
期刊论文 19


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横沙东滩 2

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吹泥上滩工艺 1

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废弃防水卷材;资源化利用;减量化;重复利用;循环再生;全再生防水卷材 1

水资源回收和再利用 1

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泄水拦沙 1

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淹没区 1

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Changes of microbial composition during wastewater reclamation and distribution systems revealed by high-throughput

Yiwen LIN,Dan LI,Siyu ZENG,Miao HE

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第3期   页码 539-547 doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0830-5

摘要: This study employed 454-pyrosequencing to investigate microbial and pathogenic communities in two wastewater reclamation and distribution systems. A total of 11972 effective 16S rRNA sequences were acquired from these two reclamation systems, and then designated to relevant taxonomic ranks by using RDP classifier. The Chao index and Shannon diversity index showed that the diversities of microbial communities decreased along wastewater reclamation processes. was the most dominant phylum in reclaimed water after disinfection, which accounted for 83% and 88% in two systems, respectively. Human opportunistic pathogens, including , , and , were selected and enriched by disinfection processes. The total chlorine and nutrients (TOC, NH -N and NO -N) significantly affected the microbial and pathogenic communities during reclaimed water storage and distribution processes. Our results indicated that the disinfectant-resistant pathogens should be controlled in reclaimed water, since the increases in relative abundances of pathogenic bacteria after disinfection implicate the potential public health associated with reclaimed water.

关键词: wastewater reclamation systems     microbial community     pathogenic community     454-pyrosequencing    

Saline-alkali soil reclamation and utilization in China: progress and prospects REVIEW

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第2期   页码 216-228 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024551


Soil salinity is a global threat to the productivity of arable land. With the impact of population growth and development of social economy in China, the area of arable land has been shrinking in recent decades and is approaching a critical threshold of 120 Mha, the minimum area for maintaining the national food security. Saline-alkaline land, as important backup reserve, has been receiving increased attention as an opportunity to expand land resources. This review first summarizes the general principles and technologies of saline soil reclamation to support plant growth, including leaching salts or blocking the rise of salts, and soil fertility enhancement to improve the buffering capacity. Then the progress in this area in China is described including the customization of technologies and practices used in different saline-alkali regions. Following the soil management strategies, the concept of selecting crops for saline soil is proposed. This encompasses halophyte planting, salt-tolerant crop breeding and the application of saline-adapted functional microorganisms to improve the adaptation of crops. Finally, the current problems and challenges are evaluate, and future research directions and prospects proposed for managing this major soil constraint.

关键词: Food security     land reserve     reclamation     saline-alkali soil     utilization    

Quantitative analysis of microplastics in coastal tidal-flat reclamation in Dongtai, China

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第8期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1528-5


• Reclamation projects are important disturbances on microplastic risk in coasts.

关键词: Coastal reclamation     Engineering geotextiles     Soil microplastics     Weathering simulation     Marine emission    

Investigating the raveling test for full-depth reclamation

Robert HILL, Andrew BRAHAM

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第2期   页码 222-226 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0423-9

摘要: Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR) is a sustainable method of building pavement structure compared to more traditional rehabilitation methods. Traffic is generally returned to an FDR project before a surface course is applied, as water in the FDR needs time to evaporate from the structure. This should not be done too quickly or raveling occurs. Currently, there is no test to quantify the timing of return to traffic. In this study, the “Raveling test of cold mixed bituminous emulsion samples” (ASTM D7196) was used to compare asphalt emulsion and asphalt foam FDR. Asphalt emulsion samples were cured at ambient and 40 °C temperatures, while asphalt foam samples were cured at ambient temperatures. Raveling test data was collected from 0 to 48 hours of curing, however, samples were often not able to withstand fifteen minutes of testing. Therefore, the “time lasted” (the time the raveling head loses contact with the surface of the sample) was recorded. In general, the asphalt emulsion samples that were cured in the oven at 40 °C had a longer time lasted and showed higher potential for determination of return to traffic. In addition, the asphalt emulsion samples had a longer time lasted than the asphalt foam samples at ambient temperatures.

关键词: raveling     full depth reclamation    



《中国工程科学》 2013年 第15卷 第6期   页码 30-34



关键词: 长江口     疏浚土资源     横沙东滩     加速成陆    

Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第5期   页码 709-719 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2078-2

摘要: Pervaporation desalination has a unique advantage to recycle concentrated salt solutions. The merit can be applied to treat alkaline wastewater if the membrane has superior alkali-resistance. In this paper, we used polyethylene microfiltration membrane as the substrate and deposited a glutaraldehyde crosslinked sodium carboxymethylcellulose layer by spray-coating. Pervaporation flux of the composite membrane reached 35€±€2 kg·m–2·h–1 with a sodium chloride rejection of 99.9%€±€0.1% when separating a 3.5 wt-% sodium chloride solution at 70 °C. The desalination performance was stable after soaking the membrane in a 20 wt-% NaOH solution at room temperature for 9 d and in a 10 wt-% NaOH solution at 60 °C for 80 h. Moreover, the membrane was stable in 4 wt-% sulfuric acid and a 500 mg·L−1 sodium hypochlorite solution. In a process of concentrating a NaOH solution from 5 to 10 wt-% at 60 °C, an average water flux of 23 kg·m–2·h–1 with a NaOH rejection over 99.98% was obtained.

关键词: pervaporation     alkaline solution concentration     polyethylene membrane     acid resistance     chlorine tolerance    

Nutrient status and pollution levels in five areas around a manganese mine in southern China

Kehui Liu, Xiaolu Liang, Chunming Li, Fangming Yu, Yi Li

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1279-0

摘要: Abstract • The soil TP level was high or extremely high in all areas. • TN, OM and available Cu were insufficient in EA, TA and RA. • All areas reached the heavily polluted level and had high ecological risk levels. • Mn and Cd were the dominant pollutants. Nutrient status and pollution levels are the main factors affecting soil restoration. The nutrient status and pollution levels in five areas, an unexplored mine area (UA), an explored mine area (EA), a tailings area (TA), a reclamation area (RA) and an agricultural area (AA), around the Pingle manganese mine in Guangxi, China, were assessed in this study. The results showed that the average total phosphorus in these five areas ranged from 1.05 to 1.57 mg/kg, corresponding to grades of extremely high and high. The average total nitrogen values were 0.19, 0.69, 0.93, 1.24 and 1.67 mg/kg in EA, TA, RA, UA and AA, corresponding to grades of very low, low, medium-low, medium-high and medium-high, respectively. The average organic matter values were 12.78, 8.92, 22.77, 21.29 and 29.11 mg/kg in EA, TA, RA, UA and AA, which corresponded to grades of medium-low, low, medium-high, medium-high and medium-high, respectively. All these results indicated that the total phosphorus was sufficient in these areas, while the total nitrogen and organic matter were insufficient in EA, TA and RA. The available concentrations of Mn and Zn corresponded to the intermediate grade, while the values for Cu corresponded to the very low grade; these might be another factor restricting ecological reclamation. Contamination and ecological risk assessments based on the single contamination index, Nemerow multi-factor index and potential ecological risk index showed that the five tested areas around the Mn mine were considered heavily polluted and presented high ecological risk. Mn and Cd were the dominant pollutants.

关键词: Ecological reclamation     Ecological risk assessment     Heavy metal     Mn mine     Soil nutrients    

Development and application of some renovated technologies for municipal wastewater treatment in China

QIAN Yi, WEN Xianghua, HUANG Xia

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第1期   页码 1-12 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0001-9

摘要: China has been experiencing fast economic development in recent decades at the cost of serious environmental deterioration. Wastewater discharge, especially municipal wastewater discharge, and non-point pollution sources are becoming the major water pollution source and research focus. Great efforts have been made on water pollution control and a number of renovated technologies and processes for municipal wastewater treatment and reclamation as well as non-point pollution control have been developed and applied in China. This paper discusses the development and application of the appropriate technologies, including natural treatment systems, anaerobic biological treatment, biofilm reactors and wastewater reclamation technologies, for water pollution control in the country.

关键词: reclamation     Wastewater discharge     renovated     biological treatment     application    

Fate of microplastics in a coastal wastewater treatment plant: Microfibers could partially break through the integrated membrane system

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第7期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1517-0


• Fate of microplastics in integrated membrane system for water reuse was investigated.

关键词: Water reclamation     Integrated membrane system     Microplastics     Removal     Coastal zone    

Controlling various contaminants in wastewater effluent through membranes and engineered wetland

Sarper SARP, Sungyun LEE, Noeon PARK, Nguyen Thi HANH, Jaeweon CHO

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第1期   页码 98-105 doi: 10.1007/s11783-009-0006-7

摘要: For effective wastewater reclamation and water recovery, the treatment of natural and effluent organic matters (NOM and EfOM), toxic anions, and micropollutants was considered in this work. Two different NOM (humic acid of the Suwannee River, and NOM of US and Youngsan River, Korea), and one EfOM from the Damyang wastewater treatment plant, Korea, were selected for investigating the removal efficiencies of tight nanofiltration (NF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membranes with different properties. Nitrate, bromate, and perchlorate were selected as target toxic anions due to their well known high toxicities. Tri-(2-chloroethyl)-phosphate (TCEP), oxybenzone, and caffeine, due to their different and p values, were selected as target micropollutants. As expected, the NF membranes provided high removal efficiencies in terms of all the tested contaminants, and the UF membrane provided fairly high removal efficiencies for anions (except for nitrate) and the relatively hydrophobic micropollutant, oxybenzon

关键词: wastewater reclamation     natural organic matter (NOM)     effluent organic matter (EfOM)     membranes     wetlands    



《中国工程科学》 2013年 第15卷 第6期   页码 91-98



关键词: 长江口     横沙东滩     航道疏浚土     吹泥上滩工艺    

Improvement of detection method of and in reclaimed water

ZHANG Tong, XIE Xing, HU Hongying, SONG Yudong, WU Qianyuan, ZONG Zusheng

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第3期   页码 380-384 doi: 10.1007/s11783-008-0052-6

摘要: and are two typical species of pathogenic protozoans that seriously endanger water quality. Previous works indicated that detection of and with modified United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) method-1623 using a membrane filtration-elution for sample concentration attained better recovery and lower cost compared to the USEPA method-1623. Several improvements of membrane filtration-elution step as well as immunomagnetic separation (IMS) steps were investigated and an optimized method for detection of and in wastewater reclamation system was recommended in this paper. The experimental results show that an overnight soak of the membrane after scraping and vortex agitation before elution could enhance and stabilize the recovery. Increasing turbidity to 4 NTU by adding kaolin clay before filtration could effectively improve the recovery of low-turbidity water. Washing the concentrate after centrifugation and twice acid dissociation both reduced the impact of water quality to protozoan recovery. Protozoans in different water samples were determined by this optimized method, and the recovery of and were above 70% and 80% respectively, much higher than the acceptance of method-1623.

关键词: USEPA method-1623     Environmental Protection     wastewater reclamation     concentration     centrifugation    



《中国工程科学》 2003年 第5卷 第5期   页码 31-34


针对三峡水库开县淹没区淹没损失大,同时鉴于原研究的大防护方案被否定和分块小防护方案并不完全有效,提出了泄水拦沙淤地还田方案。方案如实现后可保护淹没耕地 2520hm2(3.78万亩),新增河滩地733.3 hm2(1.1万亩),能基本补偿开县全部淹没土地3353.3 hm2(5.03万亩)。该方案的指导思想具有新意,一方面是顺应流水的规律,不予堵截;另一方面又将泥沙看成一种资源,拦沙造地,抬高地面高程,便于修堤防护,而且将原土地改造成旱涝保丰收的良田,能做到长治久安。该方案造价低,效益好,而且具有一般性。

关键词: 淹没区     防护     泄水拦沙     淤地    

开发浅海滩涂资源 拓展我国的生存空间


《中国工程科学》 2000年 第2卷 第3期   页码 27-31



关键词: 浅海滩涂资源     生存空间     围海     人工海岸     促淤工程    

面向未来饮用水净化的OSRO技术——基于河岸过滤的一步反渗透技术 Perspective

Yujia Zhai, 刘刚, Walter G.J. van der Meer

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期   页码 27-34 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.02.015


水环境中出现的新污染物给饮用水处理厂带来了巨大挑战。由于新污染物的浓度较低、特性不明,传统的水处理工艺无法对其进行有效去除,因此技术、经济和环境友好的水净化技术日益重要。本文介绍了一种由河岸过滤(riverbank filtration, RBF)和反渗透(reverse osmosis, RO)组成的一步反渗透(one-step reverse osmosis, OSRO)概念,用于饮用水处理。OSRO概念结合了相对成本较低的河水自然预处理与先进的工程净化系统。RBF提供了一个连续天然水源,具有稳定的水质和强大的污染物屏障。与直接提取地表水相比,由于预先清除了颗粒物、有机物、有机微污染物(organic micro-pollutant, OMP)和微生物,RBF成为基于RO膜的净化系统的理想水源。OSRO处理可以去除几乎99.9%的颗粒物、病原体、病毒和OMP,以及绝大多数的营养物质,从而满足无氯饮用水的要求,且具有较高的生物稳定性。与标准的常规净化步骤(包括喷淋过滤器过滤、软化操作和活性炭吸附)相比,OSRO处理更具有成本效益。人工滤池(artificial bank filtration, ABF)与砂滤系统相结合,起到人工补给的作用,是OSRO概念中RBF的替代方案,用于从当地可用资源中供应饮用水。本文建议以风能作为替代能源来实施OSRO,以提高可持续性和可再生性。本文还提出了一种基于OSRO的分散式系统,用于水的回收和再利用。本文建议未来的水处理应侧重于自然系统和工程系统的结合,通过技术上有效、经济上可行、资源可重复利用和与环境相关的方式提供饮用水。

关键词: 饮用水处理     河岸过滤     反渗透     人工滤池     水资源回收和再利用    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Changes of microbial composition during wastewater reclamation and distribution systems revealed by high-throughput

Yiwen LIN,Dan LI,Siyu ZENG,Miao HE


Saline-alkali soil reclamation and utilization in China: progress and prospects


Quantitative analysis of microplastics in coastal tidal-flat reclamation in Dongtai, China


Investigating the raveling test for full-depth reclamation

Robert HILL, Andrew BRAHAM





Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation


Nutrient status and pollution levels in five areas around a manganese mine in southern China

Kehui Liu, Xiaolu Liang, Chunming Li, Fangming Yu, Yi Li


Development and application of some renovated technologies for municipal wastewater treatment in China

QIAN Yi, WEN Xianghua, HUANG Xia


Fate of microplastics in a coastal wastewater treatment plant: Microfibers could partially break through the integrated membrane system


Controlling various contaminants in wastewater effluent through membranes and engineered wetland

Sarper SARP, Sungyun LEE, Noeon PARK, Nguyen Thi HANH, Jaeweon CHO





Improvement of detection method of and in reclaimed water

ZHANG Tong, XIE Xing, HU Hongying, SONG Yudong, WU Qianyuan, ZONG Zusheng





开发浅海滩涂资源 拓展我国的生存空间




Yujia Zhai, 刘刚, Walter G.J. van der Meer
