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Materials sustainability for environment: Red-mud treatment

Brajendra Mishra, Sumedh Gostu

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第3期   页码 483-496 doi: 10.1007/s11705-017-1653-z

摘要: Bayer’s process revolutionized the extraction of aluminum from the bauxite ores. However, the hydrothermal extraction of alumina is associated with the generation of a byproduct, red-mud consisting of undissolved solids composed of iron oxides, sodium alumino silicates, titania, silica and rare earth elements. The accumulation of red-mud (or bauxite residue) in the world is 30 billion metric tons produced at a rate of 125 million tons per annum (2013). Utilization of red-mud for constructional purposes, wastewater treatment, metallurgical products, and pigments are listed. Metallurgical processing efforts of red-mud to generate various value added products such as pig iron, direct reduced iron slag wool, magnetite, titania, iron carbides are presented in the article.

关键词: red-mud processing     waste management     sustainability     valorization    

Large-scale geo-energy development: Sustainability impacts


《能源前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第4期   页码 757-763 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0455-9

摘要: Geothermal energy is a renewable and alternative energy with the potential to replace fossil fuels and help mitigate global warming. However, the development of geothermal energy has environmental, economic and social-cultural consequences, which needs to be predicted beforehand and then mitigated. To guarantee a sustainable development, it is, therefore, essential to consider the relative potential impacts. From a sustainability point of view, in the present study, a comprehensive analysis of consequences of geothermal energy development is conducted, including environmental, economic and societal & cultural dimensions. The geothermal energy industry will prosper only if sustainable aspects can be integrally considered.

关键词: geothermal energy     sustainability     impact     development    

Geosynthetics used to stabilize vegetated surfaces for environmental sustainability in civil engineering


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第1期   页码 56-65 doi: 10.1007/s11709-016-0380-8

摘要: Geosynthetics, factory-manufactured polymer materials, have been successfully used to solve many geotechnical problems in civil engineering. Two common applications are earth stabilization and erosion control. Geosynthetics used for earth stabilization include but are not limited to stabilized slopes, walls, embankments, and roads. Geosynthetics used for erosion control are mostly related to slopes, river channels and banks, and pond spillways. To enhance environmental sustainability, vegetation has been increasingly planted on the facing or surfaces of these earth structures. Under such a condition, geosynthetics mainly function as surficial soil stabilization while vegetation provides green appearance and erosion protection of earth surfaces. Recently, geosynthetic or geosynthetic-like material has been used to form green walls outside or inside buildings to enhance sustainability. Geosynthetics and vegetation are often integrated to provide combined benefits. The interaction between geosynthetics and vegetation is important for the sustainability of the earth and building wall surfaces. This paper provides a review of the current practice and research in the geosynthetic stabilization of vegetated earth and building surfaces for environmental sustainability in civil engineering with the emphases on geosynthetic used for erosion protection, geosynthetic-stabilized slopes, geosynthetic-stabilized unpaved shoulders and parking lots, and geosynthetic-stabilized vegetated building surfaces.

关键词: erosion     geosynthetic     stabilization     sustainability     vegetation    

A review of sustainability metrics for the construction and operation of airport and roadway infrastructure


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第3期   页码 433-452 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0052-1


Sustainability has become increasingly important, however, relatively little attention has focused on metrics for the construction and operation of airport and roadway infrastructure. Most attention has focused on buildings, with high profile BREEAM and LEED projects taking center stage. Sustainability is also important in airport and roadway infrastructure projects, which have significant public impact but have a much lower profile than vertical construction when it comes to sustainability. Sustainable infrastructure is important in China and India where new infrastructure is under construction to meet growing and developing economies, and in the US, where infrastructure is in substandard condition and requires reconstruction. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and discussion of sustainability rating systems for airport and roadway infrastructure, including both construction and operation. Specific projects that highlight both proven and innovative sustainable practices are included to illustrate the application of these concepts. Finally, the relationship between sustainable transportation infrastructure and resilient transportation infrastructure is addressed since resiliency is of growing interest and there is overlap between these concepts.

关键词: sustainable construction     infrastructure     airport     roadway     resiliency     sustainability    

Analyzing sustainability of construction equipment in the state of California


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 138-145 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017013

摘要: Construction equipment encompasses highly polluting machines adversely affecting the environment. Management tools are necessary for sustainability assessment of construction equipment fleets to allow contractors to reduce their emissions and comply with local or federal regulations. In addition to management tools, there is a need for a metrics that will allow companies to accurately assess the sustainability of their construction equipment fleets. The State of California USA is adopting innovative approaches to reduce adverse impact of humans on the environment. Once successfully implemented, the chances are that such practices attract other states to adopt similar approaches. This paper presents an evaluation of construction equipment fleets and data analysis. When measured and recorded, such results can be used along with decision-support tools for selection and utilization of construction equipment. The metrics for construction equipment evaluation as well as the tool for sustainable decision-making are developed based on readily available data from manufacturers or maintenance shops without a need for additional effort by contractors or government agencies for their adoption. The metrics developed and the decision support tool incorporate logical strategies of supply chain management for optimal selection of construction equipment for construction site while taking into account the availability, cost, and mobilization related constraints. The metrics and the model can benefit both the government agencies responsible for inspection of fleets and owners of construction companies in their decision-making processes related to environmental sustainability.

关键词: Construction equipment     greenhouse gas emissions     sustainability index     sustainable construction    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第1期   页码 146-149 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021415

The role of EcoCampus in addressing sustainability in UK universities


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 193-200 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017038

摘要: Universities are key drivers of sustainable development and are well-positioned to contribute to the sustainability agenda. Universities in the United Kingdom (UK) are themselves large and influential organisations, and because of their size, can have a significant impact on the environment. Their challenge, however, is to practice what they preach and to manage their own estates and procurement decisions to reduce their impact on the environment and meet carbon reduction targets. In the UK, higher education (HE) sector Scopes 1 and 2 carbon CO e emissions have, over recent years, been falling considerably short of the emission reduction targets set by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) in all but a few institutions. Setting sector specific targets, therefore, does not guarantee success in addressing climate change. However, in those institutions adopting the EcoCampus management system approach, Scopes 1 and 2 carbon CO e emissions have fallen by up to 5% over the latest reporting period (2013/2014–2014/2015). This contrasts with the increase in emissions from those institutions who currently do not have a certified management system and are currently at the bottom of the People and Planet University League Table. (This is an independent league table of UK universities ranked by environmental and ethical performance). Environmental management systems (EMSs) are increasingly being used by organisations to improve their environmental performance. EMSs deliver many benefits such as reducing resource use and pollution, complying with relevant environmental legislation, managing risks, improving corporate reputation and saving costs. The aim of this research was to assess the carbon management performance of universities in the UK and China and relate this to the level of uptake of EMSs in these universities. The results of this research informed the development of the EMS support and awards programme called EcoCampus. EcoCampus addresses the challenges faced by universities in reducing their carbon emissions by developing an EMS in simple stages with support in a variety of different forms. This self-financing programme has now been operating successfully for over ten years. During this time, EcoCampus has worked with over 60 universities and colleges in the UK. Eighteen participants have currently achieved the highest phase of EcoCampus and certification to the international EMS standard ISO14001. There are currently 40 universities, one research institute and three colleges enrolled on the various phases of the EcoCampus programme. There are five universities from the Russell Group including Cambridge University, Imperial College London, Nottingham University, Newcastle University and University College London. The EcoCampus programme is highly successful in the UK and there is growing interest from international universities wishing to join the programme. Seven of the top ten universities in the UK’s People and Planet University League Table are EcoCampus members. All the top ten universities in the League Table have shown a reduction in their carbon emissions. In contrast, the ten institutions at the bottom of the League don’t have a certified EMS and have increased their carbon emissions. By identifying the benefits of an EMS, particularly in relation to carbon management, it is hoped that this paper will encourage organisations to develop, implement and operate an EMS. This should lead to a more sustainable sector able to lead by example.

关键词: EcoCampus     environmental management     sustainable development     carbon management    

Challenges of a feasible route towards sustainability in environmental protection


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期   页码 123-134 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0028-1

摘要: Anaerobic processes for treatment of low and high strength wastewaters and solid wastes constitute the core method in the natural biological mineralization (NBM) treatment concept. When adequately combined with the complementary NBM-systems and modern clean water saving practices in wastewater collection and transport, they represent a feasible route to sustainable environmental protection (EP), in essence even towards a more sustainable society. Despite the development and implementation of modern high rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment (AnWT-) systems and complementary innovative NBM-processes, the considerable progress made since the seventies in fundamental insights in microbiology, biochemistry and process technology, still numerous challenging improvements in the NBM-field can be realized. This contribution is mainly based on the insights attained from wide ranging literature evaluations and the results of experimental research conducted by numerous PhD students who participated in our group over the last four decades. An attempt is made here to identify major facets on which an improved insight can, and consequently should, be obtained in order to accomplish more optimal operation and design of various types of Anaerobic Degradation (AnDeg-) processes.

关键词: sustainability     environmental protection     anaerobic treatment     micro-aerobic treatment     natural biological mineralization concept     traces elements     macro-nutrients    

EMERGY analysis for sustainability evaluation of the Baiyangdian wetland ecosystem in China

Weiqing MENG, Cui HAO, Hongyuan LI, Meiting JU,

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期   页码 203-212 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0015-6

摘要: This study presents a quantitative and ecological benefit evaluation of the Baiyangdian wetland in China between the years 2000 and 2006. Methods of EMERGY analysis were applied to illustrate the wetland ecosystem, to evaluate the economic and environmental inputs and consequent yields, and to assess the sustainability of the Baiyangdian wetland. The indicators for the integrated ecological and economic system, such as EMERGY yield ratio (EYR) (7.51), EMERGY investment ratio (EIR) (4.52), environmental loading ratio (ELR) (2.92), EMERGY exchange ratio (0.41), and EMERGY sustainable indicator (ESI) (2.57) were calculated, compared, analyzed, and discussed. The non-renewable investment in Baiyangdian was greater than renewable investment, leading to the unsustainable development of the system. High EYR indicated that the Baiyangdian integrated system had created huge profits for its people, while ELR and ESI revealed that human behavior has been a heavy burden on the environment, and countermeasures should be taken by the Chinese government to relieve and resolve these problems. Potential management methods were also proposed in this paper.

关键词: EMERGY analysis     sustainability     wetland ecosystem     indicators    

Pavement sustainability index for highway infrastructures: A case study of Maryland


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第2期   页码 192-200 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0413-y

摘要: Pavement deterioration creates conditions that undermine their performances, which gives rise to the need for maintenance and rehabilitation. This paper develops a mathematical multi-linear regression analysis (MLRA) model to determine a pavement sustainability index ( ) as dependent variable for flexible pavements in Maryland. Four categories of pavement performance evaluation indicators are subdivided into seven pavement condition indices and analyzed as independent variables for each section of pavement. Data are collected from five different roadways using field evaluations and existing database. Results indicate that coefficient of determination ( ) is correlated and significant, = 0.959. Of the seven independent variables, present serviceability index ( ) is the most significant with a coefficient value of 0.032, present serviceability rating ( ) coefficient value= 0.028, and international roughness index ( ) coefficient value= ?0.001. Increasing each unit value of coefficients for and would increase the value of ; thereby providing a more sustainable pavement infrastructure; which explains the significance of the model and why will most likely impact environmental, economic and social values.

关键词: pavement indices     sustainability     pavement performance     flexible pavements    



《中国工程科学》 2013年 第15卷 第11期   页码 80-86


中国大力发展城市轨道交通,是加速城镇化建设和实现可持续发展的重大战略举措。城市轨道交通可持续发展的核心议题,就是以轨道交通建设引导城市发展(TOD),整合资源以激发、创造轨道和城市发展的正能级,创新体制和创新技术以优化资源配置,吸引民间资本参与轨道交通的投资、建设和运营,实现可持续的多赢目标。本文剖析香港“铁路+物业”综合发展模式的内涵,以深圳地铁6 号线TOD研究项目为例,讨论中国城市轨道交通可持续发展的工程管理议题,探索轨道带动新城镇发展和城镇发展反哺轨道建设的可持续发展模式。

关键词: 城市轨道交通     铁路+物业     可持续发展     TOD     公私合作经营(PPP)     工程管理    

From Green to Sustainability—Trends in the Assessment Methods of Green Buildings

Steve Hsueh-Ming Wang,Paula Williams,Jing Shi,Huojun Yang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第2期   页码 114-121 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015018

摘要: This research investigates recent developments in assessment methods of green buildings and compares the differences in rating systems among the United Kingdom, USA, and Germany. There are indications that the rating systems are moving from green buildings to sustainable buildings. In order to understand the recent research in academic areas, we survey the recent Ph.D. dissertations and literature related to green building assessment. Discussion is provided on the major research areas of green buildings, which cover accountability of life cycle cost, methodology for balancing the three pillars, and government vision and public policy.

关键词: green     sustainability     buildings     assessment     methods     rating systems    

A literature review of smart warehouse operations management

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第1期   页码 31-55 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0178-9

摘要: E-commerce, new retail, and other changes have highlighted the requirement of high efficiency and accuracy in the logistics service. As an important section in logistics and supply chain management, warehouses need to respond positively to the increasing requirement. The “smart warehouse” system, which is equipped with emerging warehousing technologies, is increasingly attracting the attention of industry and technology giants as an efficient solution for the future of warehouse development. This study provides a holistic view of operations management problems within the context of smart warehouses. We provide a framework to review smart warehouse operations management based on the characteristics of smart warehouses, including the perspectives of information interconnection, equipment automation, process integration, and environmental sustainability. A comprehensive review of relevant literature is then carried out based on the framework with four perspectives. This study could provide future research directions on smart warehouses for academia and industry practitioners.

关键词: smart warehouse     operations management     interconnection     automation     integration     sustainability    

Managing nutrient for both food security and environmental sustainability in China: an experiment for

Fusuo ZHANG, Zhenling CUI, Weifeng ZHANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第1期   页码 53-61 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2014006

摘要: The challenges of how to simultaneously ensure global food security, improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and protect the environment have received increasing attention. However, the dominant agricultural paradigm still considers high yield and reducing environmental impacts to be in conflict with one another. Here we examine a Three-Step-Strategy of past 20 years to produce more with less in China, showing that tremendous progress has been made to reduce N fertilizer input without sacrificing crop yield. The first step is to use technology for in-season root-zone nutrient management to significantly increase NUE. The second is to use technology for integrated nutrient management to increase both yield and NUE by 15%–20%. The third step is to use technology for integrated soil-crop system management to increase yield and NUE by 30%–50% simultaneously. These advances can thus be considered an effective agricultural paradigm to ensure food security, while increasing NUE and improving environmental quality.

关键词: integrated nutrient management     integrated soil-crop system management     environmental protection     food security     resource use efficiency    

On water security, sustainability, and the water-food-energy-climate nexus


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第5期   页码 626-639 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0548-6

摘要: The role of water security in sustainable development and in the nexus of water, food, energy and climate interactions is examined from the starting point of the definition of water security offered by Grey and Sadoff. Much about the notion of security has to do with the presumption of scarcity in the resources required to meet human needs. The treatment of scarcity in mainstream economics is in turn examined, therefore, in relation to how each of us as individuals reconciles means with ends, a procedure at the core of the idea of sustainable development. According to the Grey-Sadoff definition, attaining water security amounts to achieving basic, single-sector water development as a precursor of more general, self-sustaining, multi-sectoral development. This is consistent with the way in which water is treated as “first among equals”, i.e. privileged, in thinking about what is key in achieving security around the nexus of water, food, energy and climate. Cities, of course, are locations where demands for these multiple resource-energy flows are increasingly being generated. The paper discusses two important facets of security, i.e., diversity of access to resources and services (such as sanitation) and resilience in the behavior of coupled human-built-natural systems. Eight quasi-operational principles, by which to gauge nexus security with respect to city buildings and infrastructure, are developed.

关键词: cities as forces for good     diversity     energy and nutrient recovery     green economy     infrastructure failure     resilience    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Materials sustainability for environment: Red-mud treatment

Brajendra Mishra, Sumedh Gostu


Large-scale geo-energy development: Sustainability impacts



Geosynthetics used to stabilize vegetated surfaces for environmental sustainability in civil engineering



A review of sustainability metrics for the construction and operation of airport and roadway infrastructure



Analyzing sustainability of construction equipment in the state of California





The role of EcoCampus in addressing sustainability in UK universities



Challenges of a feasible route towards sustainability in environmental protection



EMERGY analysis for sustainability evaluation of the Baiyangdian wetland ecosystem in China

Weiqing MENG, Cui HAO, Hongyuan LI, Meiting JU,


Pavement sustainability index for highway infrastructures: A case study of Maryland






From Green to Sustainability—Trends in the Assessment Methods of Green Buildings

Steve Hsueh-Ming Wang,Paula Williams,Jing Shi,Huojun Yang


A literature review of smart warehouse operations management


Managing nutrient for both food security and environmental sustainability in China: an experiment for

Fusuo ZHANG, Zhenling CUI, Weifeng ZHANG


On water security, sustainability, and the water-food-energy-climate nexus

