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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2022, Volume 24, Issue 6 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.07.005

Peacetime and Epidemic Combination Medical Materials Reserve System for Public Health Emergencies

School of E-commerce and Logistics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048

Funding project:National Social Science Fund project “Research on Medical Materials Reserve System for Public Health Emergencies Based on Peacetime and Epidemic Combination” (21BGL224) Received: 2022-04-10 Revised: 2022-05-09 Available online: 2022-06-14

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 Establishing a medical materials reserve system that integrates normal time with emergencies is crucial for promoting the medical materials support ability and improving the emergency management system in China in case of public health emergencies. This study summarizes the development status of China's medical materials reserve system and analyzes its problems from three aspects: institutional development, supply capacity, and coordination mechanism. Moreover, it expounds on the necessity and urgency for building a medical materials reserve system that integrates normal time and emergencies and proposes a construction plan from three aspects: basic concept, framework, and operation mechanism. Furthermore, we suggest that China should improve its medical materials reserve policies and institutions, optimize the medical materials reserve system, perfect the operation mechanism, and establish a medical materials reserve information sharing platform.





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