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P2P energy trading via public power networks: Practical challenges, emerging solutions, and the way forward

《能源前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第2期   页码 189-197 doi: 10.1007/s11708-023-0873-9

摘要: Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading is an emerging energy supply paradigm where customers with distributed energy resources (DERs) are allowed to directly trade and share electricity with each other. P2P energy trading can facilitate local power and energy balance, thus being a potential way to manage the rapidly increasing number of DERs in net zero transition. It is of great importance to explore P2P energy trading via public power networks, to which most DERs are connected. Despite the extensive research on P2P energy trading, there has been little large-scale commercial deployment in practice across the world. In this paper, the practical challenges of conducting P2P energy trading via public power networks are identified and presented, based on the analysis of a practical Local Virtual Private Networks (LVPNs) case in North Wales, UK. The ongoing efforts and emerging solutions to tackling the challenges are then summarized and critically reviewed. Finally, the way forward for facilitating P2P energy trading via public power networks is proposed.

关键词: distribution network     local virtual private network     network charges     peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading     practical implementation.    

Fine-grained P2P traffic classification by simply counting flows

Jie HE,Yue-xiang YANG,Yong QIAO,Wen-ping DENG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第5期   页码 391-403 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400267

摘要: The continuous emerging of peer-to-peer (P2P) applications enriches resource sharing by networks, but it also brings about many challenges to network management. Therefore, P2P applications monitoring, in particular, P2P traffic classification, is becoming increasingly important. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for accurate P2P traffic classification at a fine-grained level. Our approach relies only on counting some special flows that are appearing frequently and steadily in the traffic generated by specific P2P applications. In contrast to existing methods, the main contribution of our approach can be summarized as the following two aspects. Firstly, it can achieve a high classification accuracy by exploiting only several generic properties of flows rather than complicated features and sophisticated techniques. Secondly, it can work well even if the classification target is running with other high bandwidth-consuming applications, outperforming most existing host-based approaches, which are incapable of dealing with this situation. We evaluated the performance of our approach on a real-world trace. Experimental results show that P2P applications can be classified with a true positive rate higher than 97.22% and a false positive rate lower than 2.78%.

关键词: Traffic classification     Peer-to-peer (P2P)     Fine-grained     Host-based    



《中国工程科学》 2007年 第9卷 第9期   页码 72-77

摘要: <p style="text-align: justify;">提出了一种基于交互、 面向服务的P2P网络体系结构框 架模型ISPNA,同时结合P2P网络 松耦合、自组织、可缩放等特点, 对P2P网络技术中增强其可用性需从P2P网络体系结构的研究角度出发, 将增强P2P网络可用性所需要考虑的 多方面因素放置在P2P网络的不同 层次予以解决,有利于从宏观上 把握需要解决的问题。p>

关键词: P2P网络     体系结构     层次参考模型     资源     服务    

DGTM:基于动态分组的移动P2P网络信任模型 Article

Mei-juan JIA, Hui-qiang WANG, Jun-yu LIN, Guang-sheng FENG, Hai-tao YU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第18卷 第4期   页码 559-569 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601535

摘要: 移动对等网络的特征,如有限带宽、动态拓扑、对等节点的异质性、有限资源等,给其带来了额外挑战。为促进移动对等网中节点之间的交易,信任管理成为一个重要研究内容。然而,在移动对等网络中,节点频繁地加入和离开网络,网络拓扑经常发生变化,节点之间很难建立长期有效的信任关系。为解决这个问题,我们首次提出基于动态分组的信任管理模型(Dynamic grouping based trust model, DGTM),该模型通过节点的兴趣对节点进行分类,具有相同或者相似兴趣的节点被分在同一组内,保持稳定的信任关系且彼此分享资源。模拟实验验证表明,我们提出的基于动态分组的信任管理模型能够获得较高的成功交易率和较好的通信开销。

关键词: 移动对等网;信任管理;动态分组;超级节点    

Emergency design framework: a satellite preliminary scheme design

TENG Hongfei, WANG Yishou, ZHANG Bao

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第2卷 第2期   页码 184-192 doi: 10.1007/s11465-007-0031-9

摘要: The emergency design of mechanical products or equipment (such as a satellite) is significant for disaster relief when the natural disasters occur. Most of us are unaware about the little information that is available in literature about emergency designs. Against the background of the preliminary scheme design of satellite payloads, emergency design was studied in the case of natural disasters. We presented some definitions about emergency design. Then, we proposed the basic ideas of how to realize the emergency design. These ideas were inspired by two aspects: 1) the evolutionary algorithms, the agent, the human-computer cooperation, and the collaborative design theory; 2) the emergency behaviors in ant colonies. Following the ideas, first we constructed the human computer cooperation agents (hereinafter called the HC-Agents) that combine the human intelligence with evolutionary algorithms. These HC-Agents had specific features like the division of labor in the ant colony. Second, we developed the multiagents cooperative design system on the basis of a hybrid P2P (peer-to-peer) model. Therefore, the emergency design system has shown some capabilities, such as anti-interference, adaptation, and rapid response.

关键词: significant     intelligence     P2P     hereinafter     computer cooperation    

TEES:一种面向高性能计算快速、灵活应用程序部署的拓扑感知的运行环境服务 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第11期   页码 1631-1645 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2100284

摘要: <p>高性能计算(HPC)即将达到新的高度:百亿亿次。应用程序部署正成为一个日益突出的问题。容器技术解决了应用程序及其运行环境的封装和迁移问题。虽然点对点(P2P)方式带来更高的传输效率,但也引入更大的网络负载。所有这些问题都会导致应用程序的高启动延迟。TEES为用户创建了一个更轻量级的运行环境,并使用一种更有效的拓扑感知P2P方法减少部署时间。结合分步传输和提前启动机制,TEES降低了应用程序的启动延迟。p>

关键词: 运行环境;应用部署;高性能计算(HPC);容器;点对点(P2P);网络拓扑    

matter 2.5 triggers airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in mice by activating the SIRT2--p65 pathway

《医学前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期   页码 750-766 doi: 10.1007/s11684-021-0839-4

摘要: Exposure to particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) potentially triggers airway inflammation by activating nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). Sirtuin 2 (SIRT2) is a key modulator in inflammation. However, the function and specific mechanisms of SIRT2 in PM2.5-induced airway inflammation are largely understudied. Therefore, this work investigated the mechanisms of SIRT2 in regulating the phosphorylation and acetylation of p65 influenced by PM2.5-induced airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Results revealed that PM2.5 exposure lowered the expression and activity of SIRT2 in bronchial tissues. Subsequently, SIRT2 impairment promoted the phosphorylation and acetylation of p65 and activated the NF-κB signaling pathway. The activation of p65 triggered airway inflammation, increment of mucus secretion by goblet cells, and acceleration of tracheal stenosis. Meanwhile, p65 phosphorylation and acetylation, airway inflammation, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness were deteriorated in SIRT2 knockout mice exposed to PM2.5. Triptolide (a specific p65 inhibitor) reversed p65 activation and ameliorated PM2.5-induced airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Our findings provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the toxicity of PM2.5 exposure. Triptolide inhibition of p65 phosphorylation and acetylation could be an effective therapeutic approach in averting PM2.5-induced airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness.

关键词: particulate matter 2.5     sirtuin 2     p65     airway inflammation     bronchial hyperresponsiveness     triptolide    

Correlation between serum miR-154-5p and urinary albumin excretion rates in patients with type 2 diabetes

Huiwen Ren, Can Wu, Ying Shao, Shuang Liu, Yang Zhou, Qiuyue Wang

《医学前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期   页码 642-650 doi: 10.1007/s11684-019-0719-3

摘要: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between serum miR-154-5p and urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and the association with biomarkers of inflammation and fibrosis in diabetic kidney disease (DKD). A total of 390 patients with T2DM were divided into three groups: normal albuminuria (UACR<30 mg/g, =136, NA), microalbuminuria (UACR at 30–300 mg/g, =132, MA), and clinical albuminuria (UACR>300 mg/g, =122, CA). Circulating miR-154-5p, inflammatory (C-reactive protein (CRP); erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR); and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and fibrotic markers (vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1); and fibronectin (FN)), and other biochemical indicators were assessed via real-time PCR, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and chemiluminescence assay in patients with T2DM and 138 control subjects (NC). UACR, miR-154-5p, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum creatinine (sCr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), ESR, CRP, VEGF, TNF-α, TGF-β1, and FN were significantly higher and the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was significantly lower in NA, MA, and CA groups than in NC subjects ( <0.05). Elevated levels of UACR and miR-154-5p were directly correlated with HbA1c, sCr, BUN, ESR, CRP, VEGF, TNF-α, TGF-β1, and FN and negatively correlated with eGFR ( <0.05). miR-154-5p, HbA1c, sCr, BUN, eGFR, ESR, CRP, VEGF, TNF-α, TGF-β1, and FN were important factors affecting UACR. These findings indicated that elevated serum miR-154-5p is significantly correlated with high UACR in patients with T2DM and may offer a novel reference for the early diagnosis of DKD.

关键词: type 2 diabetes mellitus     diabetic kidney disease     miR-154-5p     urinary albumin to creatinine ratio    

Enhancing the photoelectrochemical performance of p-silicon through TiO coating decorated with mesoporous

《能源前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期   页码 772-780 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0783-7

摘要: MoS2 is a promising electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction and a good candidate for cocatalyst to enhance the photoelectrochemical (PEC) performance of Si-based photoelectrode in aqueous electrolytes. The main challenge lies in the optimization of the microstructure of MoS2, to improve its catalytic activity and to construct a mechanically and chemically stable cocatalyst/Si photocathode. In this paper, a highly-ordered mesoporous MoS2 was synthesized and decorated onto a TiO2 protected p-silicon substrate. An additional TiO2 necking was introduced to strengthen the bonding between the MoS2 particles and the TiO2 layer. This meso-MoS2/TiO2/p-Si hybrid photocathode exhibited significantly enhanced PEC performance, where an onset potential of +0.06 V (versus RHE) and a current density of −1.8 mA/cm2 at 0 V (versus RHE) with a Faradaic efficiency close to 100% was achieved in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4. Additionally, this meso-MoS2/TiO2/p-Si photocathode showed an excellent PEC ability and durability in alkaline media. This paper provides a promising strategy to enhance and protect the photocathode through high-performance surface cocatalysts.

关键词: photoelectrocatalysis     hydrogen evolution     Si photocathode     mesoporous MoS2    


Sarah C.P. Williams

《工程(英文)》 2023年 第22卷 第3期   页码 7-9 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.01.002

Non-thermal plasma for exhaust gases treatment

,Marquidia PACHECO P.,Fernando GÓMEZ B.,Joel PACHECO P.,Arturo COLÍN C.,Hilda FRÍAS P.

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第10卷 第3期   页码 301-305 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0344-z


This article describes a study on a non-thermal plasma device to treat exhaust gases in an internal combustion engine. Several tests using a plasma device to treat exhaust gases are conducted on a Honda GX200-196 cm3 engine at different rotational speeds. A plasma reactor could be efficient in degrading nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Monoxide and carbon dioxide treatment is minimal. However, achieving 1%–3% degradation may be interesting to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

关键词: plasma treatment     NOx     CO     CO2     particulate matter     vehicle    

Probes and nano-delivery systems targeting NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1: a mini-review

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第2期   页码 123-138 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2194-7

摘要: The two-electron cytoplasmic reductase NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 is expressed in many tissues. NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 is well-known for being highly expressed in most cancers. Therefore, it could be a target for cancer therapy. Because it is a quinone reductase, many bioimaging probes based on quinone structures target NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 to diagnose tumours. Its expression is higher in tumours than in normal tissues, and using target drugs such as β-lapachone to reduce side effects in normal tissues can help. However, the physicochemical properties of β-lapachone limit its application. The problem can be solved by using nanosystems to deliver β-lapachone. This mini-review summarizes quinone-based fluorescent, near-infrared and two-photon fluorescent probes, as well as nanosystems for delivering the NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1-activating drug β-lapachone. This review provides valuable information for the future development of probes and nano-delivery systems that target NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1.

关键词: NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1     cancer therapy     target     probe     nanosystem    

The opportunity of membrane technology for hydrogen purification in the power to hydrogen (P2H) roadmap

Hiep Thuan Lu, Wen Li, Ehsan Soroodan Miandoab, Shinji Kanehashi, Guoping Hu

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期   页码 464-482 doi: 10.1007/s11705-020-1983-0

摘要: The global energy market is in a transition towards low carbon fuel systems to ensure the sustainable development of our society and economy. This can be achieved by converting the surplus renewable energy into hydrogen gas. The injection of hydrogen (≤10% v/v) in the existing natural gas pipelines is demonstrated to have negligible effects on the pipelines and is a promising solution for hydrogen transportation and storage if the end-user purification technologies for hydrogen recovery from hydrogen enriched natural gas (HENG) are in place. In this review, promising membrane technologies for hydrogen separation is revisited and presented. Dense metallic membranes are highlighted with the ability of producing 99.9999999% (v/v) purity hydrogen product. However, high operating temperature (≥300 °C) incurs high energy penalty, thus, limits its application to hydrogen purification in the power to hydrogen roadmap. Polymeric membranes are a promising candidate for hydrogen separation with its commercial readiness. However, further investigation in the enhancement of H /CH selectivity is crucial to improve the separation performance. The potential impacts of impurities in HENG on membrane performance are also discussed. The research and development outlook are presented, highlighting the essence of upscaling the membrane separation processes and the integration of membrane technology with pressure swing adsorption technology.

关键词: power to hydrogen     membrane technology     hydrogen     energy    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第6期   页码 27-35

摘要: <p>利用黄磷尾气生产甲酸、乙酸以及甲醇等高附加值产品,净化预处理成为制药其应用的瓶颈问题。研究了用普通活性炭和自制催化剂KU2催化氧化净化黄磷尾气的方法;讨论了固定床系统中常压下、温度20~140℃,催化剂上磷和硫化氢的吸附特征。KU2和活性炭都能通过催化氧化过程有效脱除黄磷尾气中的P4,PH3和H2S杂质,随着反应温度和氧含量增加可显著提高净化效果,在最优条件下p>

关键词: 催化剂     催化氧化     H2S     P4     PH3     固定床    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

P2P energy trading via public power networks: Practical challenges, emerging solutions, and the way forward


Fine-grained P2P traffic classification by simply counting flows

Jie HE,Yue-xiang YANG,Yong QIAO,Wen-ping DENG






Mei-juan JIA, Hui-qiang WANG, Jun-yu LIN, Guang-sheng FENG, Hai-tao YU


Emergency design framework: a satellite preliminary scheme design

TENG Hongfei, WANG Yishou, ZHANG Bao





matter 2.5 triggers airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in mice by activating the SIRT2--p65 pathway


construction integration technology in Brazil’s superlarge deep-water offshore oil and gas unit project (FPSO P67/P70)


Correlation between serum miR-154-5p and urinary albumin excretion rates in patients with type 2 diabetes

Huiwen Ren, Can Wu, Ying Shao, Shuang Liu, Yang Zhou, Qiuyue Wang


Enhancing the photoelectrochemical performance of p-silicon through TiO coating decorated with mesoporous



Sarah C.P. Williams


Non-thermal plasma for exhaust gases treatment

,Marquidia PACHECO P.,Fernando GÓMEZ B.,Joel PACHECO P.,Arturo COLÍN C.,Hilda FRÍAS P.


Probes and nano-delivery systems targeting NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1: a mini-review


The opportunity of membrane technology for hydrogen purification in the power to hydrogen (P2H) roadmap

Hiep Thuan Lu, Wen Li, Ehsan Soroodan Miandoab, Shinji Kanehashi, Guoping Hu



