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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2013, Volume 15, Issue 4

Some consideration about the future development strategy of advanced ultra supercritical coal-fired power generation technology

China Power Investment Corporation, Beijing 100033, China

Received: 2013-01-15 Available online: 2013-04-16 09:49:11.000

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The primary energy portfolio in China decides that Chinese power supply is mainly made up of coal-fired power. To optimize coal-fired power structure, promote energy conservation and emission reduction and develop coal-fired power in a clean and efficient way, great efforts have been made by the power industry to energetically develop and apply ultra supercritical coal-fired power generation technology. Practices have proved that developing advanced coal-fired power generation technology is an important guarantee for solid and fast development of the power industry. This paper reviews the R&D process of the domestic ultra supercritical coal-fired power generation technology, and concludes the success experiments. Given the current situation in China and current research statues of EURO and U.S.,it proposes the development and suggestions for developing higher parameters and higher efficiency advanced ultra supercritical coal-fired power generation technology.


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