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DNA结构 1

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力学性能 1

单分子分析方法 1

垃圾填埋场渗滤液 1

干垃圾渗滤液 1

废旧家用电器 1

循环经济 1

微塑料 1

智能制造 1

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构象转变 1

湿垃圾渗滤液 1

环境 1

破碎 1

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Impact of household transitions on domestic energy consumption and its applicability to urban energy

Benachir MEDJDOUB, Moulay Larbi CHALAL

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 171-183 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017029

摘要: The household sector consumes roughly 30% of Earth’s energy resources and emits approximately 17% of its carbon dioxide. As such, developing appropriate policies to reduce the CO emissions, which are associated with the world’s rapidly growing urban population, is a high priority. This, in turn, will enable the creation of cities that respect the natural environment and the well-being of future generations. However, most of the existing expertise focuses on enhancing the thermal quality of buildings through building physics while few studies address the social and behavioral aspects. In fact, focusing on these aspects should be more prominent, as they cause between 4% and 30% of variation in domestic energy consumption. Premised on that, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect in the context of the UK of household transitions on household energy consumption patterns. To achieve this, we applied statistical procedures (e.g., logistic regression) to official panel survey data comprising more than 5500 households in the UK tracked annually over the course of 18 years. This helped in predicting future transition patterns for different household types for the next 10 to 15 years. Furthermore, it enabled us to study the relationship between the predicted patterns and the household energy usage for both gas and electricity. The findings indicate that the life cycle transitions of a household significantly influence its domestic energy usage. However, this effect is mostly positive in direction and weak in magnitude. Finally, we present our developed urban energy model “EvoEnergy” to demonstrate the importance of incorporating such a concept in energy forecasting for effective sustainable energy decision-making.

关键词: urban energy planning     household transitions     smart cities     energy forecasting     household projection     serious gaming    

Quantifying and mapping spatial variability of Shanghai household carbon footprints

Shangguang YANG,Chunlan WANG,Kevin LO,Mark WANG,Lin LIU

《能源前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第1期   页码 115-124 doi: 10.1007/s11708-015-0348-8

摘要: Understanding the spatial variability of household carbon emissions is necessary for formulating sustainable and low-carbon energy policy. However, data on household carbon emissions is limited in China, the world’s largest greenhouse gases emitter. This study quantifies and maps household carbon emissions in Shanghai using a city-wide household survey. The findings reveal substantial spatial variability in household carbon emissions, especially in transport-related emissions. Low emission clusters are founded in Hongkou, Xuhui, Luwan, Jinshan, and Fengxian. High emission clusters are located in Jiading and Pudong. Overall, the spatial pattern of household carbon emissions in Shanghai is donut-shaped: lowest in the urban core, increasing in the surrounding suburban areas, and declining again in the urban fringe and rural regions. The household emissions are correlated with a number of housing and socioeconomic factors, including car ownership, type of dwelling, size of dwelling, age of dwelling, and income. The findings underscore the importance of a localized approach to low-carbon policy-making and implementation.

关键词: household carbon emissions     spatial variability     energy policy     Shanghai     China    

Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic transitions: critical review and prospects

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1624-1


● Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic structural transitions.

关键词: Environmental pressures     Environmental impacts     Nexus     Supply chains     Trade     Coupled systems    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第3期   页码 474-480 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021406


European cropping systems are often characterized by short rotations or even monocropping, leading to environmental issues such as soil degradation, water eutrophication, and air pollution including greenhouse gas emissions, that contribute to climate change and biodiversity loss. The use of diversification practices (i.e., intercropping, multiple cropping including cover cropping and rotation extension), may help enhance agrobiodiversity and deliver ecosystem services while developing new value chains. Despite its benefits, crop diversification is hindered by various technical, organizational, and institutional barriers along value chains (input industries, farms, trading and processing industries, retailers, and consumers) and within sociotechnical systems (policy, research, education, regulation and advisory). Six EU-funded research projects have joined forces to boost crop diversification by creating the European Crop Diversification Cluster (CDC). This Cluster aggregates research, innovation, commercial and citizen-focused partnerships to identify and remove barriers across the agrifood system and thus enables the uptake of diversification measures by all European value-chain stakeholders. The CDC will produce a typology of barriers, develop tools to accompany actors in their transition, harmonize the use of multicriteria assessment indicators, prepare policy recommendations and pave the way for a long-term network on crop diversification.


关键词: crop rotation     lock-in     intercropping     multiple cropping     networking    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第12期   页码 24-30



关键词: 废旧家用电器     破碎     分选     循环经济    

预处理技术——家庭生物废弃物处理过程中的微塑料制造者 Article

Tian Hu, Fan Lü, Zhan Yang, Zhenchao Shi, Yicheng Yang, Hua Zhang, Pinjing He

《工程(英文)》 2024年 第32卷 第1期   页码 116-126 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.11.010


Mechanical pretreatment is an indispensable process in biological treatment plants that remove plastics and other impurities from household biogenic waste (HBW). However, the imperfect separation of plastics in these pretreatment methods has raised concerns that they pose a secondary formation risk for microplastics (MPs). To validate this presumption, herein, quantities and properties of plastic debris and MPs larger than 50 μm were examined in the full chain of three different pretreatment methods in six plants. These facilities received HBW with or without prior depackaging at the source. The key points in the secondary formation of MPs were identified. Moreover, flux estimates of MPs were released, and an analysis of MPs sources was provided to develop an overview of their fate in HBW pretreatment. Pretreated output can contain a maximum of (1673 ± 279) to (3198 ± 263) MP particles per kilogram of wet weight (particles·kg−1 ww) for those undepackaged at source, and secondary MPs formation is primarily attributed to biomass crushers, biohydrolysis reactors, and rough shredders. Comparatively, HBW depackaged at the source can greatly reduce MPs by 8%–72%, regardless of pretreatment processes. Before pretreatment, 4.6–205.6 million MP particles were present in 100 tonnes of HBW. MPs are produced at a rate of 741.11–33 124.22 billion MP particles annually in anaerobic digester feedstock (ADF). This study demonstrated that HBW pretreatment is a competitive source of MPs and emphasized the importance of implementing municipal solid waste segregation at the source. Furthermore, depackaging biogenic waste at the source is recommended to substantially alleviate the negative effect of pretreatment on MPs formation.

关键词: Microplastics     Plastic debris     Household biogenic waste     Depackage     Pretreatment    

Big Data to support sustainable urban energy planning: The EvoEnergy project

Moulay Larbi CHALAL, Benachir MEDJDOUB, Nacer BEZAI, Raid SHRAHILY

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第2期   页码 287-300 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0081-9

摘要: Energy sustainability is a complex problem that needs to be tackled holistically by equally addressing other aspects such as socio-economic to meet the strict CO emission targets. This paper builds upon our previous work on the effect of household transition on residential energy consumption where we developed a 3D urban energy prediction system (EvoEnergy) using the old UK panel data survey, namely, the British household panel data survey (BHPS). In particular, the aim of the present study is to examine the validity and reliability of EvoEnergy under the new UK household longitudinal study (UKHLS) launched in 2009. To achieve this aim, the household transition and energy prediction modules of EvoEnergy have been tested under both data sets using various statistical techniques such as Chow test. The analysis of the results advised that EvoEnergy remains a reliable prediction system and had a good prediction accuracy (MAPE  5%) when compared to actual energy performance certificate data. From this premise, we recommend researchers, who are working on data-driven energy consumption forecasting, to consider merging the BHPS and UKHLS data sets. This will, in turn, enable them to capture the bigger picture of different energy phenomena such as fuel poverty; consequently, anticipate problems with policy prior to their occurrence. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing two scenarios of EvoEnergy development in relation to energy policy and decision-making.

关键词: urban energy planning     sustainable planning     Big Data     household transition     energy prediction    

Understanding high-emitting households in the UK through a cluster analysis

Xinfang WANG, Ming MENG

《能源前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第4期   页码 612-625 doi: 10.1007/s11708-019-0647-6

摘要: Anthropogenic climate change is a global problem that affects every country and each individual. It is largely caused by human beings emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. In general, a small percentage of the population is responsible for a large amount of emissions. This paper focuses on high emitters and their CO emissions from energy use in UK homes. It applies a cluster approach, aiming to identify whether the high emitters comprise clusters where households in each cluster share similar characteristics but are different from the others. The data are mainly based on the Living Cost and Food survey in the UK. The results show that after equivalising both household emissions and income, the high emitters can be clustered into six groups which share similar characteristics within each group, but are different from the others in terms of income, age, household composition, category and size of the dwelling, and tenure type. The clustering results indicate that various combinations of socioeconomic factors, such as low-income single female living in an at least six-room property, or high-income retired couple owning a large detached house, could all lead to high CO emissions from energy use at home. Policymakers should target each high-emitter cluster differently to reduce CO emissions from energy consumption at home more effectively.

关键词: cluster analysis     emissions reduction     energy use     high emitters     household energy consumption     socioeconomic factors    

Neighborhood form and CO

Jiaxing GUO, Huan LIU, Yang JIANG, Dongquan HE, Qidong WANG, Fei MENG, Kebin HE

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第1期   页码 79-88 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0516-1

摘要: To understand the household CO emission level in China, as well as how much the neighborhoods’ socio-economic or design factors could influence the CO emission, 23 neighborhoods in Jinan were investigated in 2009 and 2010. These neighborhoods fall into four different types: superblock, enclave, grid and traditional. The household CO emission includes sources of both in-home energy use and passenger transportation. The average CO emission per household is 7.66 t·a , including 6.87 t in-home operational emission and 792 kg transportation emission. The household CO emission by neighborhood categories is 10.97, 5.65, 6.49, 5.40 t·household ·a for superblock, enclave, grid and traditional respectively. Superblock has the highest average emission and also the highest percent (more than 25%) of transportation emission among four different types of neighborhoods. The residential CO emission of superblock neighborhoods in Jinan has already reached the level in developed countries nearly ten years ago. It is predictable that more superblock neighborhoods would be built in China with the fast urbanization. How to avoid the rapid household CO emission growth in the future would be a systematic issue. The study also found that in addition to income and apartment area, household density, land use mix and accessibility to public transportation are three primary factors which have significant impacts on CO emission. High density, mixed land use and convenient accessibility to public transportation tend to reduce household CO emission.

关键词: CO2 emission     neighborhood type     transportation     household energy     China    

表征不同DNA高阶结构的单分子分析方法 Review

刘泳麟, 边天元, 刘岩, 李治民, 裴羽丰, 宋杰

《工程(英文)》 2023年 第24卷 第5期   页码 277-292 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.10.009



关键词: 单分子分析方法     DNA结构     力学性能     构象转变    

不同类型渗滤液中微塑料污染的新见解——丰度、特征和潜在来源 Article

张蕾, 赵文涛, 张亮, 蔡震霄, 严瑞琪, 俞霞, Damià Barceló, 隋倩

《工程(英文)》 2024年 第37卷 第6期   页码 63-69 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.02.008


城市生活垃圾(MSW)是废塑料的重要归宿。在垃圾处置过程中,大塑料碎片会被分解成微塑料(MPs)并释放到渗滤液中。然而,现有研究仅关注垃圾填埋场渗滤液,其他类型渗滤液中MPs存在特征尚不清楚。因此,本研究分析了来自中国最大固体废物处置中心的垃圾填埋场渗滤液、干垃圾渗滤液和湿垃圾渗滤液三种类型渗滤液中MPs丰度及特征。结果表明,不同类型渗滤液中MPs平均丰度为(129 ± 54)到(1288 ± 184)particles·L−1,湿垃圾渗滤液中MPs丰度最高(p < 0.05)。不同类型渗滤液中聚合物类型具有差异,其中聚乙烯(PE)和碎片分别是所有渗滤液中主要的聚合物类型和形状。此外,条件破碎模型表明垃圾填埋过程对渗滤液中MPs的尺寸分布有较大影响,垃圾填埋场渗滤液中小尺寸MPs(20~100 μm)所占比例(> 80%)高于其他渗滤液。研究首次讨论不同类型渗滤液中MPs来源的研究,研究结果有助于MSW处置过程中MPs污染控制。

关键词: 微塑料     垃圾填埋场渗滤液     干垃圾渗滤液     湿垃圾渗滤液     来源    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Impact of household transitions on domestic energy consumption and its applicability to urban energy

Benachir MEDJDOUB, Moulay Larbi CHALAL


Quantifying and mapping spatial variability of Shanghai household carbon footprints

Shangguang YANG,Chunlan WANG,Kevin LO,Mark WANG,Lin LIU


Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic transitions: critical review and prospects








Tian Hu, Fan Lü, Zhan Yang, Zhenchao Shi, Yicheng Yang, Hua Zhang, Pinjing He


Big Data to support sustainable urban energy planning: The EvoEnergy project

Moulay Larbi CHALAL, Benachir MEDJDOUB, Nacer BEZAI, Raid SHRAHILY


Understanding high-emitting households in the UK through a cluster analysis

Xinfang WANG, Ming MENG


Neighborhood form and CO

Jiaxing GUO, Huan LIU, Yang JIANG, Dongquan HE, Qidong WANG, Fei MENG, Kebin HE



刘泳麟, 边天元, 刘岩, 李治民, 裴羽丰, 宋杰


周波:Do Energy Subsidies Occupy Fiscal and Household Non-Energy Expenditures?(2020年7月12日)




张蕾, 赵文涛, 张亮, 蔡震霄, 严瑞琪, 俞霞, Damià Barceló, 隋倩






