
期刊论文 607


2024 27

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2022 68

2021 70

2020 35

2019 29

2018 38

2017 34

2016 38

2015 28

2014 11

2013 12

2012 15

2011 11

2010 13

2009 9

2008 11

2007 16

2006 13

2005 15

展开 ︾


开放的复杂巨系统 7

智能制造 5

复杂系统 4

系统科学 4

3D打印 2

Agent 2

不确定性 2

从定性到定量综合集成法 2

体系工程 2

信息理论 2

分布式系统 2

城市水系统 2

复杂性 2

复杂网络 2

污水处理 2

碳中和 2

神经网络 2

管理 2

展开 ︾


排序: 展示方式:

Percolation-based health management of complex traffic systems

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第4期   页码 557-571 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0174-0

摘要: System health management, which aims to ensure the safe and efficient operation of systems by reducing uncertain risks and cascading failures during their lifetime, is proposed for complex transportation systems and other critical infrastructures, especially under the background of the New Infrastructure Projects launched in China. Previous studies proposed numerous approaches to evaluate or improve traffic reliability or efficiency. Nevertheless, most existing studies neglected the core failure mechanism (i.e., spatio–temporal propagation of traffic congestion). In this article, we review existing studies on traffic reliability management and propose a health management framework covering the entire traffic congestion lifetime, from emergence, evolution to dissipation, based on the study of core failure modes with percolation theory. Aiming to be “reliable, invulnerable, resilient, potential, and active”, our proposed traffic health management framework includes modeling, evaluation, diagnosis, and improvement. Our proposed framework may shed light on traffic management for megacities and urban agglomerations around the world. This new approach may offer innovative insights for systems science and engineering in future intelligent infrastructure management.

关键词: traffic health     health management     critical infrastructure     systems science and engineering    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第10期   页码 26-30



关键词: 复杂系统     核武器     数值模拟     系统性能建模    



《中国工程科学》 2008年 第10卷 第3期   页码 25-30



关键词: 大型复杂技术项目     系统工程方法     开放的复杂巨系统     群体创造力    

Redox reactions of iron and manganese oxides in complex systems

Jianzhi Huang, Huichun Zhang

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1255-8

摘要: • Mechanisms of redox reactions of Fe- and Mn-oxides were discussed. • Oxidative reactions of Mn- and Fe-oxides in complex systems were reviewed. • Reductive reaction of Fe(II)/iron oxides in complex systems was examined. • Future research on examining the redox reactivity in complex systems was suggested. Conspectus Redox reactions of Fe- and Mn-oxides play important roles in the fate and transformation of many contaminants in natural environments. Due to experimental and analytical challenges associated with complex environments, there has been a limited understanding of the reaction kinetics and mechanisms in actual environmental systems, and most of the studies so far have only focused on simple model systems. To bridge the gap between simple model systems and complex environmental systems, it is necessary to increase the complexity of model systems and examine both the involved interaction mechanisms and how the interactions affected contaminant transformation. In this Account, we primarily focused on (1) the oxidative reactivity of Mn- and Fe-oxides and (2) the reductive reactivity of Fe(II)/iron oxides in complex model systems toward contaminant degradation. The effects of common metal ions such as Mn2+ , Ca2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and Cu2+, ligands such as small anionic ligands and natural organic matter (NOM), and second metal oxides such as Al, Si and Ti oxides on the redox reactivity of the systems are briefly summarized.

关键词: Iron oxides     manganese oxides     reduction     oxidation     complex systems     reaction kinetics and mechanisms    

Exploring self-organization and self-adaption for smart manufacturing complex networks

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第2期   页码 206-222 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0225-1

摘要: Trends toward the globalization of the manufacturing industry and the increasing demands for small-batch, short-cycle, and highly customized products result in complexities and fluctuations in both external and internal manufacturing environments, which poses great challenges to manufacturing enterprises. Fortunately, recent advances in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the widespread use of embedded processors and sensors in factories enable collecting real-time manufacturing status data and building cyber–physical systems for smart, flexible, and resilient manufacturing systems. In this context, this paper investigates the mechanisms and methodology of self-organization and self-adaption to tackle exceptions and disturbances in discrete manufacturing processes. Specifically, a general model of smart manufacturing complex networks is constructed using scale-free networks to interconnect heterogeneous manufacturing resources represented by network vertices at multiple levels. Moreover, the capabilities of physical manufacturing resources are encapsulated into virtual manufacturing services using cloud technology, which can be added to or removed from the networks in a plug-and-play manner. Materials, information, and financial assets are passed through interactive links across the networks. Subsequently, analytical target cascading is used to formulate the processes of self-organizing optimal configuration and self-adaptive collaborative control for multilevel key manufacturing resources while particle swarm optimization is used to solve local problems on network vertices. Consequently, an industrial case based on a Chinese engine factory demonstrates the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed model and method in handling typical exceptions. The simulation results show that the proposed mechanism and method outperform the event-triggered rescheduling method, reducing manufacturing cost, manufacturing time, waiting time, and energy consumption, with reasonable computational time. This work potentially enables managers and practitioners to implement active perception, active response, self-organization, and self-adaption solutions in discrete manufacturing enterprises.

关键词: cyber–physical systems     Industrial Internet of Things     smart manufacturing complex networks     self-organization and self-adaption     analytical target cascading     collaborative optimization    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第2期   页码 1-8



关键词: 工程系统     复杂性     还原论     系统论    

人机互信的知识自动化与混合增强智能:复杂系统认知管控机制及其应用 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第8期   页码 1142-1157 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2100418

摘要: 本文旨在阐述复杂系统认知、管理和控制中人机互信的混合增强智能和知识自动化机制与应用。本文从复杂系统研究的发展历程出发,通过对复杂系统的特性、人工智能科技、人机混合增强智能科技及其在复杂系统管控中的必要性阐述,分析了人类智能、机器智能在复杂系统管控中的优势与局限性,并提出“人机互信知识自动化”的概念。以电力系统大电网调控为背景,阐述了未来人机混合智能在大电网调度中可能的技术路径和应用基础,并以潮流校正控制为例,说明人机知识自动化任务流程的完成过程。通过本文内容的阐述,希望对基于人机混合增强智能的复杂系统管理和控制的理论方法提供一种新的机制和应用路径,并对社会典型复杂系统管控的数字化、智能化建设起到积极作用。

关键词: 复杂系统;人机知识自动化;平行系统;大电网调度;人工智能;智联网    

复杂系统与网络及其应用 Editorial

Jin-de CAO, Yang LIU, Jian-quan LU, Leszek RUTKOWSKI

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第21卷 第2期   页码 195-198 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2020000

摘要: 复杂系统与网络能刻画现有大量系统的特征,并在过去几十年中得到国内外学者广泛关注。由于通信、计算机和信息技术飞速发展,人们能够应对传统方法无法处理的大规模数据,近年来,有关复杂系统与网络的研究已扩展至网络化控制系统、信息物理系统、逻辑网络、神经网络和其它相关领域。更重要的是,诸如无线传感网络、分散式控制和深度学习等新兴技术亟需分布式控制策略,以确保系统鲁棒性、灵活性、可扩展性、低成本或便于配置和易于维护。 自上世纪末以来,有关复杂系统与网络的研究已取得巨大发展和进步,得到许多有见地的结果和富有成效的方法。复杂系统与网络已广泛应用于民用和军事领域,典型示例包括运输系统、国家电网、健康和医疗领域、航空航天和工业系统等专业领域。随着对清洁能源、低成本、高安全性、健康等的要求,复杂系统与网络的研究越来越受到学术界和工业界关注。 在此背景下,中国工程院院刊《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》(FITEE)组织了本期“复杂系统与网络及其应用”专刊,旨在促进复杂系统与网络的研究,概述理论、应用两方面最新进展。经严格评审,共遴选12篇论文,其中2篇综述,10篇研究论文。 李晓迪等对基于复杂网络的脉冲控制给出全面综述。侧重于脉冲控制和脉冲摄动,涉及具有脉冲效应的复杂动态网络几个方面:同步和异步脉冲、自适应—脉冲同步、牵制脉冲同步以及具有随机和脉冲效应的复杂动态网络。同时,指出一些未来研究方向。李海涛等详细综述逻辑控制网络控制器设计的最新研究进展,具体包括可达集方法、牵制控制设计、控制李雅普诺夫函数方法和采样控制方法等。 曹进德等讨论了具有脉冲特性的分数阶四元数神经网络的多重Mittag-Leffler稳定性问题。作者证实:当利普希茨条件得到保证时,可用由激活函数几何特性导出的工具证明平衡点的存在性。此外,借助李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,进一步研究了带脉冲的分数阶四元数值神经网络多个平衡点的全局Miattag-Leffler稳定性问题,通过数值实例验证了所提方法的有效性。 逻辑网络作为基因调控网络建模的典型形式之一,一直是人们关注的热点,在系统生物学、电网、内燃机、博弈论、加密和机器人等领域有着广泛应用。代数状态空间方法的发展,极大促进了有关逻辑控制网络的结构和动力学研究,以及逻辑控制网络的分析与综合,甚至扩展至布尔和多值逻辑网络等。 桂卫华等基于网络结构提出布尔网络的输出反馈稳定器设计方法。不同于传统牵制控制设计方法,给出的设计策略与布尔网络的状态转换矩阵无关,且可有效确定牵制控制节点并降低计算复杂度。利用信号转导网络和果蝇分割极性基因网络仿真和实验,验证该方法具有良好性能和适应性。 卢剑权等讨论了基于切换的非周期采样布尔控制网络的稳定性问题。解决了网络各子系统不稳定时非周期采样数据控制下的布尔控制网络全局稳定性问题。与其它不稳定子系统的切换布尔网络的全局稳定性研究相比,其考虑的非周期采样控制问题更为困难与复杂。 近年来,同步和一致性现象引起人们对网络系统中集群行为产生机制的关注。Kurths等提出一种基于双仿真的状态反馈控制的概率布尔控制网络稳定新方法,可用于降低计算复杂度。在强大矩阵运算基础上,给出一个充要条件,并考虑双仿概率布尔控制网络之间概率为1的镇定问题。李露露等研究了耦合时滞布尔网络的完全同步问题,其中状态时滞和输出时滞可能不相等,并且每个布尔网络中的状态时滞可能不同,提出完全同步的一个充要条件,并给出相应算法。 潘金凤和孟敏基于级联聚集的布尔网络,考虑了最优单比特扰动,使得期望吸引子吸引域最大,而非期望吸引子吸引域最小。基于聚集方法,给出单比特扰动后所需吸引子不变的一个充分必要条件。在T细胞受体网络上的实验证实了该方法的可行性和有效性。 级联分解作为布尔控制网络分解的一种基本形式,在理论上是一个有趣而实用的概念。李一峰和朱建栋利用图论方法研究布尔控制网络的两类级联分解问题,提出“嵌套完全等顶点划分”概念,并得到图解的充分必要条件。此外,通过构造坐标变换,给出相应级联分解形式,通过实验数据验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 由于涉及DNA转录和RNA翻译的耗时过程,时滞在基因调控过程中不可避免,并且在生物体发育中起关键作用。最近,时滞逻辑控制网络领域的研究者得到一些有趣结果。郑雅婷和冯俊娥基于集合稳定性理论,研究具有状态和控制约束的时滞逻辑控制网络的输出跟踪问题。基于状态转换矩阵的变形,推导出几个充要条件,并提出容许状态反馈控制器设计方案。实验证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。 神经网络在医学图像边缘检测、医学事件检测、模式识别和机器人技术等领域的潜在应用价值,使得神经网络快速发展。曹阳等研究了混合时滞和脉冲效应的惯性双向联想记忆神经网络,借助微分不等式技术,给出反周期解的存在性、唯一性和全局指数稳定性判据。最后给出一个算例,验证了结果的有效性。 交通信息的可获取性对汽车动力系统控制具有巨大潜力。康明新和高金武描述了一种换档控制方案,其中控制设计换档策略可在逻辑系统框架内制定。为实现这一控制方案,车辆动力学模型采用马尔可夫过程。在逻辑系统框架下,通过滚动时域最优控制求解燃料优化问题。利用动态规划工具求解最优问题。仿真结果验证了设计方案的有效性。 本期专刊涵盖了当前大量有关复杂系统、逻辑网络和神经网络的研究内容及其最新进展,包括逻辑网络的稳定、跟踪和解偶、神经网络的分析和综合、基于脉冲控制的复杂网络同步问题策略,以及车辆燃油效率优化等实际工程问题。我们希望本期专刊对这些领域的研究人员有所帮助,促进复杂系统和逻辑网络、神经网络及相关领域研究的开展。 本期专刊的顺利出版,得益于作者和匿名审稿人在内众多学者的支持和无私帮助。此外,我们感谢期刊编辑大力协助,感谢主编潘云鹤和卢锡城教授提供的宝贵机会。

关键词: None    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第12期   页码 1-7



关键词: 钱学森     马克思主义哲学     科学与技术     工程控制论     系统科学     复杂系统    

GID complex regulates the differentiation of neural stem cells by destabilizing TET2

《医学前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第6期   页码 1204-1218 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-1007-9

摘要: Brain development requires a delicate balance between self-renewal and differentiation in neural stem cells (NSC), which rely on the precise regulation of gene expression. Ten-eleven translocation 2 (TET2) modulates gene expression by the hydroxymethylation of 5-methylcytosine in DNA as an important epigenetic factor and participates in the neuronal differentiation. Yet, the regulation of TET2 in the process of neuronal differentiation remains unknown. Here, the protein level of TET2 was reduced by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway during NSC differentiation, in contrast to mRNA level. We identified that TET2 physically interacts with the core subunits of the glucose-induced degradation-deficient (GID) ubiquitin ligase complex, an evolutionarily conserved ubiquitin ligase complex and is ubiquitinated by itself. The protein levels of GID complex subunits increased reciprocally with TET2 level upon NSC differentiation. The silencing of the core subunits of the GID complex, including WDR26 and ARMC8, attenuated the ubiquitination and degradation of TET2, increased the global 5-hydroxymethylcytosine levels, and promoted the differentiation of the NSC. TET2 level increased in the brain of the Wdr26+/− mice. Our results illustrated that the GID complex negatively regulates TET2 protein stability, further modulates NSC differentiation, and represents a novel regulatory mechanism involved in brain development.

关键词: TET2     GID complex     neural stem cells     differentiation of neurons    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第10期   页码 60-63



关键词: 输水系统     仿真优化     自优化     响应曲面法    



《中国工程科学》 2011年 第13卷 第4期   页码 43-47



关键词: 航天工程管理     系统工程方法     技术管理     型号管理     组织机构管理    

Unraveling the complex roles of macrophages in obese adipose tissue: an overview

《医学前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第2期   页码 205-236 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-1033-7

摘要: Unraveling the complex roles of macrophages in obese adipose tissue: an overview

关键词: roles macrophages adipose    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第4期   页码 52-57



关键词: 复杂系统     计算机仿真     Agent     HLA/RTI    

Footholds optimization for legged robots walking on complex terrain

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0742-y

摘要: This paper proposes a novel continuous footholds optimization method for legged robots to expand their walking ability on complex terrains. The algorithm can efficiently run onboard and online by using terrain perception information to protect the robot against slipping or tripping on the edge of obstacles, and to improve its stability and safety when walking on complex terrain. By relying on the depth camera installed on the robot and obtaining the terrain heightmap, the algorithm converts the discrete grid heightmap into a continuous costmap. Then, it constructs an optimization function combined with the robot’s state information to select the next footholds and generate the motion trajectory to control the robot’s locomotion. Compared with most existing footholds selection algorithms that rely on discrete enumeration search, as far as we know, the proposed algorithm is the first to use a continuous optimization method. We successfully implemented the algorithm on a hexapod robot, and verified its feasibility in a walking experiment on a complex terrain.

关键词: footholds optimization     legged robot     complex terrain adapting     hexapod robot     locomotion control    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Percolation-based health management of complex traffic systems








Redox reactions of iron and manganese oxides in complex systems

Jianzhi Huang, Huichun Zhang


Exploring self-organization and self-adaption for smart manufacturing complex networks









Jin-de CAO, Yang LIU, Jian-quan LU, Leszek RUTKOWSKI





GID complex regulates the differentiation of neural stem cells by destabilizing TET2








Unraveling the complex roles of macrophages in obese adipose tissue: an overview





Footholds optimization for legged robots walking on complex terrain
