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Value Management Practices on Major Construction Projects and Green Building

Ru-jiang Zhao,Wung Hee Moh

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第2期   页码 147-157 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016018

摘要: The paper starts with background information on value management (VM) in the construction industry and current development situation of the green building industry, and costs and profitability of green buildings. The paper continues with detailed analyses of the findings, covering new developments and perceptions of VM, and applications of VM in the industry. The paper also reports case studies on the practices adopted in the planning and design management phase of SIPO Guangdong Patent Examination Cooperation Center and in the construction management phase of Guangzhou International Bio-Island Standard Property Unit II project. As revealed by the practices, the value-adds and savings in construction costs through the application of VM are important for the developers, and the contributions of VM application in green building projects are significant to achieving the expected targets and to resolving the design and construction challenges encountered in the development of green building industry. And the paper presents, findings on how VM can improve construction management and coordination of several ongoing construction projects and on how VM can be systematically implemented by phases, and discussions on other potential benefits of using VM systems.

关键词: value management (VM)     VM theory and practices     Chinese construction industry     green buildings    

Value Engineering/Value Management Model and Application of Aerospace Projects

Wan-hua Qiu,Han-peng Zhang,Ze-Shui Xu,De-Sheng Wu

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第4期   页码 373-377 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015056

摘要: This paper presents a new space model developed by general value engineering/value management model. The authors take the function analysis, function optimization and function realization of the development object as the basic point, to get the final optimization structure by value evaluation, so as to improve the project quality and reduce the project cost. The final case shows that the application of this model can save about 18% of the time and considerable cost of the usually planned projects under the condition of quality assurance.

关键词: aerospace project     value engineering     value optimization     value stream     design structure matrix    



《中国工程科学》 2004年 第6卷 第3期   页码 86-90



关键词: 价值工程     施工管理     技术创新    

production planning and control system for Lean Construction through advancement and integration of existing management

Christoph Paul SCHIMANSKI, Gabriele PASETTI MONIZZA, Carmen MARCHER, Dominik T. MATT

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第3期   页码 429-441 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0105-5

摘要: As part of general construction management, production planning and control is vital for successful project delivery. Numerous approaches supporting production planning and control exist in practice and research. However, the different approaches focus on distinct areas such as workflow stabilization or cost control, and no single system combines all the requirements of a holistic production management system. Varying production management systems can be explained by the unique characteristics of many construction projects. As an approach for the digital twinning in the construction industry, building information modeling (BIM) can help standardize production management through shifting the management system design toward the digital prototype. Previous scientific work has acknowledged this approach, thereby generating numerous concepts for using building information models within construction management approaches. However, BIM is often merely used as a parallel support rather than as an integral part of production management systems. To address this gap and in terms of research methodology, we follow a Design Science Research approach. Thus, we propose a new BIM-based production management system, which is characterized by a theoretical integration model for BIM and existing construction management techniques, and a methodology for applying these concepts in practice.

关键词: production management system design     Industry 4.0     Last Planner System     Kanban     earned value management    

一种针对基于一致性哈希的键值存储系统的低能耗副本布局策略 Article

Nan-nan ZHAO,Ji-guang WAN,Jun WANG,Chang-sheng XIE

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第10期   页码 994-1007 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601162

摘要: 概要:分布式键值存储作为最常用的分布式存储系统之一,目前广泛部署在大规模数据中心中。然而,大规模数据中心的高能耗是一个亟待解决的问题。为达到较好节能效果,同时满足数据可用性要求,本文提出一个针对基于一致性哈希的分布式键值存储系统的低能耗副本布局策略——GreenCHT,它包括一个分层副本布局方案、一个可靠的分布式日志和一个预测能耗模式调节器。GreenCHT将副本分布在互不重叠的多个节点层,而非随机放置于哈希环的部分节点。在分层副本布局中,部分节点层可以维持活动状态,其他节点可以被关闭而不影响数据可用性,以达到节能目的。能耗模式调节器(power mode scheduler, PMS)能够预测I/O负载,并根据负载高低波动变化,相应关闭或开启某些节点层。为保证节能状态下的系统可靠性,对于待机副本的写请求,被重新映射到活动的服务器,以保证系统的容错性。通过修改Sheepdog原有的数据分布算法和副本布局策略,GreenCHT被配置在Sheepdog存储集群中。实验中,GreenCHT能够节省35%–61%能耗,同时维持较好性能和可靠性。

关键词: 一致性哈希表;副本布局;能源管理;键值存储系统;可靠性    

Construction engineering management culture shift: Is the lowest tender offer dead?


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第1期   页码 49-57 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017014

摘要: The procurement of public construction projects must walk a fine line between the corruption of state officials and collusion of contractors. The method of awarding projects to the lowest responsible tenderer was originally implemented to guard against corruption of state officials. However, an investigation of the construction industry in the Canadian province of Quebec showed that lowest-tender-offer procurement gave rise to collusion of companies tendering for the contracts. Alternatively, best-value procurement has been used for decades, but here problems arise owing to the necessity of subjective judging of measures other than price to compare bids, giving rise to time- and money-consuming protests. The paper proposes a compelling argument that the construction engineering management (CEM) culture should refocus its efforts on enhancing project cost certainty rather than merely searching for means to design a project in a manner that produces the lowest initial cost, and awards the construction to the lowest tender offer that focuses on cost savings during the project development and delivery process. The difference in the two approaches is subtle but extremely important. To make the transition, the engineering management tools must be advanced to the next level. This means that all project control tools for managing cost, schedule, and technical scope must be transformed from working in the deterministic mode to the stochastic mode, thus making the probability of completing the project within or below its official budget the primary decision criterion. To do so, CEMs must accept that there is a benefit in paying more for an alternative that increases cost certainty for the entire project. The authors of this paper hope that it will provide the grist for a more general dialog across all industry sectors where engineering management is practiced.

关键词: cost certainty     lowest responsible bid     best value     public procurement     construction engineering management culture    

Methodological considerations for redesigning sustainable cropping systems: the value of data-mining


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 21-27 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019292


Redesigning cropping and farming systems to enhance their sustainability is mainly addressed in scientific studies using experimental and modeling approaches. Large data sets collected from real farms allow for the development of innovative methods to produce generic knowledge. Data mining methods allow for the diversity of systems to be considered holistically and can take into account the diversity of production contexts to produce site-specific results. Based on the very few known studies using such methods to analyze the crop management strategies affecting pesticide use and their effect on farm performance, we advocate further investment in the development of large data sets that can support future research programs on farming system design.

关键词: data mining     holistic     Integrated Pest Management     economics     DEPHY network.    


Andrew Mears, James Martin

《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第7期   页码 736-738 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.07.004

面向2035 年的“互联网+”管理体系图景探究


《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第4期   页码 114-123 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.04.016


在全球积极布局产业发展的背景下,我国着力探索与自身情况相适应的产业发展理论。管理体系作为生产组织的一套重要方法论,对我国经济发展至关重要。本文从组织形态、价值网络、资源环境 3 个视角出发,构建“互联网 +”管理体系理论模型;结合两化融合服务平台16万余家企业评估数据,量化评价当前我国互联网的创新成果与经济社会各领域深度融合应用现状、创新发展趋势。分析发现,当前“互联网 +”融合发展成效显著,企业互联网发展背景下的新型能力体系逐步构建,产业转型升级的路径方向逐渐清晰,但也普遍面临集成协同水平偏低、信息基础设施发展相对滞后等问题。基于理论模型构建和应用现状评价,从主体、要素、模式等方面对2035年“互联网 +”管理体系进行讨论和展望,为制造业转型升级和经济高质量发展提供借鉴。

关键词: 互联网+,管理体系,组织形态,价值网络,资源环境    

Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第4期   页码 463-482 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017054

摘要: This paper considers multiple perspectives to explore the concept of high-speed railway (HSR), rationally abstract its value formation mechanism, and quantitatively measure its actual performance. This paper analyzes the governance potential of major countries in the high-speed railway value chain and studies the feasible ways and development strategies to enhance the high-speed railway governance in China. Findings of this paper are as follows. First, the government, as the early manager of high-speed railway governance, has given way to Siemens and other integrated enterprises. Second, the high-speed railway standard output has become the core competitiveness that embodies high-speed railway. Third, the global high-speed railway market presents a hierarchical high-speed railway governance model and changes to a modular approach to governance.

关键词: high-speed railway value     communication value     high-speed railway value governance     governance path upgrade    

Higher heating value prediction of torrefaction char produced from non-woody biomass


《能源前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第4期   页码 461-471 doi: 10.1007/s11708-015-0377-3

摘要: The higher heating value of five types of non-woody biomass and their torrefaction char was predicted and compared with the experimental data obtained in this paper. The correlation proposed in this paper and the ones suggested by previous researches were used for prediction. For prediction using proximate analysis data, the mass fraction of fixed carbon and volatile matter had a strong effect on the higher heating value prediction of torrefaction char of non-woody biomass. The high ash fraction found in torrefied char resulted in a decrease in prediction accuracy. However, the prediction could be improved by taking into account the effect of ash fraction. The correlation developed in this paper gave a better prediction than the ones suggested by previous researches, and had an absolute average error (AAE) of 2.74% and an absolute bias error (ABE) of 0.52%. For prediction using elemental analysis data, the mass fraction of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen had a strong effect on the higher heating value, while no relationship between the higher heating value and mass fractions of nitrogen and sulfur was discovered. The best correlation gave an AAE of 2.28% and an ABE of 1.36%.

关键词: higher heating value     correlation     biomass     proximate analysis     ultimate analysis    

On the added value of multi-scale modeling of concrete

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第1期   页码 1-23 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0790-0

摘要: This review of the added value of multi-scale modeling of concrete is based on three representative examples. The first one is concerned with the analysis of experimental data, taken from four high-dynamic tests. The structural nature of the high-dynamic strength increase can be explained by using a multi-scale model. It accounts for the microstructure of the specimens. The second example refers to multi-scale thermoelastic analysis of concrete pavements, subjected to solar heating. A sensitivity analysis with respect to the internal relative humidity (RH) of concrete has underlined the great importance of the RH for an assessment of the risk of microcracking of concrete. The third example deals with multi-scale structural analysis of a real-scale test of a segmental tunnel ring. It has turned out that multi-scale modeling of concrete enables more reliable predictions of crack opening displacements in tunnel segments than macroscopic models taken from codes of practice. Overall, it is concluded that multi-scale models have indeed a significant added value. However, its degree varies with these examples. In any case, it can be assessed by means of a comparison of the results from three sources, namely, multi-scale structural analysis, conventional structural analysis, and experiments.

关键词: experiments     multi-scale analysis     conventional structural analysis     concrete     reinforced concrete    

Observer design for induction motor: an approach based on the mean value theorem

Mohamed Yacine HAMMOUDI,Abdelkarim ALLAG,Mohamed BECHERIF,Mohamed BENBOUZID,Hamza ALLOUI

《能源前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第4期   页码 426-433 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0314-x

摘要: In this paper, observer design for an induction motor has been investigated. The peculiarity of this paper is the synthesis of a mono-Luenberger observer for highly coupled system. To transform the nonlinear error dynamics for the induction motor into the linear parametric varying (LPV) system, the differential mean value theorem combined with the sector nonlinearity transformation has been used. Stability conditions based on the Lyapunov function lead to solvability of a set of linear matrix inequalities. The proposed observer guarantees the global exponential convergence to zero of the estimation error. Finally, the simulation results are given to show the performance of the observer design.

关键词: observer design     differential mean value theorem (DMVT)     sector nonlinearity transformation     linear matrix inequalities (LMI)     induction motor    

The value of epigenetic markers in esophageal cancer

Xiao-Mei ZHANG, Ming-Zhou GUO,

《医学前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第4期   页码 378-384 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0230-3

摘要: Developing esophageal cancer is a multi-step process that begins with the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations, and leads to the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation or loss of tumor suppressor genes (TSG). In addition to genetic alteration, epigenetic modifications, and in particular DNA methylation, are recognized as a common molecular alteration in human tumors. In esophageal cancer, aberrant methylation of promoter regions occurs not only in advanced cancer, but also in premalignant lesions. DNA methylation is related to survival time and sensitivity of chemoradiotherapy. This review is mainly focused on epigenetic changes in esophageal cancer and the value of early detection for patient prognosis, treatment choices, and potential targeting therapy.

关键词: epigenetics     DNA methylation     esophageal cancer     dysplasia    

Improving Internationally Core Competences Based on the Capabilities of Precise and Accurate Project Management

Zhen-you Li,Ji-shan He,Meng-jun Wang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第3期   页码 231-238 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016032

摘要: Modern international project management has entered the phase of precise and accurate project management after the global financial crisis broke out at the beginning of the 21 century. However, its development has faced new challenges since there has been lack of explicitly unanimous definition for the capability dimensions of precise and accurate project management, as well as the models and their process control parameters. The required core capabilities based on the precise and accurate project management for various rings are involved in the project life cycle, namely, the required internationally core competences and their components for the phases of project strategic planning and decision making in the early project phase, as well as the value engineering, and the project supervision and controls during the execution phase. Through studying the effects of the internationally core competences based on precise and accurate project management capabilities for the success and excellence of projects and configuring such models, the goal is to help the main contractors continuously obtain project success and excellence, thus improve its internationally core competences with continuous project success and excellence.

关键词: precise and accurate project management     project strategic planning     decision-making     project supervision and controls     project execution     value engineering    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Value Management Practices on Major Construction Projects and Green Building

Ru-jiang Zhao,Wung Hee Moh


Value Engineering/Value Management Model and Application of Aerospace Projects

Wan-hua Qiu,Han-peng Zhang,Ze-Shui Xu,De-Sheng Wu





production planning and control system for Lean Construction through advancement and integration of existing management

Christoph Paul SCHIMANSKI, Gabriele PASETTI MONIZZA, Carmen MARCHER, Dominik T. MATT



Nan-nan ZHAO,Ji-guang WAN,Jun WANG,Chang-sheng XIE


Construction engineering management culture shift: Is the lowest tender offer dead?



Methodological considerations for redesigning sustainable cropping systems: the value of data-mining




Andrew Mears, James Martin


面向2035 年的“互联网+”管理体系图景探究



Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG


Higher heating value prediction of torrefaction char produced from non-woody biomass



On the added value of multi-scale modeling of concrete


Observer design for induction motor: an approach based on the mean value theorem

Mohamed Yacine HAMMOUDI,Abdelkarim ALLAG,Mohamed BECHERIF,Mohamed BENBOUZID,Hamza ALLOUI


The value of epigenetic markers in esophageal cancer

Xiao-Mei ZHANG, Ming-Zhou GUO,


Improving Internationally Core Competences Based on the Capabilities of Precise and Accurate Project Management

Zhen-you Li,Ji-shan He,Meng-jun Wang
