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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2014, Volume 16, Issue 5

Analysis on treatment effects of 72 cases cesarean scar pregnancy by hysteroscopy and laparoscopy

Beijing Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100006,China

Funding project:北京市科委“首都市民健康项目培育:剖宫产瘢痕妊娠适宜诊疗技术及对后续生育功能影响的研究”项目(Z131100006813034);北京市卫生系统高层次卫生人才培养计划(2013-3-029);北京市“十百千”卫生人才项目;卫生部行业科研专项项目“生殖与生育重大疾病诊治的规范化与推广”子课题“生育方式和安全性研究及其相关诊疗的规范化与推广”(201002013) Received: 2014-03-25 Available online: 2014-05-26 15:13:55.000

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To investigate the effects of hysteroscopic and laparoscopic operation in the treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP),a retrospective analysis of 72 cases of CSP patients in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University from January to December in 2013. All the patients were dignosised through serum human chorionic gonadotropin and three-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound examination. According to the local range of lesion,HCG results and Doppler ultrasound blood flow results,preoperative selective uterine artery embolization or methotrexate treatment was carried out,then further hysteroscopy,laparoscopy or combined with operation therapy was carried out. The results showed,30 cases underwent ultrasonic monitoring hysteroscopic lesion resection,12 cases were treated with laparoscopic monitoring CSP lesion resection under hysteroscopy,30 cases were treated with laparoscopy to resect lesion and repair cesarean scar,all of them received good treatment effect. The average amount of bleeding was (83±57) mL,postoperative anal exhaust time was (20±6.6) h,the time of vagina bleeding was (3.2±4.8) d,serum HCG decreased to normal time was (8.6±3.9) d,the time to discharge was (3.2±2) d. Patients with postoperative pathological diagnosis and preoperative CSP diagnosis coincidence rate was 100 %. Women with the history of cesarean section pregnancy have the possibility of CSP. Ultrasound or laparoscopy by hysteroscopy monitored CSP lesion resection is an effective treatment for CSP. It has many advantages such as excision exact,small trauma,laparoscopic lesion excision and cesarean scar repair surgery,fertility requirements of patients while repairing a cesarean scar anatomy abnormality on follow-up,and can reduce pregnancy at CSP and rupture of the uterus,placenta accreta obstetric complications such as risk.


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