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Analyzing the service availability of mobile cloud computing systems by fluid-flow approximation

Hong-wu LV,Jun-yu LIN,Hui-qiang WANG,Guang-sheng FENG,Mo ZHOU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第7期   页码 553-567 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400410

摘要: Mobile cloud computing (MCC) has become a promising technique to deal with computation- or data-intensive tasks. It overcomes the limited processing power, poor storage capacity, and short battery life of mobile devices. Providing continuous and on-demand services, MCC argues that the service must be available for users at anytime and anywhere. However, at present, the service availability of MCC is usually measured by some certain metrics of a real-world system, and the results do not have broad representation since different systems have different load levels, different deployments, and many other random factors. Meanwhile, for large-scale and complex types of services in MCC systems, simulation-based methods (such as Monte-Carlo simulation) may be costly and the traditional state-based methods always suffer from the problem of state-space explosion. In this paper, to overcome these shortcomings, fluid-flow approximation, a breakthrough to avoid state-space explosion, is adopted to analyze the service availability of MCC. Four critical metrics, including response time of service, minimum sensing time of devices, minimum number of nodes chosen, and action throughput, are defined to estimate the availability by solving a group of ordinary differential equations even before the MCC system is fully deployed. Experimental results show that our method costs less time in analyzing the service availability of MCC than the Markov- or simulation-based methods.

关键词: Service availability     Mobile cloud computing     Fluid-flow approximation     Ordinary differential equations    



《中国工程科学》 2018年 第20卷 第2期   页码 20-26 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.02.004



关键词: 云计算     边缘计算     雾计算     移动边缘计算     物联网     前端智能    

Should medium-sized contractors still implement home-made information technologies on construction sites?


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 142-158 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0065-9

摘要: Despite the increasing dissemination of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach, many firms are still far from BIM and are only starting to adopt information technologies. We conducted an ethnographic action research with an industrial partner that implements information technologies on its construction sites, with a strong preference for home-made applications. Results show that the development of such applications faces difficulties and that multiple iterations and versions are necessary before achieving the expected goals because the required competencies are lacking among internal development teams. Moreover, initial needs evolve considerably throughout the application’s development and evaluation process. However, notwithstanding the difficulties encountered during the different application development phases, the industrial partner believes the decision to be worthwhile because of the desire to have internal control over the project data and the need to consider certain specificities related to business processes.

关键词: small- and medium-sized enterprises     mobile computing     mobile cloud computing     information technology for construction     construction site     ethnographic action research    

基于边缘计算的软件定义云制造和柔性资源调度研究 Article

杨晨, 廖方茵, 兰舒琳, 王力翚, 沈卫明, 黄国全

《工程(英文)》 2023年 第22卷 第3期   页码 60-70 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.08.022


本文研究的重点是在云制造环境中实现快速重构、实现灵活的资源调度、开发资源潜力以应对各种变化。因此,本文首先提出了一种新的基于云和软件定义网络(SDN)的制造模型——软件定义云制造(SDCM),该模型将控制逻辑从自动化硬件转移到软件上。这种转变意义重大,因为软件可以充当制造系统的“大脑”,并且可以轻松更改或更新以支持快速系统重新配置、运营和演进。随后,边缘计算被引入,以接近终端的计算和存储能力来补充云。另一个关键问题是管理由不同服务质量(QoS)要求的大量物联网(IoT)数据传输而导致的严重网络拥塞。基于SDCM的虚拟化和灵活的网络能力,本研究形式化了面向复杂制造任务集的时间敏感性数据流量控制问题,并考虑了子任务分配和数据路由路径选择。为了解决这一优化问题,提出了一种将遗传算法(GA)、Dijkstra 最短路径算法和排队算法相结合的方法。实验结果表明,该方法能有效地防止网络拥塞,减少SDCM中的总通信延迟。


关键词: 云制造     边缘计算     软件定义网络     工业物联网     工业4.0    

Energy-efficient trajectory planning for a multi-UAV-assisted mobile edge computing system

Pei-qiu Huang, Yong Wang, Ke-zhi Wang,pqhuang@csu.edu.cn,ywang@csu.edu.cn,kezhi.wang@northumbria.ac.uk

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第21卷 第12期   页码 1671-1814 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000315

摘要: We study a system assisted by (UAVs), where the UAVs act as edge servers to provide computing services for Internet of Things devices. Our goal is to minimize the energy consumption of this system by planning the trajectories of UAVs. This problem is difficult to address because when planning the trajectories, we need to consider not only the order of stop points (SPs), but also their deployment (including the number and locations) and the association between UAVs and SPs. To tackle this problem, we present an energy-efficient algorithm (TPA) which comprises three phases. In the first phase, a algorithm with a variable population size is adopted to update the number and locations of SPs at the same time. In the second phase, the



《中国工程科学》 2019年 第21卷 第6期   页码 114-119 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.10.001



关键词: 雾云计算     泛在网络空间     大数据     物联网     云计算    

一种基于数字孪生云平台的炼铁过程智能优化服务 Article

周恒, 杨春节, 孙优贤

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第9期   页码 1274-1281 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.04.022


工业过程多目标优化研究因算法和设备的不完善,已经大幅限制了工业过程的智能化发展。为了提升流程工业过程的操作水平,本文提出了一种基于云服务平台和分布式系统的混合智能优化框架。在这个智能优化系统中,工业实时数据首先暂存于本地服务器,经过清洗整理后上传至云数据库中;然后在可拓展的云平台上部署分布式系统用于运行智能优化算法;最后将基于深度学习和进化算法的多目标混合优化算法打包上传至云计算平台。通过将多目标优化服务运行于数字孪生云上工厂,钢铁厂高炉铁水产量增加了83.91 t·d﹣1,焦炭比降低了13.50 kg·t﹣1,硅含量平均降低了0.047%。

关键词: 云上工厂     高炉炼铁     多目标优化     分布式系统    

大规模高效网络计算中的网络技术发展趋势 Review


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第12期   页码 1733-1746 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2200217

摘要: 网络技术是超级计算、云计算、大数据和人工智能等大规模高效计算的基础。不同领域的网络技术既互相借鉴,又各自针对性设计和优化。综合考虑,本文认为大规模高效网络计算中的网络技术发展趋势主要包括3个方面,即融合、分化、优化。融合体现在不同领域的网络技术没有明显分界线;分化体现在不同领域的独特解决方案或者新应用需求下的创新方案;优化体现在针对特定场景的技术优化实现。本文将为相关领域的学者提供对于未来研究方向的思考,也为相关行业人员构建更加实用高效的网络系统提供方向。

关键词: 超级计算;云计算;网络技术;发展趋势    

基于云计算的自适应可调节GPS轨迹地图匹配策略 Article

Aftab Ahmed CHANDIO,Nikos TZIRITAS,Fan ZHANG,Ling YIN,Cheng-Zhong XU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第12期   页码 1305-1319 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1600027

摘要: 智慧城市为智能交通管理和交通网络智能应用的发展提供了巨大推动力。近来,智能交通系统(Intelligent transportation systems, ITSs)和移动位置服务(Location-based services, LBSs)也成为了研究领域的热点。交通领域数据量在快速不断增长,云计算在巨量数据的存储、接入、管理和处理方面有着巨大作用。交通领域相当比例的数据为GPS数据,此类数据具有非频繁、含噪声等特性,这使得维护基于GPS的实时交通软件的服务质量较为困难。在诸多智能交通系统应用中,地图匹配处理起着将GPS观测点准确排列于路网中的关键作用。考虑到准确性时,地图匹配策略的性能由两个连续的GPS观测点间的最短路径决定;另一方面,处理最短路径查询(Processing shortest path queries, SPQs)耗费着较高计算量。现有的地图匹配技术采用固定参数(固定的候选点数量,固定的误差圆半径)的办法,这可能导致确认线路分段时产生不确定性,也可导致低精度结果(或需进行大量SPQ处理以保证精度)。此外,由于采样错误的存在,较高采样时间(大于10 s)内的GPS数据常含有冗余数据,这也导致需要额外的SPQ处理。由于SPQ处理导致的高运算量问题,现有的地图匹配策略并不能实现实时应用。在本文中,我们提出一种实时地图匹配方法(Real-time map-matching, RT-MM)。该方法以云计算为基础,是一种全自适应地图匹配策略,能够应对实时GPS轨迹地图匹配中SPQ处理的关键问题。本研究还通过基于虚拟数据和实际数据的仿真,对所述方法与现有方法的性能进行了比较。

关键词: 地图匹配,GPS轨迹,可调节,云计算,块同步并行计算(Bulk synchronous parallel     BSP)    


Yubao Chen

《工程(英文)》 2017年 第3卷 第5期   页码 588-595 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.04.009



关键词: 集成化制造     智能制造     云计算     信息物理系统     物联网     工业互联网     预测分析     制造平台    

Research and practice on system engineering management of a mobile payment project

Yongkai ZHOU, Hongfeng CHAI

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 127-137 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017011

摘要: The popularization of the mobile internet has given rise to demand for flexible and convenient payment methods. For China, it is necessary to keep pace with or even lead the trend of innovation and development in the age of mobile payment. From the perspective of systems engineering, this paper introduces research and implementation of China UnionPay’s mobile payment project. The general requirements and core engineering problems of the mobile payment project are summarized based on analyses of the characteristics and engineering difficulties of this project. Integration of innovative technologies is introduced to resolve the contradiction between ease-of-use and security. A rapid iterative development process is adopted to improve the product release efficiency as well as the users' experience. The launch of the mobile payment project also opens the window to coordinating and upgrading the whole payment industry chains.

关键词: systems engineering     mobile payment     engineering management method     Mobile QuickPass     national information security     rapid iteration process     financial security     coordination and cooperation    

Motion control of multi-actuator hydraulic systems for mobile machineries: Recent advancements and future

Bing XU, Min CHENG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第13卷 第2期   页码 151-166 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0470-5


This paper presents a survey of recent advancements and upcoming trends in motion control technologies employed in designing multi-actuator hydraulic systems for mobile machineries. Hydraulic systems have been extensively used in mobile machineries due to their superior power density and robustness. However, motion control technologies of multi-actuator hydraulic systems have faced increasing challenges due to stringent emission regulations. In this study, an overview of the evolution of existing throttling control technologies is presented, including open-center and load sensing controls. Recent advancements in energy-saving hydraulic technologies, such as individual metering, displacement, and hybrid controls, are briefly summarized. The impact of energy-saving hydraulic technologies on dynamic performance and control solutions are also discussed. Then, the advanced operation methods of multi-actuator mobile machineries are reviewed, including coordinated and haptic controls. Finally, challenges and opportunities of advanced motion control technologies are presented by providing an overall consideration of energy efficiency, controllability, cost, reliability, and other aspects.

关键词: motion control     electrohydraulic control     energy efficiency     mobile machineries    

分级移动边缘云中节省开销的资源分配 Special Feature on Future Network-Research Article

Ming-shuang JIN, Shuai GAO, Hong-bin LUO, Hong-ke ZHANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第9期   页码 1209-1220 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800203

摘要: 5G网络的云化使第三方服务提供商能够在网络边缘部署服务(例如,边缘缓存与边缘计算)。已有工作都是站在特定服务提供商角度,以最大化其收益为目标来研究服务策略(如,内容缓存策略与虚拟CPU分配策略)。然而,尚未有相关工作从网络运营商角度,在满足第三方服务提供商部署需求基础上进行合理、有效的资源分配。本文针对该问题建立了优化模型,目标是最小化所有服务提供商的部署开销。为描述服务提供商的部署需求,将所有应用分为两类,即计算密集型应用和存储密集型应用,并将这两类应用的需求作为优化问题的输入参数。由于建立的数学模型是非凸优化且是NP难问题,设计了基于精英保留策略的遗传算法来求得最优解。通过仿真验证了所设计算法的可行性和有效性。

关键词: 边缘云;边缘计算;边缘缓存;资源分配;虚拟机分配    

基于切换和迁移多执行体架构虚拟机的云侧信道攻击防御技术 Regular Papers

Chao YANG, Yun-fei GUO, Hong-chao HU, Ya-wen WANG, Qing TONG, Ling-shu LI

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第5期   页码 731-748 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800526

摘要: 云中不同租户的虚拟机共存为以信息泄露为目标的侧信道攻击创造了便利条件。然而,当前绝大多数防御技术都存在通用性或兼容性问题,无法在真实环境下实现快速部署。作为云系统固有功能之一,虚拟机迁移机制可通过在服务器之间迁移虚拟机,限制租户共存,从而提供一种具有应用前景的防御思路。本文首先建立一个统一的攻击模型,攻击者关注的目标是有效侧信道攻击。设计了一种包含多执行架构虚拟机的新型云系统:Driftor。对于其中每个虚拟机,同一时刻有且仅有一个执行体处于运行状态,并通过代理提供服务,以此降低可能泄漏的信息量。为模拟虚拟机迁移机制,系统将在虚拟机不同执行体之前周期性切换运行状态,同时通过真实迁移操作加强防御效果。为解决CIRCUIT-SAT求解迁移问题时的弱扩展性,本文提出一种类贪婪算法,通过逐渐扩展必须迁移的虚拟机子集搜索可行解。实验结果表明,Driftor能有效防御快速侧信道攻击,且针对真实云应用的防御开销较小。

关键词: 云计算;侧信道攻击;信息泄露;多执行体架构;虚拟机切换;虚拟机迁移    

IN2CLOUD: A novel concept for collaborative management of big railway data

Jing LIN, Uday KUMAR

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第4期   页码 428-436 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017048

摘要: In the EU Horizon 2020 Shift2Rail Multi-Annual Action Plan, the challenge of railway maintenance is generating knowledge from data and/or information. Therefore, we promote a novel concept called “IN2CLOUD,” which comprises three sub-concepts, to address this challenge: 1) A hybrid cloud, 2) an intelligent cloud with hybrid cloud learning, and 3) collaborative management using asset-related data acquired from the intelligent hybrid cloud. The concept is developed under the assumption that organizations want/need to learn from each other (including domain knowledge and experience) but do not want to share their raw data or information. IN2CLOUD will help the movement of railway industry systems from “local” to “global” optimization in a collaborative way. The development of cutting-edge intelligent hybrid cloud-based solutions, including information technology (IT) solutions and related methodologies, will enhance business security, economic sustainability, and decision support in the field of intelligent asset management of railway assets.

关键词: railway     intelligent asset management     collaborative learning     big data     hybrid cloud     Bayesian    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Analyzing the service availability of mobile cloud computing systems by fluid-flow approximation

Hong-wu LV,Jun-yu LIN,Hui-qiang WANG,Guang-sheng FENG,Mo ZHOU





Should medium-sized contractors still implement home-made information technologies on construction sites?




杨晨, 廖方茵, 兰舒琳, 王力翚, 沈卫明, 黄国全


Energy-efficient trajectory planning for a multi-UAV-assisted mobile edge computing system

Pei-qiu Huang, Yong Wang, Ke-zhi Wang,pqhuang@csu.edu.cn,ywang@csu.edu.cn,kezhi.wang@northumbria.ac.uk






周恒, 杨春节, 孙优贤






Aftab Ahmed CHANDIO,Nikos TZIRITAS,Fan ZHANG,Ling YIN,Cheng-Zhong XU



Yubao Chen


Research and practice on system engineering management of a mobile payment project

Yongkai ZHOU, Hongfeng CHAI


Motion control of multi-actuator hydraulic systems for mobile machineries: Recent advancements and future

Bing XU, Min CHENG



Ming-shuang JIN, Shuai GAO, Hong-bin LUO, Hong-ke ZHANG



Chao YANG, Yun-fei GUO, Hong-chao HU, Ya-wen WANG, Qing TONG, Ling-shu LI


IN2CLOUD: A novel concept for collaborative management of big railway data

Jing LIN, Uday KUMAR
