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Challenges of a feasible route towards sustainability in environmental protection


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期   页码 123-134 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0028-1

摘要: Anaerobic processes for treatment of low and high strength wastewaters and solid wastes constitute the core method in the natural biological mineralization (NBM) treatment concept. When adequately combined with the complementary NBM-systems and modern clean water saving practices in wastewater collection and transport, they represent a feasible route to sustainable environmental protection (EP), in essence even towards a more sustainable society. Despite the development and implementation of modern high rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment (AnWT-) systems and complementary innovative NBM-processes, the considerable progress made since the seventies in fundamental insights in microbiology, biochemistry and process technology, still numerous challenging improvements in the NBM-field can be realized. This contribution is mainly based on the insights attained from wide ranging literature evaluations and the results of experimental research conducted by numerous PhD students who participated in our group over the last four decades. An attempt is made here to identify major facets on which an improved insight can, and consequently should, be obtained in order to accomplish more optimal operation and design of various types of Anaerobic Degradation (AnDeg-) processes.

关键词: sustainability     environmental protection     anaerobic treatment     micro-aerobic treatment     natural biological mineralization concept     traces elements     macro-nutrients    

Geosynthetics used to stabilize vegetated surfaces for environmental sustainability in civil engineering


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第1期   页码 56-65 doi: 10.1007/s11709-016-0380-8

摘要: Geosynthetics, factory-manufactured polymer materials, have been successfully used to solve many geotechnical problems in civil engineering. Two common applications are earth stabilization and erosion control. Geosynthetics used for earth stabilization include but are not limited to stabilized slopes, walls, embankments, and roads. Geosynthetics used for erosion control are mostly related to slopes, river channels and banks, and pond spillways. To enhance environmental sustainability, vegetation has been increasingly planted on the facing or surfaces of these earth structures. Under such a condition, geosynthetics mainly function as surficial soil stabilization while vegetation provides green appearance and erosion protection of earth surfaces. Recently, geosynthetic or geosynthetic-like material has been used to form green walls outside or inside buildings to enhance sustainability. Geosynthetics and vegetation are often integrated to provide combined benefits. The interaction between geosynthetics and vegetation is important for the sustainability of the earth and building wall surfaces. This paper provides a review of the current practice and research in the geosynthetic stabilization of vegetated earth and building surfaces for environmental sustainability in civil engineering with the emphases on geosynthetic used for erosion protection, geosynthetic-stabilized slopes, geosynthetic-stabilized unpaved shoulders and parking lots, and geosynthetic-stabilized vegetated building surfaces.

关键词: erosion     geosynthetic     stabilization     sustainability     vegetation    

Managing nutrient for both food security and environmental sustainability in China: an experiment for

Fusuo ZHANG, Zhenling CUI, Weifeng ZHANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第1期   页码 53-61 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2014006

摘要: The challenges of how to simultaneously ensure global food security, improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and protect the environment have received increasing attention. However, the dominant agricultural paradigm still considers high yield and reducing environmental impacts to be in conflict with one another. Here we examine a Three-Step-Strategy of past 20 years to produce more with less in China, showing that tremendous progress has been made to reduce N fertilizer input without sacrificing crop yield. The first step is to use technology for in-season root-zone nutrient management to significantly increase NUE. The second is to use technology for integrated nutrient management to increase both yield and NUE by 15%–20%. The third step is to use technology for integrated soil-crop system management to increase yield and NUE by 30%–50% simultaneously. These advances can thus be considered an effective agricultural paradigm to ensure food security, while increasing NUE and improving environmental quality.

关键词: integrated nutrient management     integrated soil-crop system management     environmental protection     food security     resource use efficiency    

The role of EcoCampus in addressing sustainability in UK universities


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 193-200 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017038

摘要: Universities are key drivers of sustainable development and are well-positioned to contribute to the sustainability agenda. Universities in the United Kingdom (UK) are themselves large and influential organisations, and because of their size, can have a significant impact on the environment. Their challenge, however, is to practice what they preach and to manage their own estates and procurement decisions to reduce their impact on the environment and meet carbon reduction targets. In the UK, higher education (HE) sector Scopes 1 and 2 carbon CO e emissions have, over recent years, been falling considerably short of the emission reduction targets set by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) in all but a few institutions. Setting sector specific targets, therefore, does not guarantee success in addressing climate change. However, in those institutions adopting the EcoCampus management system approach, Scopes 1 and 2 carbon CO e emissions have fallen by up to 5% over the latest reporting period (2013/2014–2014/2015). This contrasts with the increase in emissions from those institutions who currently do not have a certified management system and are currently at the bottom of the People and Planet University League Table. (This is an independent league table of UK universities ranked by environmental and ethical performance). Environmental management systems (EMSs) are increasingly being used by organisations to improve their environmental performance. EMSs deliver many benefits such as reducing resource use and pollution, complying with relevant environmental legislation, managing risks, improving corporate reputation and saving costs. The aim of this research was to assess the carbon management performance of universities in the UK and China and relate this to the level of uptake of EMSs in these universities. The results of this research informed the development of the EMS support and awards programme called EcoCampus. EcoCampus addresses the challenges faced by universities in reducing their carbon emissions by developing an EMS in simple stages with support in a variety of different forms. This self-financing programme has now been operating successfully for over ten years. During this time, EcoCampus has worked with over 60 universities and colleges in the UK. Eighteen participants have currently achieved the highest phase of EcoCampus and certification to the international EMS standard ISO14001. There are currently 40 universities, one research institute and three colleges enrolled on the various phases of the EcoCampus programme. There are five universities from the Russell Group including Cambridge University, Imperial College London, Nottingham University, Newcastle University and University College London. The EcoCampus programme is highly successful in the UK and there is growing interest from international universities wishing to join the programme. Seven of the top ten universities in the UK’s People and Planet University League Table are EcoCampus members. All the top ten universities in the League Table have shown a reduction in their carbon emissions. In contrast, the ten institutions at the bottom of the League don’t have a certified EMS and have increased their carbon emissions. By identifying the benefits of an EMS, particularly in relation to carbon management, it is hoped that this paper will encourage organisations to develop, implement and operate an EMS. This should lead to a more sustainable sector able to lead by example.

关键词: EcoCampus     environmental management     sustainable development     carbon management    

A model for the evaluation of environmental impact indicators for a sustainable maritime transportation

Lizzette Pérez LESPIER, Suzanna LONG, Tom SHOBERG, Steven CORNS

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第3期   页码 368-383 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0004-9

摘要: Maritime shipping is considered the most efficient, low-cost means for transporting large quantities of freight over significant distances. However, this process also causes negative environmental and societal impacts. Therefore, environmental sustainability is a pressing issue for maritime shipping management, given the interest in addressing important issues that affect the safety, security, and air and water quality as part of the efficient movement of freight throughout the coasts and waterways and associated port facilities worldwide. In-depth studies of maritime transportation systems (MTS) can be used to identify key environmental impact indicators within the transportation system. This paper develops a tool for decision making in complex environments; this tool will quantify and rank preferred environmental impact indicators within a MTS. Such a model will help decision-makers to achieve the goals of improved environmental sustainability. The model will also provide environmental policy-makers in the shipping industry with an analytical tool that can evaluate tradeoffs within the system and identify possible alternatives to mitigate detrimental effects on the environment.

关键词: Environmental sustainability     maritime transportation system     environmental impact indicators     fuzzy analytic hierarchy process     fuzzy TOPSIS     decision-making tool    

Sustainability performance analysis of environment innovation systems using a two-stage network DEA model

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第3期   页码 425-438 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0205-5

摘要: The term environmental innovation system refers to an innovation network composed of enterprises, universities, and research institutions involved in the development and diffusion of environmental technology, with the participation of a government. An environmental innovation system not only exerts important impact on the achievement of carbon neutrality but also affects social and economic activities. Investigations on environmental innovation system performance constantly assume a single-stage independent system while ignoring its internal structure. However, such systems are composed of environmental innovation research and development (R&D) and environmental innovation conversion subsystems. A two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) model is developed in this study to analyze the efficiency of Chinese regional environmental innovation system by opening the “black box” and considering shared resources. Empirical results indicated that China presents high overall environmental innovation efficiency although some regions need to improve. Regions with low efficiencies in both environmental innovation R&D (EIR) and environmental innovation conversion (EIC) subsystems should expand their investment in and strengthen the management of environmental innovation resources. Regions with low EIR efficiency should improve the absorption and transformation of environmental innovation achievements. Regions with low EIC efficiency should increase investment in the commercialization of environmental innovation achievements and encourage green economy industries, such as new energy, art, tourism, and environmental protection.

关键词: data envelopment analysis     environmental efficiency     environmental innovation system     shared resources     two-stage structure    

Can crop science really help us to produce more better-quality food while reducing the world-wide environmental

William J. DAVIES, Susan E. WARD, Alan WILSON

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 28-44 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019299


This paper reviews recent developments in crop science that can be the basis of a revolution in the global food system but it is also emphasized that such a revolution requires more than changes in food production and supply. We must more effectively feed a growing global population with a healthy diet while also defining and delivering the kinds of sustainable food systems that will minimise damage to our planet. There are exciting new developments in crop production biology but much existing crop science can be exploited to increase yields with the aid of a knowledge exchange (KE) framework requiring the use of new technology now available to most people across the globe. We discuss novel approaches at both the plant and the crop level that will enhance nutrient and water productivity and we also outline ways in which energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be reduced and labor shortages combatted. Exploitation of new biology and new engineering opportunities will require development of public-private partnerships and collaborations across the disciplines to allow us to move effectively from discovery science to practical application. It is also important that consumers contribute to the debate over proposed changes to food and farming and so effective KE mechanisms are required between all relevant communities.

关键词: food security     environmental sustainability     crop water use efficiency     crop science     diet and health    

Comparison of indicators for agricultural green development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and mapping the way forward RESEARCH ARTICLE

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2024年 第11卷 第1期   页码 69-82 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024548


While agricultural green development (AGD) is highly recognized and has become a national strategy in China, it is imperative to bridge the knowledge gaps between AGD and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to evaluate the contribution of AGD to meeting the SDGs. The first aim of this study was to compare the AGD goals and indicators with those of the SDGs so as to identify their relationship. The next aim was to examine the historical evolution of AGD indicators and analyze the gaps between the current status of various indicators and their benchmarks. Limiting factors were identified in China’s transition toward AGD. These findings reveal that the indicators of AGD align with those of the SDGs, but have greater specificity to the context in China and are more quantifiable. There has been a significant increase per capita calorie and protein intakes in China, as well as a notable rise in agricultural output per unit of arable land and rural incomes from 1980 to the 2010s. However, these achievements have been accompanied by a high resource use and environmental pollution, highlighting the need for a more sustainable, environmentally responsible agriculture in China.

关键词: Agricultural green development     sustainable development goals     environmental sustainability     indicator system     optimization pathway    

Enhancing the Efficiency of Enterprise Shutdowns for Environmental Protection: An Agent-Based Modeling

Qi Zhou,Shen Qu,Miaomiao Liu,Jianxun Yang,Jia Zhou,Yunlei She,Zhouyi Liu,Jun Bi,

《工程(英文)》 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.02.006

摘要: Top-down environmental policies aim to mitigate environmental risks but inevitably lead to economic losses due to the market entry or exit of enterprises. This study developed a universal dynamic agent-based supply chain model to achieve tradeoffs between environmental risk reduction and economic sustainability. The model was used to conduct high-resolution daily simulations of the dynamic shifts in enterprise operations and their cascading effects on supply chain networks. It includes production, consumption, and transportation agents, attributing economic features to supply chain components and capturing their interactions. It also accounts for adaptive responses to daily external shocks and replicates realistic firm behaviors. By coupling high spatial-temporal resolution firm-level data from 18 916 chemical enterprises, this study investigates the economic and environmental impacts of an environmental policy resulting in the closure of 1 800 chemical enterprises over three years. The results revealed a significant economic loss of 25.8 billion USD, ranging from 23.8 USD to 31.8 billion USD. Notably, over 80% of this loss was attributed to supply chain propagation. Counterfactual analyses indicated that implementing a staggered shutdown strategy prevented 18.8% of supply chain losses, highlighting the importance of a gradual policy implementation to prevent abrupt supply chain disruptions. Furthermore, the study highlights the effectiveness of a multi-objective policy design in reducing economic losses (about 29%) and environmental risks (about 40%), substantially enhancing the efficiency of the environmental policy. The high-resolution simulations provide valuable insights for policy designers to formulate strategies with staggered implementation and multiple objectives to mitigate supply chain losses and environmental risks and ensure a sustainable future.

关键词: Agent-based model     Supply chain network     Economic sustainability     Environmental policy    

Sustainability of urban drainage management: a perspective on infrastructure resilience and thresholds

Xiong NING, Yi LIU, Jining CHEN, Xin DONG, Wangfeng LI, Bin LIANG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第5期   页码 658-668 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0546-8

摘要: Urban wastewater infrastructures have been threatened by natural and socioeconomic disturbances. This study investigates infrastructure resilience against the risks of long-term changes rather than natural disasters. Urban expansion that leads to an increased urban runoff and massive population movements that cause fluctuations in domestic emissions are considered in this study. Pollution permits for water bodies are adopted as constraints on wastewater infrastructures. A land use-based accounting method, combined with a grid-based database, is developed to map domestic discharge and urban runoff to service areas of wastewater treatment plants. The results of a case study on downtown Sanya, the most famous seashore tourist attraction in China, show that the average resilient values of three sub-catchment areas in 2010 were -0.57, 0.10 and 0.27, respectively, a significant spatial variation. The infrastructure in the Sanya River sub-region is the least flexible, and is more likely to fail due to unstable inflows. The resiliencies will increase to 0.59, 1.01 and 0.54, respectively, in 2020, a considerable improvement in robustness. The study suggests that infrastructure resilience needs to be taken into further consideration for urban planning and the related realm of urban governance to foster more robust wastewater management under various risks.

关键词: wastewater infrastructure     land use     environmental carrying capacity     fluctuating population     urban runoff    

Materials sustainability for environment: Red-mud treatment

Brajendra Mishra, Sumedh Gostu

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第3期   页码 483-496 doi: 10.1007/s11705-017-1653-z

摘要: Bayer’s process revolutionized the extraction of aluminum from the bauxite ores. However, the hydrothermal extraction of alumina is associated with the generation of a byproduct, red-mud consisting of undissolved solids composed of iron oxides, sodium alumino silicates, titania, silica and rare earth elements. The accumulation of red-mud (or bauxite residue) in the world is 30 billion metric tons produced at a rate of 125 million tons per annum (2013). Utilization of red-mud for constructional purposes, wastewater treatment, metallurgical products, and pigments are listed. Metallurgical processing efforts of red-mud to generate various value added products such as pig iron, direct reduced iron slag wool, magnetite, titania, iron carbides are presented in the article.

关键词: red-mud processing     waste management     sustainability     valorization    

Large-scale geo-energy development: Sustainability impacts


《能源前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第4期   页码 757-763 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0455-9

摘要: Geothermal energy is a renewable and alternative energy with the potential to replace fossil fuels and help mitigate global warming. However, the development of geothermal energy has environmental, economic and social-cultural consequences, which needs to be predicted beforehand and then mitigated. To guarantee a sustainable development, it is, therefore, essential to consider the relative potential impacts. From a sustainability point of view, in the present study, a comprehensive analysis of consequences of geothermal energy development is conducted, including environmental, economic and societal & cultural dimensions. The geothermal energy industry will prosper only if sustainable aspects can be integrally considered.

关键词: geothermal energy     sustainability     impact     development    

用跨学科网络组织化研究框架解释食物-能源-水的纽带关系 Perspective

庄杰, Frank E. Löffler, Gary S. Sayler

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第11卷 第4期   页码 95-100 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.08.017


城市化、人口增长以及食物-能源-水(food-energy-water, FEW)的加速消耗给经济、环境和社会(economic, environmental, and social, ESS)的可持续性发展带来了前所未有的挑战

关键词: 食物     能源         利益相关者     政策     环境可持续性    

A review of sustainability metrics for the construction and operation of airport and roadway infrastructure


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第3期   页码 433-452 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0052-1


Sustainability has become increasingly important, however, relatively little attention has focused on metrics for the construction and operation of airport and roadway infrastructure. Most attention has focused on buildings, with high profile BREEAM and LEED projects taking center stage. Sustainability is also important in airport and roadway infrastructure projects, which have significant public impact but have a much lower profile than vertical construction when it comes to sustainability. Sustainable infrastructure is important in China and India where new infrastructure is under construction to meet growing and developing economies, and in the US, where infrastructure is in substandard condition and requires reconstruction. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and discussion of sustainability rating systems for airport and roadway infrastructure, including both construction and operation. Specific projects that highlight both proven and innovative sustainable practices are included to illustrate the application of these concepts. Finally, the relationship between sustainable transportation infrastructure and resilient transportation infrastructure is addressed since resiliency is of growing interest and there is overlap between these concepts.

关键词: sustainable construction     infrastructure     airport     roadway     resiliency     sustainability    


王 峰,雷霁霖

《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第1期   页码 4-10


为了更好地评价半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther)在工厂化循化水养殖模式下的养殖效果及环境可持续性,运用能值理论及分析方法构建了半滑舌鳎循环水养殖模式能值流程图,并对此养殖模式各能值分布进行分析。结果表明:循环水养殖模式环境能值投入只占比1.08 %,能值产出率(EYR)为2.433,环境负载率(ELR)为0.313 4,能值可持续发展指标(ESI)为7.763,表明此种养殖模式已经将农业生产提升至工业化水平,其经济系统发展程度高,生产效率较高;同时该养殖模式极大地减轻了对环境的压力,其可持续性和环境容纳量均较高。

关键词: 半滑舌鳎     循环水养殖     养殖模式     环境可持续性     能值    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Challenges of a feasible route towards sustainability in environmental protection



Geosynthetics used to stabilize vegetated surfaces for environmental sustainability in civil engineering



Managing nutrient for both food security and environmental sustainability in China: an experiment for

Fusuo ZHANG, Zhenling CUI, Weifeng ZHANG


The role of EcoCampus in addressing sustainability in UK universities



A model for the evaluation of environmental impact indicators for a sustainable maritime transportation

Lizzette Pérez LESPIER, Suzanna LONG, Tom SHOBERG, Steven CORNS


Sustainability performance analysis of environment innovation systems using a two-stage network DEA model


Can crop science really help us to produce more better-quality food while reducing the world-wide environmental

William J. DAVIES, Susan E. WARD, Alan WILSON


Comparison of indicators for agricultural green development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and mapping the way forward


Enhancing the Efficiency of Enterprise Shutdowns for Environmental Protection: An Agent-Based Modeling

Qi Zhou,Shen Qu,Miaomiao Liu,Jianxun Yang,Jia Zhou,Yunlei She,Zhouyi Liu,Jun Bi,


Sustainability of urban drainage management: a perspective on infrastructure resilience and thresholds

Xiong NING, Yi LIU, Jining CHEN, Xin DONG, Wangfeng LI, Bin LIANG


Materials sustainability for environment: Red-mud treatment

Brajendra Mishra, Sumedh Gostu


Large-scale geo-energy development: Sustainability impacts




庄杰, Frank E. Löffler, Gary S. Sayler


A review of sustainability metrics for the construction and operation of airport and roadway infrastructure




王 峰,雷霁霖
