundwater safety of inter-basin water transfer using a coupled modeling approach

Haifeng JIA,Shidong LIANG,Yansong ZHANG

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 84-95 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0741-2

Abstract: Few models focus on the impact of hydraulic changes in the surface water flows on the groundwater, orspecifically, the impact of a water transfer project to fill a seasonally dry channel.In this study, a linked surface water and groundwater simulation model was developed to assess the impactWith the same initial and boundary conditions, scenario analyses were performed to quantify the impact

Keywords: surface water     groundwater     linked model     groundwater safety impact assessment     water diversion    

Acute toxicity assessment of drinking water source with luminescent bacteria: Impact of environmental

Xuewen Yi, Zhanqi Gao, Lanhua Liu, Qian Zhu, Guanjiu Hu, Xiaohong Zhou

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 6, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1288-z

Abstract: Abstract • Acute toxicity assessment was conducted in Luoma lake watershed, East China. • Impacts ofIn this study, acute toxicity assessment was conducted on the basis of acute bioluminescence inhibition

Keywords: Bioluminescent bacteria     Acute toxicity     Pearson correlation analysis     Drinking water source     Vibrio fischeri    

Comprehensive analysis on China’s National Climate Change Assessment Reports: Action and emphasis

Bing WANG, Ge HONG, Chao-Qun CUI, Hao YU, Tad MURTY

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1,   Pages 52-61 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0002-y

Abstract: Climate change assessment is central for low-carbon management practice.This paper investigates China’s National Climate Change Assessment Reports of 2007, 2011, and 2015.These three reports are compared with other climate change assessment reports by data mining.The necessity of national climate change assessment is analyzed with the requirements at home and abroadThe outlook for China’s fourth assessment report is proposed.

Keywords: climate change assessment     low-carbon management     impact     adaptation     mitigation    

Decision Support System for Evaluating Impact of Product Carbon Labeling Scheme

Xu Dong-ling,Foster Chris,Hu Ying,Yang Jian-bo

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2014, Volume 1, Issue 1,   Pages 89-104 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014015

Abstract: In this paper a decision support system for systematically evaluating the impact of labeling productsThe system developed can be applied to assessing the impact of sustainable development policies to maximize

Keywords: impact assessment     multiple criteria decision analysis     risk analysis     carbon footprint     decision support    

Key uncertainty events impacting on the completion time of highway construction projects


Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 275-298 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0022-7

Abstract: examines the uncertainty events encountered in the process of constructing highways, and evaluates their impactof brainstorming by highway experts and interviewing them to identify the uncertainty factors that impactAlso, it was found that each factor might account for several uncertainty events which impact on constructionbeen developed, as a simple, reliable and accurate advanced machine learning technique to assess the impactBased on the predicted impact size of uncertainty events on the time of highway projects, it can be concluded

Keywords: ANFIS     construction time     impact assessment     highway project     South Africa     uncertainty    

Comparative study on the efficiency and environmental impact of two methods of utilizing polyvinyl chloride

WU Yuehui,WANG Guoliang,WANG Zhen,LIU Yi,GU Ping,SUN Dezhi

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3,   Pages 451-462 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0614-0

Abstract: We carried out a life cycle assessment with each of the two processes to evaluate their environmentalimpact and defined the goals and limits of our remit.Incineration had a larger total environmental impact potential than vacuum pyrolysis.The total environmental impact potential of PVC waste from incineration was three times higher than thatThe results of our life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) showed considerable reliability of our methodology

Keywords: polyvinyl chloride waste     utilization     incineration process     vacuum pyrolysis process     life cycle assessment    

Turning Industrial Residues into Resources: An Environmental Impact Assessment of Goethite Valorization Article

Andrea Di Maria, Karel Van Acker

Engineering 2018, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 421-429 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.05.008

Abstract: Lifecycle assessment (LCA) is used to compare the environmental performance of the inorganic polymerThe goethite-based inorganic polymers production shows better performances in several environmental impactHowever, in other environmental impact categories, such as global warming, the goethite valorization

Keywords: Goethite recycling     Slag plasma fuming     Inorganic polymerization     Life cycle assessment    

Assessing the potential impacts of public transport-based crowdshipping: A case study in a central district of Copenhagen

Frontiers of Engineering Management doi: 10.1007/s42524-024-4019-5

Abstract: The expansion of e-commerce and the sharing economy has paved the way for crowdshipping as an innovative approach to addressing last-mile delivery challenges. Previous studies and implementations have predominantly concentrated on private vehicle-based crowdshipping, which may lead to increased traffic congestion and emissions due to additional trips made specifically for deliveries. To circumvent these possible adverse effects, this paper explores a public transport (PT)-based crowdshipping concept as a complementary solution to the traditional parcel delivery systems. In this model, PT users leverage their routine journeys to perform delivery tasks. We propose a methodology that includes a parcel locker location model and a vehicle routing model to analyze the effect of PT-based crowdshipping. Notably, the parcel locker location model aids in planning a PT-based crowdshipping network and identifying obstacles to its development. A case study conducted in the central district of Copenhagen utilizing real-world data assesses the effects of PT-based crowdshipping. The findings suggest that PT-based crowdshipping can decrease the total kilometers traveled by vehicles, the overall working hours of drivers, and the number of vans required for last-mile deliveries, thereby alleviating urban traffic congestion and environmental pollution. Nevertheless, the growth of PT-based crowdshipping may be limited by the availability of crowdshippers, indicating that initiatives to increase the number of crowdshippers are essential.

Keywords: crowdshipping     public transport-based crowdshipping     integrated passenger and freight transportation     impactassessment    

Bayesian multi-sparse component extraction for damage reconstruction of space debris hypervelocity impact Research Article

Xuegang HUANG, Anhua SHI, Qing LUO, Jinyang LUO,

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2022, Volume 23, Issue 4,   Pages 530-541 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000575

Abstract: To improve the survivability of orbiting spacecraft against space debris impacts, we propose an impactSubsequently, to identify different impact damage types from infrared image data effectively, the inferenceIn the experiment, the proposed method is used to evaluate the complex damages caused by the impact of

Keywords: Hypervelocity impact     Variational Bayesian     Sparse representation     Damage assessment    

Impacts of de-icing salt pollution on urban road greenspace: a case study of Beijing

Zhouyuan LI,Yingmei LIANG,Junhui ZHOU,Xiao SUN

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 5,   Pages 747-756 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0644-2

Abstract: De-icing salt contamination of urban soil and greenspace has been a common issue of concern in many countries for years. In the 2009/2010 winter, Beijing experienced a contamination accident resulting from the overuse of de-icing salt, reported as almost 30000 tons, which severely damaged urban vegetation alongside roadways. The methods of sampling and rating for both soil contamination and response of the plant populations were developed to rapidly assess this emergency environmental event. Results showed that the shrubs were more severely damaged than the arbors in terms of both degree and extent, as almost all of the surveyed shrubs were severely damaged from the salt contamination, while only about 1/4 of the recorded arbors were rated as “severely injured” according to the integral plant injury index. The rating of the injury level showed that the trees like a, , and the shrubs like , showed less tolerance to de-icing salt pollution. The patterns of vegetation damage demonstrated that the ever-green shrubs alongside roads and the deciduous arbors in the center of roads were most vulnerable to the salt damage.

Keywords: de-icing salt     environmental impact assessment     urban ecology     greenspace    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Game theoretic analysis of environmental impact assessment system in China

CHENG Hongguang, PU Xiao, GONG Li, QI Ye

Journal Article

Environmental and human health impact assessment of major interior wall decorative materials

Bingqing ZHANG, Ruochen ZENG, Xiaodong LI

Journal Article

Integration of climate change considerations into environmental impact assessment — implementation, problems

I-Shin CHANG, Jing WU

Journal Article

Life cycle assessment of low impact development technologies combined with conventional centralized water

Hyunju Jeong, Osvaldo A. Broesicke, Bob Drew, Duo Li, John C. Crittenden

Journal Article

Synthesis, characterization and life cycle assessment of electrochemically exfoliated KOH-activated holey

Journal Article

Assessing the impact on groundwater safety of inter-basin water transfer using a coupled modeling approach

Haifeng JIA,Shidong LIANG,Yansong ZHANG

Journal Article

Acute toxicity assessment of drinking water source with luminescent bacteria: Impact of environmental

Xuewen Yi, Zhanqi Gao, Lanhua Liu, Qian Zhu, Guanjiu Hu, Xiaohong Zhou

Journal Article

Comprehensive analysis on China’s National Climate Change Assessment Reports: Action and emphasis

Bing WANG, Ge HONG, Chao-Qun CUI, Hao YU, Tad MURTY

Journal Article

Decision Support System for Evaluating Impact of Product Carbon Labeling Scheme

Xu Dong-ling,Foster Chris,Hu Ying,Yang Jian-bo

Journal Article

Key uncertainty events impacting on the completion time of highway construction projects


Journal Article

Comparative study on the efficiency and environmental impact of two methods of utilizing polyvinyl chloride

WU Yuehui,WANG Guoliang,WANG Zhen,LIU Yi,GU Ping,SUN Dezhi

Journal Article

Turning Industrial Residues into Resources: An Environmental Impact Assessment of Goethite Valorization

Andrea Di Maria, Karel Van Acker

Journal Article

Assessing the potential impacts of public transport-based crowdshipping: A case study in a central district of Copenhagen

Journal Article

Bayesian multi-sparse component extraction for damage reconstruction of space debris hypervelocity impact

Xuegang HUANG, Anhua SHI, Qing LUO, Jinyang LUO,

Journal Article

Impacts of de-icing salt pollution on urban road greenspace: a case study of Beijing

Zhouyuan LI,Yingmei LIANG,Junhui ZHOU,Xiao SUN

Journal Article