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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2010, Volume 12, Issue 4

An overview of anti-shear behavior study of asphalt mixtures

1. School of Transportation Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;

2. Jiangsu Provincial Transportation Engineering Construction Bureau, Nanjing 210004, China;

3. Jiangsu Provincial Yangtze River Highway Bridge Construction Commanding Department, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225321, China

Received: 2010-01-22 Available online: 2010-04-14 13:19:23.000

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The paper summarized and evaluated asphalt mixture anti-shear test method, anti-shear mechanism and the anti-shear design reasearch recently. The analysis and evaluation of 9 test methods is helpful for related personnel to choose these test methods appropriately. The properties of asphalt grout, anti-shear strength between asphalt and aggregate interface, and interlocking of aggregates, jointly decide HMA (hot mix asphalt) anti-shear strength and are the orientation to improve HMA anti-shear properties. Further researches are needed before anti-shear design is used in engineering to solve the problems such as the determination of relevant coefficient in tolerable shear stress test method and calibration of rutting prediction models based on HMA anti-shear behaviors.


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