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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2007, Volume 9, Issue 6

Compatibility of Utilization and Protection ofTidal Flat and Wetland:A Case Study in Shanghai Area

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai   200062, China

Received: 2006-12-25

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As an important natural resource,  tidal flat imposed wetland is expected to be kept harmonious balance between utilization and protection.  Based on the case of Shanghai area in the Changjiang Estuary,  concept of tidal flat is firstly discussed on its spatial range in this paper. Fundamental features of tidal flat, and its responsibility to the discharge change of water and sediment transported by the Changjiang River, intensity of exploitation and demands of wetland protection are discussed.  Present dynamic processes and change tendency of different types of tidal flat are illuminated in detail.  Some new-points are proposed for the reasonable exploitation,  dynamic protection and ecosystem resilience of each individual tidal flat and imposed wetland.  Some suggestions are also proposed to make a further study about the sustainable spatial resource exploitation of offshore in Shanghai area.


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