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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2023, Volume 25, Issue 5 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.05.004

Organized Scientific Research in Universities in the Field of Medicine and Health

1. Academic Development Office of Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China;

2. Institute of Advanced Clinical Medicine, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China;

3. Institute of Medical Innovation Research, Peking University Third Hospital , Beijing 100191, China;

4. China National Center for Biotechnology Development, Beijing 100039, China;

5. Department of Scientific Research, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China;

6. Graduate School of Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China;

7. Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China

Funding project:Chinese Academy of Engineering project “Research on the Self-Reliance and Self-Improvement of Technology Innovation System and Capability Enhancement Strategy in the Field of Life and Health” (2022-XBZD-16) Received: 2023-09-19 Revised: 2023-10-08 Available online: 2023-11-02

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Strengthening organized scientific research is an inevitable choice for Chinese universities to serve the national strategy, participate in the construction of the national innovation ecosystem, and realize a high level of science and technology self-reliance. Universities are an important component of the strategic scientific and technological strength of a country; therefore, this study focuses on the systematic construction of organized scientific research capacities of universities. The study analyzed the current status of scientific and technological innovation in the field of medicine and health and summarized the challenges faced by Chinese universities in this field regarding organized scientific research from the aspects of interdisciplinary integration, organized research efforts on scientific and technological innovation platforms, high-quality clinical research, and integration of the government – industry – university – research –medical application chain. Subsequently, a key implementation path for organized scientific research in universities in the field of medicine and health was proposed. This study pointed out that emphasizing the systematic construction of organized scientific research, enhancing the integration of scientific and technological engineering chains, deepening interdisciplinary integration, and promoting the integrated layout of disciplinary construction and major scientific and technological research tasks are the foundation for universities to provide support for the scientific and technological innovation system in the field of medicine and health. Furthermore, strengthening the construction of high-level scientific and technological innovation platforms and major scientific and technological infrastructure and forming large teams to undertake major tasks depending on large platforms and facilities are the core measures for improving the organized scientific research capabilities of universities. Emphasizing the multi-track cultivation of high-end composite talents in the field of medicine and health while accelerating the reforms of evaluation and incentive systems are important mechanism guarantee for organized scientific research.


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