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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2024, Volume 26, Issue 1 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.01.014

Development Strategy of Space Robots for Autonomous Repair and Maintenance of Spacecraft

State Key Laboratory of Robotics and Systems, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150006, China

Funding project:国家自然科学基金项目(92148203, 52305017);中国工程院咨询项目“我国空间机器人在轨建造发展战略研究”(2022-XY-30) Received: 2023-08-21 Revised: 2023-11-28 Available online: 2024-01-24

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Space robots can adapt to the extreme environment of space, break through the limits of human space exploration, and greatly improve the safety and economy of space operation and control. Moreover, space robots are the core equipment to improve the level of space science and technology, providing important support and a strong guarantee for promoting space industry development. This study elaborates on the great values of developing space robot technology for the autonomous repair and maintenance of spacecraft, which include promoting the construction of strengthening China’s space powerindustry, promoting the development of national defense science and technology, and leading transformative scientific and technological innovation. The progress and development trends of domestic and foreign space robotics technologies in China and abroad are analyzed from the policy, technology, and market perspectives. In addition, technical challenges and problems faced by China are dissected toward the autonomous repair and maintenance of spacecraft. The development system and breakthrough path of China’s space robot technologies for autonomous repair and maintenance of spacecraft are demonstrated based on major national strategic needs, research foundation, and development directions. Furthermore, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) accelerating the implementation of major special projects for on-orbit services (Scientific and Technological Innovation 2030), (2) increasing support for basic research on intelligent operation and control of space robots, (3) accelerating the construction of a government-enterprise-university collaborative innovation mechanism, and (4) strengthening international cooperation to attract foreign science and technology talents to China.





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