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下肢机器人;捕获点;步态相位;人机系统平衡 1

仿人机器人 1

传感引导;下肢外骨骼;人体传感网络;步态同步;体重支撑 1

外骨骼;物理人机交互;力矩传感器;人体步态;卡尔曼平滑器 1

崎岖地面行走 1

步态切换;欠驱动3D双足机器人;基于事件的反馈控制器;自适应控制律 1

步态识别;分块算法;步态模板;步态分析;步态能量图;深度卷积神经网络;生物特征识别;模式识别 1

滑雪式步态 1

美国国防部先进研究项目局举办的机器人大挑战赛(DRC) 1

行走环境;步态周期;表面肌电信号;外骨骼 1

踝关节外骨骼;跖屈—背屈双向辅助;仿生步态力矩;绳驱动;步态探测 1

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Modeling and simulation of normal and hemiparetic gait

Lely A. LUENGAS,Esperanza CAMARGO,Giovanni SANCHEZ

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第10卷 第3期   页码 233-241 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0343-0


Gait is the collective term for the two types of bipedal locomotion, walking and running. This paper is focused on walking. The analysis of human gait is of interest to many different disciplines, including biomechanics, human-movement science, rehabilitation and medicine in general. Here we present a new model that is capable of reproducing the properties of walking, normal and pathological. The aim of this paper is to establish the biomechanical principles that underlie human walking by using Lagrange method. The constraint forces of Rayleigh dissipation function, through which to consider the effect on the tissues in the gait, are included. Depending on the value of the factor present in the Rayleigh dissipation function, both normal and pathological gait can be simulated. First of all, we apply it in the normal gait and then in the permanent hemiparetic gait. Anthropometric data of adult person are used by simulation, and it is possible to use anthropometric data for children but is necessary to consider existing table of anthropometric data. Validation of these models includes simulations of passive dynamic gait that walk on level ground. The dynamic walking approach provides a new perspective of gait analysis, focusing on the kinematics and kinetics of gait. There have been studies and simulations to show normal human gait, but few of them have focused on abnormal, especially hemiparetic gait. Quantitative comparisons of the model predictions with gait measurements show that the model can reproduce the significant characteristics of normal gait.

关键词: bipedal gait     biomechanics     dynamic walking     gait model     human gait     hemiparetic human gait    

Design of active orthoses for a robotic gait rehabilitation system


《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第10卷 第3期   页码 242-254 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0350-1


An active orthosis (AO) is a robotic device that assists both human gait and rehabilitation therapy. This work proposes portable AOs, one for the knee joint and another for the ankle joint. Both AOs will be used to complete a robotic system that improves gait rehabilitation. The requirements for actuator selection, the biomechanical considerations during the AO design, the finite element method, and a control approach based on electroencephalographic and surface electromyographic signals are reviewed. This work contributes to the design of AOs for users with foot drop and knee flexion impairment. However, the potential of the proposed AOs to be part of a robotic gait rehabilitation system that improves the quality of life of stroke survivors requires further investigation.

关键词: active orthosis     gait rehabilitation     electroencephalography     surface electromyography    

潜在用于单侧膝受伤患者的传感引导步态同步下肢外骨骼 Research Articles


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第6期   页码 920-936 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000465



关键词: 传感引导;下肢外骨骼;人体传感网络;步态同步;体重支撑    

An experimental analysis of human straight walking


《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第8卷 第1期   页码 95-103 doi: 10.1007/s11465-013-0357-4


In this paper, an experimental analysis of human straight walking has been presented. Experiments on human walking were carried out by using Cassino tracking system which is a passive cable-based measuring system. This system is adopted because it is capable of both pose and wrench measurements with fairly simple monitoring of operation. By using experimental results, trajectories of a human limb extremity and its posture have been analyzed; forces that are exerted against cables by the limb of a person under test have been measured by force sensors as well. Furthermore, by using experimental tests, modeling and characterization of the human straight walking gait have been proposed.

关键词: human locomotion     walking gait     characterization     humanoid robot     biped robot    

基于表面肌电信号的行走环境与步态周期识别 Special Feature on Intelligent Robats

Seulki KYEONG, Wonseok SHIN, Minjin YANG, Ung HEO, Ji-rou FENG, Jung KIM

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第3期   页码 342-352 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800601

摘要: 在外骨骼机器人控制研究中,识别及预测操作者运动意图是一项很大挑战。外骨骼机器人是一种检测和驱动人体运动的机械动力装置,因其复杂的人机交互技术,需要使用很多不同类型传感器。当使用各种传感器时,需要选择数据类型以进行有效传感。肌电信号能在实际运动做出之前识别预期动作,并且可以缩短外骨骼机器人控制中的时间延迟。为应用下肢外骨骼帮助行走,本文工作旨在使用不同类型传感器(包括表面肌电信号传感器)识别行走环境和区分步态周期。为此,将地面反作用力、人机相互作用力、位置传感器和表面肌电信号传感器相结合,对4个受试者进行步态实验。本文展示了在行走环境与步态周期的识别中使用表面肌电信号及其他类型传感器的实验成果。选择不同传感器类型组合、表面肌电信号传感器不同位置组合以及表面肌电信号不同特征值组合,作为有效数据类型。实验结果表明,与使用单个力学传感器相比,将表面肌电信号传感器与其结合使用,可使识别结果得到很大改善。此外,在3种不同类型传感器的不同组合中,使用表面肌电信号与位置传感器信息的组合得出最高分类准确率。当使用全部4种类型传感器时,行走环境与步态周期分类准确率分别为96.1%与97.8%。在腿部5个表面肌电传感器不同位置组合里,股内侧肌和腓肠肌组合是最有效的2种肌肉类型组合。当仅使用表面肌电信号进行分类时,该组合在行走环境识别实验中,足跟接地前与足趾离地前的情况下,分类准确率分别为74.4%与71.7%;步态周期分类准确率为68%。两组有效的表面肌电信号特征值组合分别是“平均绝对值、过零点数”与“平均绝对值、波形长度”。“平均绝对值、过零点书”特征组合在行走环境识别实验中,在足跟接地前与足趾离地前情况下,分类准确率分别为80%与77.1%;步态周期分类准确率为75.5%。上述结果表明,表面肌电信号可有效用于控制外骨骼机器人。

关键词: 行走环境;步态周期;表面肌电信号;外骨骼    

欠驱动3D双足机器人步态切换控制策略 Research Articles

Hai-hui YUAN, Yi-min GE, Chun-biao GAN

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第8期   页码 1026-1035 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800206

摘要: 由于应用前景广泛,双足机器人研究引起国内外学者重点关注。实际中,双足机器人常需进行步态切换以实现灵活步行。本文针对一个五杆欠驱动3D双足机器人步态切换问题,提出一种基于分层控制的切换控制策略。该策略包括切换控制器设计以及基于事件的反馈控制器设计。所设计的基于事件反馈控制器会在每一步对反馈增益进行自适应更新,而所设计的切换控制器将引导机器人从当前步态到达目标步态的邻域范围以实现平滑收敛。与以往研究相比,本文采用参数优化法设计切换控制器参数,确保机器人在步态切换过程中满足物理约束条件。最后,为验证所提控制策略的有效性,针对欠驱动3D双足机器人进行了数值仿真验证。

关键词: 步态切换;欠驱动3D双足机器人;基于事件的反馈控制器;自适应控制律    

美国国防部先进研究项目局举办的机器人大挑战赛的参与和崎岖地面行走的滑雪式步态 Article

王宏飞, 李诗濛, 郑元芳

《工程(英文)》 2015年 第1卷 第1期   页码 36-45 doi: 10.15302/J-ENG-2015006



关键词: 仿人机器人     美国国防部先进研究项目局举办的机器人大挑战赛(DRC)     崎岖地面行走     滑雪式步态    

Terrain classification and adaptive locomotion for a hexapod robot Qingzhui

Yue ZHAO, Feng GAO, Qiao SUN, Yunpeng YIN

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第2期   页码 271-284 doi: 10.1007/s11465-020-0623-1

摘要: Legged robots have potential advantages in mobility compared with wheeled robots in outdoor environments. The knowledge of various ground properties and adaptive locomotion based on different surface materials plays an important role in improving the stability of legged robots. A terrain classification and adaptive locomotion method for a hexapod robot named Qingzhui is proposed in this paper. First, a force-based terrain classification method is suggested. Ground contact force is calculated by collecting joint torques and inertial measurement unit information. Ground substrates are classified with the feature vector extracted from the collected data using the support vector machine algorithm. Then, an adaptive locomotion on different ground properties is proposed. The dynamic alternating tripod trotting gait is developed to control the robot, and the parameters of active compliance control change with the terrain. Finally, the method is integrated on a hexapod robot and tested by real experiments. Our method is shown effective for the hexapod robot to walk on concrete, wood, grass, and foam. The strategies and experimental results can be a valuable reference for other legged robots applied in outdoor environments.

关键词: terrain classification     hexapod robot     legged robot     adaptive locomotion     gait control    

Genomic regions under selection for important traits in domestic horse breeds

Xuexue LIU, Yuehui MA, Lin JIANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第3期   页码 289-294 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017155

摘要: Horses were domesticated 5500 years ago, thousands of years later than other domestic animals; however, in this relatively short period, domestic horses have had a great impact on human history by accelerating civilization, revolutionizing warfare and advancing agricultural production. Modern breeding using marker-assisted selection has greatly accelerated breeding progress. Therefore, identification of genetic markers underlying the traits of interest in domestic horses is the basis for the modern breeding system. In this review, we present an overview of genetic mapping studies and genome wide analyses to identify the genomic regions targeted by positive selection for four important aspects of horses, coat color, racing performance, gait and height at withers. The locus, for example, has been shown to be the main gene responsible for chestnut color, and the locus has been shown to control the muscle fiber growth in racing breeds. The missense mutation in is the causal mutation for the alternate gaits in horses. Height at withers, a quantitative trait, was mapped to four major loci (3:105547002, 6:81481064, 9:75550059 and 11:232597 32) that can explain 83% of the height variations in domestic horses.

关键词: horse     coat color     racing performance     gait     height    

一种基于分块步态模板的鲁棒性步态识别方法 Research Articles


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第22卷 第5期   页码 615-766 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000377

摘要: 步态识别具备远程识别的巨大潜力,但这种方法很容易受到与身份无关的因素影响,例如穿衣、随身携带的物体和角度。目前基于步态模板的方法可以有效表示步态特征。每一种步态模板都有其优势以及表征不同的显著信息。本文提出一种步态模板融合方法,以避免经典的步态模板(例如步态能量图像方法)的不足——经典步态模板表征的不完整信息对轮廓变化很敏感。所提步态模板融合方法采取分块的方法,以表征行人不同身体部位的不同步态习惯。根据人体各部分特点将融合的步态模板为3个部分(头部、躯干和腿部区域),然后将这3部分的步态模板分别输入卷积神经网络学习从而获得融合的步态特征。采用CASIA-B数据集进行充分的实验评估,并将所提方法与现有方法比较。实验结果表明,所提步态识别方法具有良好准确性和鲁棒性。

关键词: 步态识别;分块算法;步态模板;步态分析;步态能量图;深度卷积神经网络;生物特征识别;模式识别    

Untethered quadrupedal hopping and bounding on a trampoline

Boxing WANG, Chunlin ZHOU, Ziheng DUAN, Qichao ZHU, Jun WU, Rong XIONG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第15卷 第2期   页码 181-192 doi: 10.1007/s11465-019-0559-5

摘要: For quadruped robots with springy legs, a successful jump usually requires both suitable elastic parts and well-designed control algorithms. However, these two problems are mutually restricted and hard to solve at the same time. In this study, we attempt to solve the problem of controller design with the help of a robot without any elastic mounted parts, in which the untethered robot is made to jump on a trampoline. The differences between jumping on hard surfaces with springy legs and jumping on springy surfaces with rigid legs are briefly discussed. An intuitive control law is proposed to balance foot contact forces; in this manner, excessive pitch oscillation during hopping or bounding can be avoided. Hopping height is controlled by tuning the time delay of the leg stretch. Together with other motion generators based on kinematic law, the robot can perform translational and rotational movements while hopping or bounding on the trampoline. Experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control framework.

关键词: hopping and bounding gait     compliant mechanism     compliant contact     balance control strategy     legged locomotion control     quadruped robot    

可实现跖屈—背屈双向运动辅助的绳驱动踝关节外骨骼 Research

王田苗1,裴轩1,侯涛刚1,2,樊瑜波3,5,杨轩1,Hugh M. HERR4,杨兴帮4

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第21卷 第5期   页码 723-739 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1900455

摘要: 下肢外骨骼辅助机器人广泛应用于运动辅助或康复训练。因绳驱动外骨骼具有良好人体顺应性且更加轻便,研究人员研发出一系列绳驱动样机辅助踝关节运动,但其中大多数只能辅助单向运动。本文提出一种可穿戴绳驱动踝关节外骨骼机器人,该外骨骼机器人使用一对单电机分别实现两侧踝关节跖屈—背屈双向运动辅助。该外骨骼主要重量(即电机、供能单元和控制单元)置于人体近端(即腰部)附近,以减少作用在穿戴者下肢的附加转动惯量。设计了基于齿轮—滑轮组件的绳索力传输系统,有效地将动力从电机端传递至末端执行器;设计了动力输出单元中的自张紧装置,用于实现穿戴者行走过程中绳索的张紧;设计了基于足底压力传感器和惯性测量单元(IMU)的步态检测系统,可有效识别步态周期和步行状态。为验证外骨骼动力输出性能,进行力矩跟踪实验。在受试者佩戴该外骨骼并提供主动辅助力情况下,比目鱼肌活动与未佩戴外骨骼状态相比降低5.2%,从而验证该外骨骼的力辅助作用。本文研究表明,该轻型绳驱动外骨骼机器人在人体运动增强或康复训练中具有潜在应用前景。

关键词: 踝关节外骨骼;跖屈—背屈双向辅助;仿生步态力矩;绳驱动;步态探测    

一种应用于功率放大液压驱动外骨骼的基于物理人机交互估计的控制策略 None

Yi LONG, Zhi-jiang DU, Wei-dong WANG, Long HE, Xi-wang MAO, Wei DONG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第9期   页码 1076-1085 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601667

摘要: 提出一种能通过生物医学或机械传感器测量人机交互信号感知人体运动的用于助力的下肢外骨骼,并估计人体步态轨迹以快速准确地实施相应动作。提出安装在外骨骼上的力矩传感器直接获得物理人机交互(physical human-robot interaction,pHRI)力矩信息。采用卡尔曼平滑器消除噪声并平滑信号,定义了从pHRI力矩到人体步态轨迹的映射关系。通过外骨骼在运动期间的实时状态推导该映射,并通过基于地面反作用力的阈值方法识别人体运动相位。基于相位识别,通过所提算法估计人体步态,将步态辨识结果作为控制器的参考输入。用一种常规比例-积分-微分(proportional-integral-derivative,PID)控制策略控制外骨骼跟随人体步态运动。测试人员穿戴外骨骼以自然速度在水平面进行行走实验,实验结果验证了所提策略的有效性。

关键词: 外骨骼;物理人机交互;力矩传感器;人体步态;卡尔曼平滑器    

基于捕获点理论的下肢步行康复外骨骼防跌倒步态规划 Research Article

Mei-ying Deng, Zhang-yi Ma, Ying-nan Wang, Han-song Wang, Yi-bing Zhao, Qian-xiao Wei, Wei Yang, Can-jun Yang,ycj@zju.edu.cn

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第10期   页码 1322-1330 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800777

摘要: 研究了在下肢康复外骨骼康复训练过程中穿戴者上半身向前倾斜导致的平衡问题。通过对人体—外骨骼系统建模并使用捕获点理论获取瞬时捕获点,将稳定区域与不同步态相的瞬时捕获点比较,分析不同步态相的平衡特性以及步态过程中平衡状态的变化。基于人体骨骼系统的模型和不同阶段的平衡条件,针对穿戴者上半身前倾导致人体骨骼系统的不稳定性,提出一种轨迹校正策略。最后,在浙江大学下肢外骨骼上实验,验证轨迹校正策略的可靠性。所提轨迹校正策略可及时响应上半身前倾,同时在重心从双支撑相转移到单支撑相的过程中,步态周期与零力矩点传递的比值相应减小,步态稳定性提高。

关键词: 下肢机器人;捕获点;步态相位;人机系统平衡    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Modeling and simulation of normal and hemiparetic gait

Lely A. LUENGAS,Esperanza CAMARGO,Giovanni SANCHEZ


Design of active orthoses for a robotic gait rehabilitation system






An experimental analysis of human straight walking




Seulki KYEONG, Wonseok SHIN, Minjin YANG, Ung HEO, Ji-rou FENG, Jung KIM



Hai-hui YUAN, Yi-min GE, Chun-biao GAN



王宏飞, 李诗濛, 郑元芳


Terrain classification and adaptive locomotion for a hexapod robot Qingzhui

Yue ZHAO, Feng GAO, Qiao SUN, Yunpeng YIN


Genomic regions under selection for important traits in domestic horse breeds

Xuexue LIU, Yuehui MA, Lin JIANG





Untethered quadrupedal hopping and bounding on a trampoline

Boxing WANG, Chunlin ZHOU, Ziheng DUAN, Qichao ZHU, Jun WU, Rong XIONG



王田苗1,裴轩1,侯涛刚1,2,樊瑜波3,5,杨轩1,Hugh M. HERR4,杨兴帮4



Yi LONG, Zhi-jiang DU, Wei-dong WANG, Long HE, Xi-wang MAO, Wei DONG



Mei-ying Deng, Zhang-yi Ma, Ying-nan Wang, Han-song Wang, Yi-bing Zhao, Qian-xiao Wei, Wei Yang, Can-jun Yang,ycj@zju.edu.cn
