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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2001, Volume 3, Issue 11

Qian Xuesen's Contemporary System of Science and Technology and Meta-synthesis

Beijing Institute of Information and Control, Beijing 100037, China

Funding project:国家自然科学基金资助项目(79990580) Received: 2001-09-04 Revised: 2001-09-14 Available online: 2001-11-20

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The paper introduces the contemporary system of science & technology and meta-synthesis established by Academician Qian Xuesen, The contemporary system of science and technology has a matrix structure which has eleven department of science and technology laterally and three hierarchies, i.e. fundamental theory, technical science and application technology longitudinally. The meta-synthetic is a methodology that consist of meta-synthetic engineering and hall for workshop of meta-synthetic engineering. The paper also discusses their applications in practice.







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