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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2024, Volume 26, Issue 1 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.01.001

High-Quality Development of Strategic Emerging Industries Based on Deep Integration of “Four Chains”

1. China Aerospace Academy of Systems Science and Engineering, Beijing 100037, China;

2. China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Beijing 100048, China;

3. China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China

Funding project:中国工程院咨询项目“‘四链’深度融合下战略性新兴产业高质量发展战略研究”(2023-PP-06) Received: 2023-12-13 Revised: 2024-01-04 Available online: 2024-01-24

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Promoting the deep integration of the innovation, industrial, capital, and talent chains, and improving industrial innovation capabilities are key for China’s strategic emerging industries to move toward the middle and high ends of the global industrial chain and achieve high-quality development. This study systematically analyzes the essential requirements and implications of high-quality development of strategic emerging industries, clarifies their evolution and trends worldwide, and summarizes the development status, problems, and challenges of China’s strategic emerging industries. Additionally, it proposes a high-quality development path that is innovation-driven, enterprise-oriented, open, and integrated, and the development principles of system integration, coordinated development, independence, open innovation, enterprise dominance, market mechanism, forward-looking layout, and high-end guidance. Moreover, key development directions and the development strategies of systematic improvement, integrated innovation,market-oriented promotion, and guided development are proposed.


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