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State-of-the-art of long-span bridge engineering in China

XIANG Haifan, GE Yaojun

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第4期   页码 379-388 doi: 10.1007/s11709-007-0051-x

摘要: This paper introduces the state-of-the-art of longspan bridge engineering in China with emphases on recent long-span bridge projects, bridge deck configuration and material, design codes of long-span bridges and improvement of aero

关键词: bridge engineering     state-of-the-art     long-span bridge     configuration     improvement    

Control mode selection for modal control of long-span arch bridge

Zhengying LI, Zhengliang LI,

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第4期   页码 401-406 doi: 10.1007/s11709-009-0052-z

摘要: For seismic control of arch bridge, a model reduction of long-span arch bridge was implemented based on modal analysis. As for the critical mode selection, an approach based on the maximum modal displacement was presented. This approach takes into consideration the effect of external seismic excitation and is more reasonable than only considering dynamic bridge characteristics based on a modal contribution ratio. The time domain and frequency domain analysis method were used to verify the simplified model of the Nimu arch bridge in Tibet as an example. The numerical results show that the method of maximal modal displacement better analyze long-span arch bridge when multisupport seismic excitation must be considered. The reduced-order system also is more in line with the performance of the original model.

关键词: selection     reduced-order     excitation     long-span     simplified    

Application and development of modern long-span space structures in China

Shilin DONG, Yang ZHAO, Dong XING

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第3期   页码 224-239 doi: 10.1007/s11709-012-0166-6

摘要: Modern long-span space structures, developed during the 1970s and 1980s, are light and effective structures based on new technologies and light-weight high-strength materials, such as membranes and steel cables. These structures include air-supported membrane structures, cable-membrane structures, cable truss structures, beam string structures, suspen-domes, cable domes, composite structures of cable dome and single-layer lattice shell, Tensairity structures and so forth. For the premodern space structures widely used since the mid-twentieth century (such as thin shells, space trusses, lattice shells and ordinary cable structures), new space structures have been developed by the combination of different structural forms and materials. The application of prestressing technology and the innovation of structural concepts and configurations are also associated with modern space structures, including composite space trusses, open-web grid structures, polyhedron space frame structures, partial double-layer lattice shells, cable-stayed grid structures, tree-type structures, prestressed segmental steel structures and so forth. This paper provides a review of the structural characteristics and practical applications in China of modern rigid space structures, modern flexible space structures and modern rigid-flexible combined space structures.

关键词: modern long-span space structures     rigid space structures     flexible space structures     rigid-flexible combined space structures     application and development    

Innovative steel-UHPC composite bridge girders for long-span bridges

Xudong SHAO, Lu DENG, Junhui CAO

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第4期   页码 981-989 doi: 10.1007/s11709-019-0531-9

摘要: Steel and steel-concrete composite girders are two types of girders commonly used for long-span bridges. However, practice has shown that the two types of girders have some drawbacks. For steel girders, the orthotropic steel deck (OSD) is vulnerable to fatigue cracking and the asphalt overlay is susceptible to damage such as rutting and pot holes. While for steel-concrete composite girders, the concrete deck is generally thick and heavy, and the deck is prone to cracking because of its low tensile strength and high creep. Thus, to improve the serviceability and durability of girders for long-span bridges, three new types of steel-UHPC lightweight composite bridge girders are proposed, where UHPC denotes ultra-high performance concrete. The first two types consist of an OSD and a thin UHPC layer while the third type consists of a steel beam and a UHPC waffle deck. Due to excellent mechanical behaviors and impressive durability of UHPC, the steel-UHPC composite girders have the advantages of light weight, high strength, low creep coefficient, low risk of cracking, and excellent durability, making them competitive alternatives for long-span bridges. To date, the proposed steel-UHPC composite girders have been applied to 14 real bridges in China. It is expected that the application of the new steel-UHPC composite girders on long-span bridges will have a promising future.

关键词: steel-UHPC composite bridge girder     long-span bridge     orthotropic steel deck     fatigue cracking     durability    

Control of wind-induced vibration of long-span bridges and tall buildings

GU Ming

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第1期   页码 51-62 doi: 10.1007/s11709-007-0005-3

摘要: With the rapid increase in scales of structures, research on controlling wind-induced vibration of large-scale structures, such as long-span bridges and super-tall buildings, has been an issue of great concern. For wind-induced vibration of large-scale structures, vibration frequencies and damping modes vary with wind speed. Passive, semiactive, and active control strategies are developed to improve the wind-resistance performance of the structures in this paper. The multiple tuned mass damper (MTMD) system is applied to control vertical bending buffeting response. A new semiactive lever-type tuned mass damper (TMD) with an adjustable frequency is proposed to control vertical bending buffeting and torsional buffeting and flutter in the whole velocity range of bridge decks. A control strategy named sinusoidal reference strategy is developed for adaptive control of wind-induced vibration of super-tall buildings. Multiple degrees of freedom general building aeroelastic model with a square cross-section is tested in a wind tunnel. The results demonstrate that the proposed strategies can reduce vibration effectively, and can adapt to wind-induced vibration control of large-scale structures in the uncertain dynamic circumstance.

关键词: torsional buffeting     large-scale     semiactive     adjustable frequency     building aeroelastic    

Flutter control effect and mechanism of central-slotting for long-span bridges

YANG Yongxin, GE Yaojun, XIANG Haifan

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第3期   页码 298-304 doi: 10.1007/s11709-007-0039-6

摘要: The flutter control effect and mechanism of central-slotting, which have gradually been adopted in the design and construction of long-span bridges as an effective flutter controlling measure, were investigated with theoretical analysis and wind tunnel test. Five basic girder cross-sections representing five typical aerodynamic configurations were selected and central-slotted with two different slot widths. Then, a series of sectional model tests and theoretical analyses based on the two-dimensional three-degrees-of-freedom coupling flutter analysis method (2 dimension-3 degrees of freedom method, 2d-3DOF method) were carried out to investigate the aerodynamic performance, flutter mechanism and flutter modality of the five basic sections and their corresponding central-slotted sections. The results show that central-slotting can not always improve the aerodynamic stability of bridge structure. The control effect of central-slotting depends on the aerodynamic configuration of the original girder section and the corresponding central-slotting width. If the original section is inappropriate or the slot width is unsuitable, central-slotting will even deteriorate the structural flutter performance. Theoretical investigations indicated that the differences in flutter control effects come from the different formation and evolution of aerodynamic damping, and flutter modality especially the participation level of heaving motion also has a significant influence on the control effect of central-slotting.

关键词: aerodynamic configuration     aerodynamic performance     flutter mechanism     aerodynamic stability     theoretical analysis    

Typical diseases of a long-span concrete-filled steel tubular arch bridge and their effects on vehicle-induced

Jianling HOU, Weibing XU, Yanjiang CHEN, Kaida ZHANG, Hang SUN, Yan LI

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第4期   页码 867-887 doi: 10.1007/s11709-020-0649-9

摘要: A long-span concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) arch bridge suffers severe vehicle-induced dynamic responses during its service life. However, few quantitative studies have been reported on the typical diseases suffered by such bridges and their effects on vehicle-induced dynamic response. Thus, a series of field tests and theoretical analyses were conducted to study the effects of typical diseases on the vehicle-induced dynamic response of a typical CFST arch bridge. The results show that a support void results in a height difference between both sides of the expansion joint, thus increasing the effect of vehicle impact on the main girder and suspenders. The impact factor of the displacement response of the main girder exceeds the design value. The variation of the suspender force is significant, and the diseases are found to have a greater effect on a shorter suspender. The theoretical analysis results also show that the support void causes an obvious longitudinal displacement of the main girder that is almost as large as the vertical displacement. The support void can also cause significant changes in the vehicle-induced acceleration response, particularly when the supports and steel box girder continue to collide with each other under the vehicle load.

关键词: long-span arch bridge     expansion joint disease     vehicle-bridge coupling vibration     dynamic response    


Igor Kavrakov, Guido Morgenthal

《工程(英文)》 2017年 第3卷 第6期   页码 823-838 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2017.11.008


关键词: 抖振     颤振     大跨度桥梁     桥梁空气动力学     桥梁气动弹性     架设阶段    



《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第3期   页码 50-58



关键词: 超大跨度斜拉桥     空气静力稳定性     空气动力稳定性     设计参数    



《中国工程科学》 2006年 第8卷 第9期   页码 35-41



关键词: 大跨径缆索桥     桥面铺装     有限元方法     车辆荷载     拉应力    


秦顺全, 高宗余

《工程(英文)》 2017年 第3卷 第6期   页码 787-794 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2017.11.001


中国高速铁路发展迅速,建设了大量跨越大江大河和深山峡谷的大跨度桥梁,已经建成的高铁桥梁最大跨度为630 m,正在建设中的沪通长江大桥和五峰山长江大桥跨度达1092 m。为了解决大跨度桥梁载重量大、结构刚度要求高带来的技术难题,开发了系列多功能合建桥梁建造技术,开展了三索面三主桁、斜主桁、板- 桁架组合、钢- 混凝土组合等新型结构的创新与实践,对高性能材料研发和桥梁结构整体化制造及架设技术进行了探索。

关键词: 高速铁路     大跨度桥梁     多功能组合桥梁     高性能材料     三索面空间结构     整体化工厂制造



《中国工程科学》 2012年 第14卷 第5期   页码 96-100



关键词: 协同作用     试验模型     大跨径钢桥桥道系    

Adaptability evolution of financing systems of mega projects

Xue YAN, Longmiao GAO, Huimin LIU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第2期   页码 258-270 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0066-8

摘要: Mega projects require large funding, which often reaches tens or even hundreds of billions of yuan. In the state-oriented financing system, the huge fund gap has generally become an important factor restricting the development of mega projects worldwide. Since the 1980s, China’s long-span bridge projects have developed rapidly as typical mega projects as their financing systems have also undergone a series of changes and shown a high adaptability to complexity. However, the existing literature based on the perspective of evolution lacks focus on the complexity of mega project financing systems and its causes. Therefore, the complexity of the financing methods employed in the financing systems for China’s long-span bridges is analyzed in this work from the dimensions of time and regions through investigation and interviews. On the basis of the results and complex adaptive systems theory, the causes of the complexity are further explored in terms of the clustering effects of financing subjects and the deep uncertainty of financing environments. Then, the evolution rules of financing systems of mega projects are established from the aspect of financing subjects, financing environments, and financing methods. The research results can enrich decision-makers’ understanding of the essential attributes and formation mechanism of the financing systems of mega projects and provide powerful support for decision-making in financing.

关键词: adaptability evolution     financing methods     long-span bridges in China     mega projects    

Experimental study on GFRP pipes under axial compression

QIAN Peng, FENG Peng, YE Lieping

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第1期   页码 73-78 doi: 10.1007/s11709-008-0013-y

摘要: Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) is suitable for structures in corrosive environment and long-span light-weight structures due to its high-strength, light-weight, and anti-corrosive qualities. The behavior of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pipes, which are the members of long-span lattice structures, under axial compression was investigated by tests. Short GFRP pipes were first tested to determine the basic mechanical properties. Then the stability of long GFRP pipes was studied by axially compressive tests in four groups with different slenderness ratios, twelve specimens totally. Based on the results of the tests and literature, the formula of the buckling load of composite pipes under axially compressive load was presented based on Perry formula. It can well predict the buckling failure load GFRP pipe under axial compression.

关键词: anti-corrosive     compression     different slenderness     corrosive environment     long-span light-weight    

Aerodynamic stability evolution tendency of suspension bridges with spans from 1000 to 5000 m

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第10期   页码 1465-1476 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0980-z

摘要: Aerodynamic instability owing to aerostatic and flutter-related failures is a significant concern in the wind-resistant design of long-span suspension bridges. Based on the dynamic characteristics of suspension bridges with spans ranging from 888 to 1991 m, we proposed fitted equations for increasing spans and base frequencies. Finite element models of suspension bridges with increasing span from 1000 to 5000 m were constructed. The structural parameters were optimized to follow the fitted tendencies. To analyze the aerodynamic instability, streamlined single-box section (SBS), lattice truss section (LTS), narrow slotted section (NSS), and wide slotted section (WSS) were considered. We performed three-dimensional (3-D) full-mode flutter analysis and nonlinear aerostatic instability analysis. The flutter critical wind speed continuously decreases with span growth, showing an unlimited approaching phenomenon. Regarding aerostatic instability, the instability wind speed decreases with span to approximately 3000 m, and increases when the span is in the range of 3000 to 5000 m. Minimum aerostatic instability wind speed with SBS or LTS girder would be lower than observed maximal gust wind speed, indicating the probability of aerostatic instability. This study proposes that suspension bridge with span approximately 3000 m should be focused on both aerostatic instability and flutter, and more aerodynamic configuration optimistic optimizations for flutter are essential for super long-span suspension bridges with spans longer than 3000 m.

关键词: suspension bridge     super long-span     finite element model     aerodynamic instability     aerodynamic configuration    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

State-of-the-art of long-span bridge engineering in China

XIANG Haifan, GE Yaojun


Control mode selection for modal control of long-span arch bridge

Zhengying LI, Zhengliang LI,


Application and development of modern long-span space structures in China

Shilin DONG, Yang ZHAO, Dong XING


Innovative steel-UHPC composite bridge girders for long-span bridges

Xudong SHAO, Lu DENG, Junhui CAO


Control of wind-induced vibration of long-span bridges and tall buildings

GU Ming


Flutter control effect and mechanism of central-slotting for long-span bridges

YANG Yongxin, GE Yaojun, XIANG Haifan


Typical diseases of a long-span concrete-filled steel tubular arch bridge and their effects on vehicle-induced

Jianling HOU, Weibing XU, Yanjiang CHEN, Kaida ZHANG, Hang SUN, Yan LI



Igor Kavrakov, Guido Morgenthal









秦顺全, 高宗余





Adaptability evolution of financing systems of mega projects

Xue YAN, Longmiao GAO, Huimin LIU


Experimental study on GFRP pipes under axial compression

QIAN Peng, FENG Peng, YE Lieping


Aerodynamic stability evolution tendency of suspension bridges with spans from 1000 to 5000 m
